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Orion Trip Generator

Eddy Ionescu edited this page Jun 7, 2018 · 21 revisions
  • takes in JSON S3 files (API output) to generate trips

What is a trip?

  • uniqueness is defined by (vehicle_id, route_id, direction_id) staying consistent with every transit state.
  • If this tuple is different in the next state, then we end the trip. If we see a tuple that we didn't see last state, we start a new trip.
  • when a trip ends, we write it to a JSON file in S3 (agency_id-vehicle-id_route-id_direction_id-start_time-end_time.json, where times are in a timestamp in milliseconds). We can worry about compressing it or loading it into some databases later.

What is a state?

  • it's a snapshot of where all Muni vehicles are with a timestamp


  • our goal is to get the speed & reliability of routes.

  • An easy way of approaching this problem is to look at individual trips and then get data about them along route segments.

  • Storing trip metrics also makes it easier to eventually quickly handle more complex analysis due to aggregated metrics.

  • our goal is to make Muni's GPS data open and accessible to use.

  • making trip data accessible via S3 keeps individual file sizes small and is straightforward & logical for open-data users to retrieve.

What the output will look like:

states: [{


How it'll work:

  • how it'll persist state:
  • each time it goes to the next state, it dumps its state