In order to add a translations please open locales_raw/
choose the language and then open LC_MESSAGES
Now open Translations.po
Translation text is always structured like this:
msgid "your-id" msgstr "your-text"
For msgids one can use directly the english text which makes it easier to translate in other languages or to prevent changing the id if the text changes, use a custom id which describes, what is called fo. Take the existing ids as example.
In perl just use __('your-id')
to get the text of the translation.
To apply your changes, they have to get compiled. The
compiles them to
-files inside locales
and checks before whether there are translations missing.
TextDomain uses the Locale. Just using LANGUAGE=de_DE perl tuxedo-tomte
manually overrides the locales settings.
Use these as examples in perl:
print __nx("You have one apple.", "You have {count} apples.", 0, "count" => 0), "\n";
print __nx("You have one apple.", "You have {count} apples.", 1, "count" => 1), "\n";
print __nx("You have one apple.", "You have {count} apples.", 2, "count" => 2), "\n";
print __("You have one apple."), "\n";
print __x("You have apples of brand {brand}.", "brand" => "Evelina"), "\n";
And the corresponding translations inside the .po
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n<1 ? 0 : (n>1 ? 2 : 1);\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
msgid "You have one apple."
msgid_plural "You have {count} apples."
msgstr[0] "You don't have an apple."
msgstr[1] "You have one apple."
msgstr[2] "You have {count} apples."
msgid "This is an apple."
msgstr "This is an apple."
msgid "You have apples of brand {brand}."
msgstr "You have apples of brand {brand}."
msgid "You have an apple of brand {brand}."
msgid_plural "You have {count} apples of brand {brand}."
msgstr[0] "You don't have an apple of brand {brand}."
msgstr[1] "You have one apple of brand {brand}."
msgstr[2] "You have {count} apples of brand {brand}."