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ExLlamaV2 Evaluation scripts

Common arguments:

  • -m / --model directory: (required) Path to model (EXL2, GPTQ or FP16)

  • -gs / --gpu_split list: List of memory allocations per GPU, in GB for model weights and static buffers (excluding cache). Example: -gs 10.5,0,10.5 would allocate 10.5 GB on CUDA devices 0 and 2 while skipping device 1. -gs auto will load the model in auto split mode, which fills available devices in order.

  • -l / --length int: Context length. The default is the model's native context length, which may be excessive for most benchmarks.

  • -rs / --rope_scale float: RoPE scale factor (linear)

  • -ra / --rope_alpha float: RoPE scale factor (NTK)

  • -nfa / --no_flash_attn: Don't use flash-attn.

  • -nxf / --no_transformers: Don't use xformers.

  • -fst / --fast_safetensors: Use alternative loading mode. On Linux, this mode uses direct I/O and pinned buffers and can potentially load faster from very fast NVMe RAID arrays with a cold cache. On Windows, this uses regular non-memorymapped I/O and is typically just slower. However, in either case this can fix situations in which ExLlama runs out of system memory when loading large models.


This is the standard HumanEval test implemented for ExLlamaV2 with dynamic batching.

pip install human-eval
python eval/ -m <model_dir> -o humaneval_output.json
evaluate-functional-correctness humaneval_output.json


  • -o / --output file: (required) Output JSON file to receive generated samples

  • -spt / --samples_per_task int: Number of samples for each HumanEval task. A single sample per task is sufficient to compute an approximate pass@1 score, but more samples give a more accurate score. At least 10 samples is required for a pass@10 score, etc.

  • --max_tokens int: Maximum number of tokens to generate before cutting a sample short. The stop condition for each generation, if this limit isn't reached first, is the first newline character not followed by whitespace, i.e. the first non-indented line after the function definition has been generated. Default is 768 which seems sufficient for most HumanEval tasks.

  • -pf / --prompt str: By default, the sample is a raw completion suitable for both base models and instruct tuned models Supplying a prompt format turns each task into an instruct prompt asking for the completion with a prefix for the response.

  • -v / --verbose: Output completions as they're being generated (otherwise show a progress bar.)

  • -cs / --cache_size int: Total number of cache tokens. Set this as high as possible for best batching performance.

  • -cq4 / --cache_q4: Use Q4 cache

  • -cq6 / --cache_q6: Use Q6 cache

  • -cq8 / --cache_q8: Use Q8 cache


This is the standard MMLU test implemented for ExLlamaV2 with dynamic batching.

pip install datasets
python eval/ -m <model_dir>


  • -sub / --subjects list: Limit test to the listed subjects, otherwise test on all subjects. E.g. -sub anatomy,nutrition,professional_medicine. See the dataset for the full list of subjects.

  • -fs / --fewshot_examples int: Number of fewshot examples before each question. Default is 5.

  • -shf / --shuffle: Shuffle the answer choices to each question.

  • -cs / --cache_size int: Total number of cache tokens. Set this as high as possible for best batching performance.

  • -cq4 / --cache_q4: Use Q4 cache

  • -cq6 / --cache_q6: Use Q6 cache

  • -cq8 / --cache_q8: Use Q8 cache