You will need a working python 3.7 installation, with the following packages.
These depend on other non-python packages being installed, such as udunits and netcdf4. Most of these packages are usually installed on a linux system. If they are missing, you can ask an IT guy to install them on the system or install them yourself.
In addition, these packages are required (developed by Knut and available on github), and as a part of the hycom-code under the directory NERSC-HYCOM-CICE/pythonlibs/:
gridxsec, a tool for creating cross-sections on 2D grids
abfile, a tool for reading HYCOM .[ab] files
modelgrid, a tool for creating modelgrids using Bentsen et al conformal mapping or standard projections
modeltools, a collection of various tools ..
When running the HYCOM-CICE python routines you will usually get an error message if a module is missing. But you can also check more directly.
A quick way to check is to start python (or ipython) and write import <name_of_module>. The following shows the error message if a module is missing
import numpy
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-5a8446063dec> in <module>()
----> 1 import numpy
ImportError: No module named numpy
If you find some packages are missing have an IT guy install them on the system you are working on, or install them yourself (some tips below).
There are many ways of installing python packages, you can install binary packages (.rpm, .deb etc) for your distribution, you can download source code and compile and install locally, or use python installation tool "pip". If you need to install a package locally, try to use pip, as it is usually the easiest. The following will install f90nml under your local user account:
knutal@debian:~$ pip install --user f90nml
Downloading/unpacking f90nml
Downloading f90nml-0.19.tar.gz
Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip-build-2D2rgF/f90nml/setup.py) egg_info for package f90nml
Installing collected packages: f90nml
Running setup.py install for f90nml
Successfully installed f90nml
Cleaning up...
knutal@debian:~$ ls -altr
Note that some machines (ex hexagon) have issues with SSL certificates. If you get errors when running the command above (or if "pip search f90nml" returns errors about SSL certificates), you can try this command in stead:
pip install --user --index-url=http://pypi.python.org/simple/ --trusted-host pypi.python.org f90nml
These files will be installed in your home directory under $HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/, where python will automatically find them.
We have currently moved all python tools to our NERSC-HYCOM-CICE repository (pythonlibs). Replace "path-to-NERSC-HYCOM-CICE" with your local NERSC-HYCOM-CICE git folder path:
e.g. pip install --user file:/cluster/home/cagyum/NERSC-HYCOM-CICE/pythonlibs/modeltools
pip install --user file:path-to-NERSC-HYCOM-CICE/pythonlibs/modeltools
pip install --user file:path-to-NERSC-HYCOM-CICE/pythonlibs/modelgrid
pip install --user file:path-to-NERSC-HYCOM-CICE/pythonlibs/gridxsec
pip install --user file:path-to-NERSC-HYCOM-CICE/pythonlibs/abfile
If not already exist, one may need to install:
pip install --user pyproj==1.9.6
pip install --user netcdftime
To upgrade the libraries after a change in these libraries, just call the same install commands with the extra option: "--upgrade"
e.g. pip install --user file:path-to-NERSC-HYCOM-CICE/pythonlibs/gridxsec --upgrade
These files will be installed in your home directory under $HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/, where python will automatically find them.