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Hello! 🎉

After reading this guide, you'll understand what's happening in the turbo-alignment configs. More configs you can find here

Table of Contents

Default Settings

Model Settings

Basic settings to load the model.

        "model_path": "/from_s3/model", 
        "model_type": "causal",
        "adapter_path": "/from_s3/adapters",
        "transformers_settings": {}, 
        "model_kwargs": {}

model_kwargs -- the place to specify something like "attn_implementation": "flash_attention_2"
model_type -- For classification/RM "seq_cls" is needed, for most others "causal" is suitable
adapter_path -- path to trained LORA-adapter if needed

Tokenizer Settings

Basic settings to load the tokenizer

        "use_fast": false, 
        "tokenizer_path": "/from_s3/tokenizer"

use_fast -- critical for some models

Generation Settings

transformers_settings -- standard model generation settings
custom_settings -- useful for display. for example, you can choose to display or not display the prompt/special tokens

"generation_settings": [
        "transformers_settings": {
            "num_beams": 3,
            "max_new_tokens": 500,
            "stop_strings": ["<|eot_id|>", "<|end_of_text|>"],
            "repetition_penalty": 1.02
        "custom_settings": {
            "skip_special_tokens": false

stop_strings -- varies between models, or you might have trained your own. You can use one/multiple tokens or strings.

Dataset Settings

sources -- the name and path of the dataset. You can choose num_samples or sample_rate to control how much of the dataset to use
chat_settings -- how your messages will be processed for input into the LLM

"dataset_settings": {
    "sources": [
            "name": "val",
            "records_path": "/from_s3/dataset/val_chat.jsonl", "sample_rate": 1
    "prompt_template": {
        "role_tag_mapping": {
            "bot": "assistant",
            "user": "user",
            "system": "system"
        "prefix_template": "<|start_header_id|>{role}<|end_header_id|>\n\n",
        "suffix_template": "<|eot_id|>"
    "dataset_type": "chat",
    "max_tokens_count": 150

prompt_template -- For each message from dataset[’messages’][i] which looks like {role: role, content: content}, we get a string of [Prefix_template + content + Suffix_template] then we combine all obtained strings into a single text.

dataset_type -- a important parameter that must match the type of method you want to run

🚀 Inference Stuff!

Default Generation inference

  • Let's look at the model+adapter (default inference)

  • Make sure that in role_tag_mapping you have all roles from your dataset, and they correspond to the tokens from your model.

vLLM Generation inference

Suppose you want to use vLLM: for speeding up inference or CUDA_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR👹:

  • Then this config is suitable: vllm inference
  • In fact, only 2 minor changes can requires:
    (a) add use_vllm: true
    (b) add tensor_parallel_size: ... if you want to split your model into multiple cards


  • If the sizes of the dictionary in the base_model/adapter do not match, pay attention to special_tokens_setter, you might have duplicate special tokens after train.

Classification inference:

Don't forget to specify that your model is for classification😏 classification inference

"model_settings": {
    "model_type": "seq_cls",
    "model_kwargs": {
            "num_labels": 2,
            "problem_type": "single_label_classification"
"dataset_type": "classification"

RAG inference

Offline RAG inference

Prepare a dataset where for each query you pre-find suitable passages → form them into *"dataset_type": "chat" and launch just like in Default Generation inference.

Online RAG inference

You can load your encoder and index, and perform passage retrieval online: For this, check this config: rag_inference if you're dealing with RAG, this part should already be familiar to you.

"question_encoder_settings": {},
"index_settings": {},
"retrieval_settings": {}

🏋️Train Stuff!


"embeddings_initialization_strategy": {
    "<RS>": "<s>", 
    "<super_bot>": "the best bot ever"

During training, you might want to add your special tokens, e.g., for RAG <doc_sep> is useful, for multimodal tasks you might want to specify a particular <modal_name>.

In this case, we add the token by initializing its weights with the token , and the token "<super_bot>" by averaging the tokens that split the string "the best bot ever"


similiar as inference_dataset but Pay attention to "only_answer_loss": true: This parameter means the model will calculate the error only on the last message from dataset[’messages’]. In most cases, you want the last message to be from the role: bot, otherwise, you're training the model to mimic the user! 😏

"keep_end": "bool"

CUT: if keep_end=False -> [:max_tokens_count] elif keep_end=True -> [-max_tokens_count:];
cuts off the last fully entered message in the dialogue.

Only for cherry_pick_settings:
if random_cut = True, then the end is chosen as a random bot message from messages.

LORA Adapter train

Check out this config: LORA Adapter

P-tuning train

No problem u can use PrefixTuning|Lora|PromptTuning| PTuning
Check this out: P-Tuning

"peft_settings": {
    "name": "P_TUNING",
    "num_virtual_tokens": 32

Custom Modifications

is model pay attention to specific doc?

We prepare the dataset in advance with separators <doc_sep> initialized simply as (or you could use 'Document' or whatever else you like).

any other creative idea you come up with:

  • Prepare the dataset 🧑‍🔬
  • Specify the metric 🔍
  • Train/Watch 👀

LLM for classification

classification train

    "dataset_type": "classification",
    "model_type": "seq_cls",
    "model_kwargs": {
            "num_labels": 2, 
            "return_dict": true, 
            "problem_type": "single_label_classification"
    "peft_setting": {
        "task_type": "SEQ_CLS"


  • Check this out if you're inspired by an article and want to train both the encoder and the generator at once: end2end_rag
  • Just fill in the appropriate settings "question_encoder_settings", "retrieval_settings", "index_settings".
  • "dataset_type": "chat"

Reward Model

Preferences are everything → prepare the pair_preference dataset→ run config RM

    "add_labels": false,
    "dataset_type": "pair_preferences",
    "model_settings": {
        "model_type": "seq_cls",
        "num_labels": 1,

Multimodal Tasks

In this detailed guide, we will consider the multimodal pipeline capabilities.

In turbo-alignment, you can train your own Vision Language Models (VLMs), such as LLaVA, Qwen-VL, IDEFICS, HoneyBee, etc.

Multimodal Architecture

The architecture of VLM contains only three parts: a multimodal encoder that encode images into some representation, a projector that maps representations from encoders to language model tokens, and a language model. During training, we completely freeze the encoders and train only the projector with the language model. Currently only the image modality is supported, but we will add audio support in the future.

The encoders are stored in turbo_alignment/modeling/multimodal/encoders. The encoder class takes multimodal features (pixel values in the case of images) and encodes them using the encoder model. To add a new image encoder, simply create a new file in turbo_alignment/modeling/multimodal/encoders/image and write a class that inherits from BaseImageEncoder. Note that your class should contain the method def encode(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: and some properties like emb_dim (dimension of each encoded patch), device and n_modality_embs (the number of patches your encoder returns). Take CLIP encoder as an example.

Readers are stored in turbo_alignment/common/data/multimodal. Each encoder has its own reader. That's because encoder models like CLIP are trained with its specific processor (reader in our pipeline). To add a new image reader, create a class by inheriting from BaseImageReader and implement the method def read(self, path: str) -> torch.Tensor:. See our CLIP reader.

All projectors are stored in turbo_alignment/modeling/multimodal/projectors. Basically, Projector is a class that takes multimodal features (i.e., encoded image or audio) and performs some operations on them to adapt to the language model. For example, it can simply map each patch of the coded image to a dimension of the language model's tokens, like MLP from LLaVA, or perform some convolutions, like C-Abstractor from HoneyBee. If you want to contribute and add a new projector to our pipeline, see the LLaVA MLP projector implementation as an example.

Multimodal Training Pipeline


An example of a multimodal config can be found here: (llama_llava_base_clip.json). This test configuration shows how to train a VLM with CLIP as image encoder and LLaMA as LM with MLP projector.

Dataset Settings:

This section covers all dataset settings (i.e. train_dataset_settings, val_dataset_settings and dataset_settings in cherry_pick_settings).

First, a modality_token_mapping. For all modalities (image and audio), specify the names for the modality tokens in this JSON:

"modality_token_mapping": {
    "image": "<img>",
    "audio": "<audio>"

Next, a modality_reader_settings_mapping, which is just a mapping of modality (image or audio) and modality reader settings. Basically, the modality reader is a class that reads and processes the image to prepare it for the modality encoder. These settings include reader_type (type of modality reader, currently clip and imagebind are supported for image modality) and reader_path (path to model). For clip, the modality reader includes a call to the CLIPProcessor, which is typically stored in the same directory as the CLIPModel.

"modality_reader_settings_mapping": {
    "image": {
        "reader_type": "clip",
        "reader_path": "tests/fixtures/models/clip_tiny"
    "audio": null

The next key is n_modality_embeddings. Projectors like MLP from LLaVA map each patch of the encoded image as an input token for the language model. Thus, for the MLP Projector, n_modality_embeddings should be equal to the number of patches (the pipeline will throw an error if you set this parameter incorrectly and will specify the correct value).

"n_modality_embeddings": 225

The next two keys are start_modality_token and end_modality_token. These tokens will be inserted before and after modality object in the encoded dialog.

"start_modality_token": "<MS>",
"end_modality_token": "</MS>"

Finally, don't forget that multimodal dataset has its own type multimodal.

"dataset_type": "multimodal"

Other important keys:

Use modality_encoder_settings_mapping to configure the modality encoders. First, modality_encoder_type is the type of modality encoder (as mentioned, only clip and imagebind are currently supported for images). Next, encoder_path is the path to your encoder model. Finally, is_pickle is the parameter that you should only set to true if you have performed a preprocessing step and modality encoders should not do anything with the input data (because in case of preprocessing they have already extracted all representations).

"modality_encoder_settings_mapping": {
    "image": {
        "modality_encoder_type": "clip",
        "encoder_path": "tests/fixtures/models/clip_tiny",
        "is_pickle": false
    "audio": null

Key modality_projector_mapping maps modality to Projector type. For image modality, llava (MLP) and c_abs (C-Abstractor from HoneyBee) are currently implemented. Feel free to add your own Projectors!

"modality_projector_mapping": {
    "image": "llava",
    "audio": null

If you want to initialize modality_projector_initialization_mapping your Projector with some existing weights, pass the path to weights here.

"modality_projector_initialization_mapping": {
    "image": null,
    "audio": null


python -m turbo_alignment train_multimodal --experiment_settings_path tests/fixtures/configs/train/multimodal/llama_llava_base_clip.json

Multimodal Inference


Now we will consider an configuration file for inference: (llama_llava_clip_pickle.json) Unlike SFT Inference pipeline, multimodal one takes projections_path (path to the trained projectors) and n_modality_embeddings. Both of them are in model_settings, for example:

"model_settings": {
    "model_path": "tests/fixtures/models/llama2_tiny",
    "projections_path": "tests/fixtures/models/llama2_tiny_multimodal_clip_mlp/projections/",
    "n_modality_embeddings": 225,
    "model_type": "causal",
    "transformers_settings": {},
    "adapter_path": "tests/fixtures/models/llama2_tiny_multimodal_clip_mlp/adapter"

Also specify modality_encoder_settings_mapping and modality_projector_mapping (as in training config):

"modality_encoder_settings_mapping": {
    "image": {
        "modality_encoder_type": "clip",
        "is_pickle": false,
        "encoder_path": "tests/fixtures/models/clip_tiny"
    "audio": null
"modality_projector_mapping": {
    "image": "llava",
    "audio": null

In dataset_settings, add modality_token_mapping and modality_reader_settings_mapping (again, there is no difference with training config):

"modality_token_mapping": {
    "image": "<img>",
    "audio": "<audio>"
"modality_reader_settings_mapping": {
    "image": {
        "reader_type": "clip",
        "reader_path": "tests/fixtures/models/clip_tiny",
    "audio": null


python -m turbo_alignment inference_multimodal --experiment_settings_path tests/fixtures/configs/inference/multimodal/llama_llava_clip_pickle.json

How to speed up multimodal pipeline with dataset preprocessing

To speed up the training process, you can consider preprocessing your data. Without preprocessed data, the multimodal training pipeline will read images with your reader before training, and encode them on each iteration of the training loop.

To start preprocessing, all you need is a directory with images and a valid preprocessing config. For our example, we will use the test config images.json.

The config contains information about the modality, modality reader, modality encoder, path to data with images, and output path. You can set the output path to be the same as the input path.

    "modality": "image",
    "reader_settings": {
        "reader_type": "clip",
        "reader_path": "tests/fixtures/models/clip_tiny"
    "encoder_settings": {
        "modality_encoder_type": "clip",
        "encoder_path": "tests/fixtures/models/clip_tiny"
    "dataset_path": "tests/fixtures/datasets/multimodal/images",
    "batch_size": 256,
    "output_file_path": "tests/fixtures/datasets/multimodal/images"

Then run the script using the cli interface:

python -m turbo_alignment preprocess_multimodal_dataset --settings_path tests/fixtures/configs/utils/preprocess/images.json

The result of the preprocessing script is the file tests/fixtures/datasets/multimodal/images/image.clip.safetensors. The output safetensors file is a dict with the image path as key and the encoded image tensor as value.

You should also make some changes in the training configuration. In modality_reader_settings_mapping set reader_type to pickle. This reader simply opens the safetensors file and reads pre-encoded modality objects from it.

"modality_reader_settings_mapping": {
    "image": {
        "reader_type": "pickle",
        "reader_path": null
    "audio": null

Taking into account the modality_encoder_settings_mapping, set the is_pickle key to true. Then the encoder will not re-encode objects and will simply return the input data as it is (because it was pre-encoded).

"modality_encoder_settings_mapping": {
    "image": {
        "modality_encoder_type": "clip",
        "is_pickle": true,
        "encoder_path": "tests/fixtures/models/clip_tiny"
    "audio": null

As you can guess, the preprocessing trick could be applied to the inference pipeline as well. Just make the changes described above.