This document gives an overview of Pirouette, and pointers to get familiar with the code. As such, it contains three parts.
The first part describes how Pirouette supports several input languages as well as two languages that are particularly relevant to us: the example language and Plutus IR – Plutus intermediate representation.
The second part describes the transformations that Pirouette performs on the input language to get it in a shape ready for symbolic execution.
The third part digs into what constitutes the heart of Pirouette: its symbolic engine, and in particular the symbolic evaluator and the symbolic prover.
Pirouette can process any System F-like language. More precisely, users can come
and define their instance of LanguageBuiltins
, which is Pirouette's way of
defining the constants, builtin terms and builtin types of a language. The
definition of the classes can be found in Pirouette.Term.Syntax.Base
Pirouette languages feature explicit
type anotations, no namespacing and the definitions of terms are considered to
be all mutually recursive. More precisely, and apart from some exceptions that
require ordered definitions, Pirouette works on the type
PrtUnorderedDefs lang
which describes a set of “Pirouette unordered
definitions“ for a given lang
uage — think of a Haskell module where order does
not matter and terms can reference one another freely.
For a simple instantiation of a language, you might want to check the example language. For a more involved one, you might want to check the support for Plutus IR.
The example language is the only instance of a language included in Pirouette.
It is a simple functional language supporting higher-order types with explicit
type annotations, basic types (booleans, integers, strings) with their
associated operators, algebraic datatypes and pattern-matching. You will find
all the heavy work in Language.Pirouette.Example
. The example language also
has a concrete syntax heavily inspired by Haskell. Consider for instance:
addone : Integer -> Integer
addone x = x + 1
addtwo : Integer -> Integer
addtwo x = x + 2
Now for a more involved example. Say we want to compute a sum of integers in a
generic way. We can do that by writing a function sum
taking a list of
integers and returning the total. In order to do that, we first need a notion of
lists, which we choose to do in a generic way. Here we go:
data List a
= Nil : List a
| Cons : a -> List a -> List a
Computing the sum of the elements of a list requires traversing it, which we can also decide to do in a generic way with a fold over the list.
foldr : forall a r . (a -> r -> r) -> r -> List a -> r
foldr @a @r f e l =
match_List @a l @r
(\(x : a) (xs : List a) . f x (foldr @a @r f e xs))
Note how quantification in types has to be explicit, and the definition of the
datatype List
also creates the corresponding match_List
function taking, in
that order, the datatype type arguments, an element of that datatype, the
returning type, and as many cases as there are constructors, in the same order.
It is now possible to define a sum
function, a
list of integers – say 1
, 2
, 3
– and apply sum
over them.
sum : List Integer -> Integer
sum =
(\(x : Integer) (y : Integer) . x + y)
myList : List Integer
myList = Cons @Integer 1 (Cons @Integer 2 (Cons @Integer 3 (Nil @Integer)))
myListTotal : Integer
myListTotal = sum myList
For more examples, check out the standard library for the example language in
. The standard library also comes with a
quasi-quoter of its own allowing you to leverage it in your code should you want
myProgram :: PrtUnorderedDefs Ex
myProgram = [progWithStdLib|
sum : List Integer -> Integer
sum =
(\(x : Integer) (y : Integer) . x + y)
To run Pirouette on Plutus Intermediate Representation scripts, one has to use the pirouette-plutusir library.
Warning: This section has been written by a non-expert based on information gathered here and there. There might be missing, outdated, irrelevant or even wrong information. We believe it should still give a good starting point to anyone willing to understand Pirouette's transformations.
A transformation in Pirouette goes from internal representation to internal representation. In general, transformations aim at simplifying the input term by getting rid of some features, while keeping the semantics unchanged.
In a typical setting, an input term will go through several transformations before reaching its final form that can be symbolically evaluated. In particular, some transformations assume that they take place after another one; additionally, transformations should preserve the invariant of previous transformations. The dependencies between transformations are formalised in Haskell's type system; we refer the reader to the upcoming Tweag blog post “Type-safe data processing pipelines” for more information on this.
Transformations live in Pirouette.Transformations
This transformation puts signatures into a normal form where type arguments all go before the term arguments. This is required by monomorphisation.
When this transformation sees a destructor that is applied to more arguments than there are branches (and the scrutinee), it moves the extra argument inside the branches. Indeed, if this is the case, then the branches really return a function, and the extra (aka excessive) arguments are really arguments to this returned function. As an example, consider (with type applications omitted):
match_Nat n
(\b -> if b then 0 else 1)
(\n b -> if b then n else 0)
takes the scrutinee and two branches, yet it has three parameters. So,
what this transformation does is pushing True inside branches, yielding:
match_Nat n
(if True then 0 else 1)
(\n -> if True then n else 0)
Monomorphisation removes polymorphism, which we need out of the way both for some other transformations to be possible and to make the work of SMT solvers easier. It is straightforward except for recursive aspects. For instance, it transforms
map (+ 1) [1, 2, 3]
mapInt (+ 1) [1, 2, 3]
where mapInt
only works with Int
It is not obvious whether the current algorithm terminates on arbitrary System F programs, but it does in practice. Monomorphisation happens for anything polymorphic, that is functions, but also constructors and destructors and types.
We originally considered monomorphising only high-order functions, because SMT solvers can usually work with first-order polymorphic functions; it is however simpler to monomorphise everything.
Eta-expansion turns partially applied functions to fully applied ones under a
λ-abstraction. For instance, map f
would become λ xs. map f xs
. This
transformation is most useful to prepare for defunctionalisation. It is also a
straightforward transformation, although there has some technical details to
handle; for instance if there are functions as arguments.
This transformation removes all higher-order functions and replaces them with
labels. It is required for higher-order functions such as fold
, for instance.
The label in question denotes the body of a specific function as well as the
free variables it refers to. Such a transformation is easy in an untyped
setting, but it becomes hard when types are included, and in System F in
particular. In that case, one needs to create some record data type to embed
free variable types and have separate record types for different function
signatures, since it is otherwise impossible to write the apply
function. The
constructor of this type describes which function is called and is basically the
aforementioned label. There is a data type as well as an apply
function for
each function type among functions that need to be defunctionalised, as opposed
to a single of such function in the untyped case.
For a general introduction to defunctionalisation, we refer the user to Wikipedia.
This transformation breaks mutually recursive function groups by inlining non-recursive functions in the group in other definitions until reaching a fixpoint, and putting the resulting definitions in the proper order. For instance, given:
f x = op1 (f (x-1)) (g x)
g x = h x + 2
h x = f (x - 3)
it produces:
f x = op1 (f (x-1)) (f (x - 3) - 2)
h x = f (x - 3)
g x = h x + 2
This transformation does not always succeed. For example, it would fail on the following:
f x = f x + g x
g x = f x + g x
However, it works in practice on the subset of System F that we have encountered so far.
The symbolic engine is split into three main parts: an SMT prover, as well as all the administrative work to communicate with it, Pirouette's symbolic evaluator, and Pirouette's symbolic prover. We describe these three aspects in the following sub-sections.
As is classic in symbolic engines, Pirouette relies on SMT provers to do the hard work. These provers are used in two different ways. They help pruning branches of execution that are actually unreachable, and they help deciding whether the user's statements/questions actually hold.
Pirouette relies on smtlib-backends for the communication with its SMT prover
of choice, Z3. There are still a bunch of modules in Pirouette making the
interface between the rest of the engine and smtlib-backends, mainly to
convert assumptions/constraints to the SMT-LIB language. These modules live in
The heart of Pirouette's symbolic engine lives in Pirouette.Symbolic.Eval
This module defines the SymEval
monad providing all the tooling to make
symbolic evaluation work. Here is the monad in question:
newtype SymEval lang a = SymEval
{ symEval ::
(SymEvalEnv lang)
(StateT (SymEvalSt lang) WeightedList)
Morally speaking, though, forgetting the lang
type parameters and assuming
that WeightedList
s are just lists, this monad simply represent functions of
SymEvalEnv -> SymEvalSt -> [(a, SymEvalSt)]
taking an environment and a state and returning a list of states, as well as potential return values. It returns a list because symbolic evaluation may branch and explore different paths.
The key function in this module is symEvalOneStep
, whose type is the
symEvalOneStep ::
forall lang .
SymEvalConstr lang =>
TermMeta lang SymVar ->
WriterT Any (SymEval lang) (TermMeta lang SymVar)
Once again, morally speaking, forgetting the WriterT Any
layer, the lang
type parameters and replacing TermMeta lang SymVar
by just Term
, this
function has type Term -> SymEval Term
. One can then think of this as a
function of type:
SymEvalEnv -> (Term, SymEvalSt) -> [(Term, SymEvalSt)]
Such a function takes a term in the input language and a symbolic evaluation state. It tries to apply one step of beta-reduction to the term, which may yield zero, one or several potential terms and updated states.
As an example, let us assume that our input term is the body of the foldr
function in the example language, specialised for lists of Integer
s (for
readability, we remove the type applications).
match_List l
(\(x : Integer) (xs : List Integer) . f x (foldr f e xs))
and that our state specifies that:
is an integer, without giving its value,f
is the function\(x : Integer) (y : Integer) . x + y
, andl
is a list of integers, without giving its value.
One step of the symbolic engine would then have to explore both branches of the
pattern matching, and therefore it would return two pairs (Term, SymEvalSt)
In the first pair, the
would bee
itself and the state would be updated to account for the fact that we now know thatl == Nil
. -
In the second pair, the
would bef x (foldr f e xs)
and the state would be updated to account for the fact the we now have two more variables,x
, that are an integer and a list of integers respectively, and an additional constraint,l == Cons x xs
The whole symbolic execution consists in running this one step over and over
again until it is not possible to reduce the terms anymore. In the example
above, our first term/state is now blocked because it reached a built-in value —
an integer — which cannot be reduced further. The second term/state is not
blocked because one can replace f
by its definition and continue unfolding
from there. The WriterT Any
layer actually comes into play here: its only goal
is to carry a boolean value tracking whether a step of evaluation was taken.
Actually, there isn't one way to write a symbolic evaluation engine but there
are as many possibilities as one can imagine wrappers around symEvalOneStep
Some default wrappers are provided in Pirouette, but they are very simple. They
are also breadth-first, and the way the SymEval
monad is design clearly
encourages this kind of algorithm. Moreover, note that there is no guarantee
that applying symEvalOneStep
over and over ever terminates, and that the
symbolic evaluator makes no effort in that regard and simply keeps track of some
statistics during evaluation (eg. the number of case analyses that took place).
It is up to the wrapper around symEvalOneStep
to implement strategies to
ensure termination. For instance, the symbolic prover, our main wrapper around
symbolic evaluation, regularly queries a function shouldStop
that inspects the
aforementioned statistic to decide whether one should apply symEvalOneStep
once more or stop there.
Defined in Pirouette.Symbolic.Eval.Types
, the symbolic state basically
contains the following:
A context of variables, that is a map from variable names to their types. This context is typically called Γ in literature, and
in the code. -
A set of constraints linking variables together, for instance
l == Cons x xs
,k != Nil
orx == 7
. It is implemented with a union-find-based data structure. -
Statistics on the execution, for instance the number of case analyses that took place. Despite the name, those statistics can have an important impact on the behaviour of the engine because they are observed to decide whether to stop the execution or not.
It also contains some extra fields necessary for administrative reasons. Those field
names are prefixed by sest
in the code.
Defined in Pirouette.Symbolic.Eval
, the symbolic environment contains the
A set of definitions in which to evaluate the term. This is a value of type
PrtUnorderedDefs lang
, that is a set of mutually-recursive definitions. For instance, if your term isfoldr @Integer @Integer (\(x : Integer) (y : Integer) . x + y) 0 l
, thenfoldr
have to come from somewhere, and it will probably be the example language's standard library augmented with the definition of the list of integersl
, and that would be the set of definitions in the environment. Note that such definitions could probably be encoded as constraints inSymEvalSt
, but there should be performance considerations before implementing such a change. For now, they are kept separated. -
Two “solvers” that are functions taking a problem and trying to solve it. The one of interest to us in the symbolic evaluation is
solvePathProblem :: CheckPathProblem lang -> Bool
whereCheckPathProblem lang
is simply a pair of a symbolic evaluation stateSymEvalSt
and a set of definitionsPrtUnorderedDefs lang
(as per item 1) and answers whether the constraints in the state are satisfiable, that is if there exists an assignment of the variables in the state such that all the constraints hold. If theCheckPathProblem lang
is for sure unsatisfiable, then we can safely discard the corresponding path because it is not actually reachable. -
Options influencing the behaviour of the symbolic execution. Those control for instance the size of the pool of SMT solvers that Pirouette uses in the background. More importantly, the options contain a function
shouldStop :: StoppingCondition
, whereStoppingCondition
is a type alias forSymEvalStatistics -> Bool
. This function inspects the statistics in the symbolic evaluation state and decides whether the symbolic evaluation should stop. This is a generalisation of the usual notion of “fuel”. Two trivial instances would be\_ -> false
that never stops and\stat -> sestConstructors stat > 50
that stops after 50 constructor unfoldings.
Those field names are prefixed by see
in the code.
The symbolic prover is a wrapper around the symbolic evaluator. One can see the symbolic evaluator as the library providing the generic tooling for symbolic evaluation, which the symbolic prover uses to answer requests about some variant of Hoare logic, both simplified in the context of pure computations and generalised.
For an introduction to Hoare logic, we refer the reader to Wikipedia or (Hoare 1969).
In a standard setting, a Hoare triple is something of the form {P} C {Q}
and Q
are predicates over a global state and C
mutates said global
state. P
and Q
are formulae in some predicate logic, while C
is a program.
A Hoare triple {P} C {Q}
holds if for each state such that P
holds, then Q
holds on the state mutated by C
In our setting, however, we deal with pure terms, which changes two things:
First, there is no global state, only functions taking arguments and returning results.
Second, there is no useful distinction between predicates and programs and we can simply use terms everywhere.
We can therefore give a slightly different presentation of Hoare triples as a
triple of terms which we call the antecedent, the body and the consequent.
If the body is a function of shape λxs. B(xs)
, where xs
is a list of
arguments, then the antecedent is of shape λxs. A(xs)
and the consequent is of
shape λr. C(r)
where r
stands for result. Assuming the body is of type αs -> ρ
, then the antecedent should be of type αs -> Bool
and the consequent
should be of type ρ -> Bool
, that is they should be considered as two
predicates on the body's arguments and result respectively. Similarly to Hoare
triples, a triple {A} B {C}
holds if for all xs
and r
such that A
on xs
and r = B(xs)
, C
holds on r
or, more directly, if for all xs
A(xs) ⇒ C(B(xs))
is True
To get to our variant of Hoare triple, we now generalise this presentation by
allowing both the antecedent and the consequent to talk about arguments and
results, that is they are of shapes λr,xs. A(r,xs)
and λr,xs. C(r,xs)
and of
type ρ -> αs -> Bool
. Such a triple {A} B {C}
holds if for all xs
A(B(xs), xs) ⇒ C(B(xs), xs)
is True
. The previous presentation of Hoare
triples can obviously be encoded in this one, but our new presentation now
allows for more expressivity and, in particular, it allows expression
incorrectness triples (O'hearn 2020). As such, our logic might be a
simpler form of outcome logic (Zilberstein et al. 2023).
Defined in Pirouette.Symbolic.Prover
, the proveRaw
and worker
are the main part of the symbolic prover. Both these functions take as input a
triple {A} B {C}
in our variant of Hoare logic. The prover then attempts to
check two properties this triple:
First, the prover attempts to check whether the antecedent is consistent, that is whether there exists
such thatA(B(xs), xs)
holds. -
Second, the prover attempts to check whether the triple holds, that is whether for all
,A(B(xs), xs) ⇒ C(B(xs), xs)
Concretely, proveRaw
takes a Problem
, does all the administrative work of
extracting the xs
from the body, creating corresponding symbolic variables,
preparing the terms, and then calls worker
, where all the actual work happens.
takes the aforementioned triple as input and evaluates all its terms by
one step. We refer the reader to symEvalOneStep
for what this means
precisely. If any of the three terms is stuck, that is if no more reductions are
possible, then worker
attempts to see if the properties above hold. It can do
that without having fully evaluated the terms: for instance, it is possible to
check whether the antecedent is consistent without knowing anything about the
consequent. To some extent, it is even possible to check whether the antecedent
is consistent without knowing anything about the body.
If we manage to prove that the antecedent is inconsistent, or the antecedent
does imply the consequent, or the antecedent cannot imply the consequent, then
the computation stops. Otherwise, the worker
starts again, evaluating the
terms by one step, etc.