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Lua API demo

This is a Lua module that can help you learn how use Lua's C API.

It is run from Lua, but purposefully mimics C style, usage, and behavior. It's meant to be run from the Lua interpreter to illustrate the effects of each API call as it's made. It will also work from a standard Lua script.

Using the module

Below is an example interpreter usage, given with both the user-typed input and the printed output. Ending semicolons in Lua are optional and usually omitted; however, I'm using them here to keep the C-like lines more C-like.

> apidemo = require 'apidemo'
> apidemo.setup_globals()
> L = luaL_newstate()
> lua_pushnumber(L, 42);
stack: 42
> lua_getglobal(L, "print");
stack: 42 function:0x7fb178e013d0
> lua_pushstring(L, "hello from the api!");
stack: 42 function:0x7fb178e013d0 'hello from the api!'
> lua_call(L, 1, 0);
hello from the api!
stack: 42

Installing and building the module

This module has been tested on Mac OS X and Ubuntu.

Using luarocks

If you use luarocks, you can install the module by running:

$ sudo luarocks install apidemo

Using make

If you don't use luarocks, you can manually build and install, although the current Makefile has only been tested on Mac OS X. Run the make shell command to build the file A Lua interpreter or script run in the same directory will find this file when the standard require function is used. For global access, place this file, or a symlink to it, in any directory listed in your Lua's package.cpath. For example, if you're running Lua 5.3, the following shell commands will work when run from this repo's directory:

$ make
$ sudo ln -s `pwd`/ /usr/local/lib/lua/5.3/

API quick reference

This module contains the following help string that documents the behavior of both this module and of a large subset of Lua's C API. It's printed by calling

-- writing values to the stack ----------------------------------------- 
     lua_pushboolean(L, int)                                [-0 +1 -]    
 --- lua_pushfstring(L, str, ...)                           [-0 +1 m]    
 --- lua_pushinteger(L, lua_Integer)                        [-0 +1 -]    
     lua_pushlstring(L, str, size_t)                        [-0 +1 m]    
     lua_pushnil(L)                                         [-0 +1 -]    
     lua_pushnumber(L, lua_Number)                          [-0 +1 -]    
     lua_pushstring(L, str)                                 [-0 +1 m]    
-- stack manipulation -------------------------------------------------- 
 int lua_checkstack(L, int)           ensure stack capacity [-0 +0 m]    
 int lua_gettop(L)                    get stack size        [-0 +0 -]    
     lua_insert(L, int i)             mv top -> i           [-1 +1 -]    
     lua_pushvalue(L, int i)          cp i -> top           [-0 +1 m]    
     lua_remove(L, int i)             rm i                  [-1 +0 -]    
     lua_replace(L, int i)            rm i, mv top -> i     [-1 +0 -]    
     lua_settop(L, int)               set stack size        [-? +? -]    
-- reading values from the stack --------------------------------------- 
 int lua_isboolean(L, int i)          is stack[i] a bool?   [-0 +0 -]    
 int lua_isfunction(L, int i)         is stack[i] a fn?     [-0 +0 -]    
 int lua_isnil(L, int i)              is stack[i] a nil?    [-0 +0 -]    
 int lua_isnone(L, int i)             nothing at stack[i]?  [-0 +0 -]    
 int lua_isnumber(L, int i)           is stack[i] a number? [-0 +0 -]    
 int lua_isstring(L, int i)           is stack[i] a string? [-0 +0 -]    
 int lua_istable(L, int i)            is stack[i] a table?  [-0 +0 -]    
 --- lua_isuserdata(L, int i)         is stack[i] a udata?  [-0 +0 -]    
 int lua_toboolean(L, int i)          bool(stack[i])        [-0 +0 -]    
 l_I lua_tointeger(L, int i)          lua_Integer(stack[i]) [-0 +0 -]    
 str lua_tolstring(L, int, size_t *)  mem is owned by Lua   [-0 +0 -]    
 l_N lua_tonumber(L, int i)           lua_Number(stack[i])  [-0 +0 -]    
 str lua_tostring(L, int i)           mem is owned by Lua   [-0 +0 -]    
 --- lua_touserdata(L, int i)         returns void *        [-0 +0 -]    
 int lua_type(L, int i)               LUA_T{NIL,TABLE,etc}  [-0 +0 -]    
 str lua_typename(L, int tp)          LUA_T{NIL,etc}->name  [-0 +0 -]    
 str luaL_typename(L, int i)          typename(stack[i]))   [-0 +0 -]    
 int luaL_optint(L, int n, int d)     int(stack[n]) or d    [-0 +0 v]    
 --- luaL_optinteger(L, int n, l_I d) l_I(stack[n]) or d    [-0 +0 v]    
 --- luaL_optlong(L, int n, long d)   long(stack[n]) or d   [-0 +0 v]    
 l_N luaL_optnumber(L, int n, l_N d)  l_N(stack[n]) or d    [-0 +0 v]    
 str luaL_optstring(L, int n, str d)  str(stack[n]) or d    [-0 +0 v]    
-- table operations ---------------------------------------------------- 
     lua_newtable(L)                  pushes {}             [-0 +1 m]    
 --- lua_createtable(L, int m, int n) m,n=arr,rec capacity  [-0 +1 m]    
     lua_settable(L, int i)           pops k,v; stk[i][k]=v [-2 +0 e]    
     lua_setfield(L, int i, str k)    pops v; stk[i][k]=v   [-1 +0 e]    
     lua_rawset(L, int i)             settable,no metacalls [-2 +0 e]    
     lua_rawseti(L, int i, int n)     stk[i][n]=pop'd;no mt [-1 +0 e]    
     lua_gettable(L, int i)           pop k; push stk[i][k] [-1 +1 e]    
     lua_getfield(L, int i, str k)    push stk[i][k]        [-0 +1 e]    
     lua_rawget(L, int i)             gettable,no metacalls [-1 +1 -]    
     lua_rawgeti(L, int i, int n)     push stk[i][n];no mt  [-0 +1 -]    
 int lua_setmetatable(L, int i)       pop mt; mt(stk[i])=mt [-1 +0 -]    
 int lua_getmetatable(L, int i)       push mt(stk[i])if any [-1 +0|1 -]  
 int lua_next(L, int i)               pop k/push k,v if any [-1 +0|2 e]  
 szt lua_objlen(L, int i)  Lua 5.1    #stk[i], assuming seq [-0 +0 -]    
 szt lua_rawlen(L, int i)  Lua 5.2+   #stk[i], assuming seq [-0 +0 -]    
     lua_setglobal(L, str name)       pops v; _G[name]=v    [-1 +0 e]    
     lua_getglobal(L, str name)       pushes _G[name]       [-0 +1 e]    
 int luaL_getmetafield(L, int i, str) +mt(stk[i])[s] if any [-1 +0|1 e]  
-- basic operators ----------------------------------------------------- 
     lua_concat(L, int n)             str cat top n vals    [-n +1 e]    
 int lua_equal(L, int i, int j)       1 if stk[i] == stk[j] [-0 +0 e]    
 int lua_lessthan(L, int i, int j)    1 if stk[i] < stk[j]  [-0 +0 e]    
 int lua_rawequal(L, int i, int j)    equal?; no metacalls  [-0 +0 -]    
-- function calls ------------------------------------------------------ 
 --- lua_atpanic(L, lua_CFunciton f)  set panic fn; ret old [-0 +0 -]    
     lua_call(L, int m, int n)        -/call f(m-args); +n  [-(m+1) +n e]
 int lua_pcall(L, int m, n, e)        call w/ errfn=stk[e]  [-(m+1)      
                                      err:push msg; ret!=0        +n|1 e]
 --- lua_cpcall(L, l_CFn f, void *ud) call f(ud);+1 if err  [-0 +0|1 -]  
 int luaL_callmeta(L, int o, str s)   mt(stk[o])[s] if any  [-0 +0|1 e]  
-- error handling ------------------------------------------------------ 
 int lua_error(L)                     pop errmsg; throw it  [-1 +0 v]    
 --- luaL_error(L, str fmt, ...)      throw errmsg fmt      [-0 +0 v]    
     luaL_checkany(L, int n)          err if stk[n] is none [-0 +0 v]    
 int luaL_checkint(L, int n)          int(stk[n]) or err    [-0 +0 v]    
 --- luaL_checkinteger(L, int n)      l_I(stk[n]) or err    [-0 +0 v]    
 --- luaL_checklong(L, int n)         lng(stk[n]) or err    [-0 +0 v]    
 --- luaL_checklstring(L, n, szt *l)  str(stk[n]) or err    [-0 +0 v]    
 l_N luaL_checknumber(L, int n)       l_N(stk[n]) or err    [-0 +0 v]    
 str luaL_checkstring(L, int n)       str(stk[n]) or err    [-0 +0 v]    
     luaL_checktype(L, int n, int tp) err if tp(stk[n])!=tp [-0 +0 v]    
-- running Lua code ---------------------------------------------------- 
 --- lua_load(L, lua_Reader, void*, str) loads code;push fn [-0 +1 -]    
                                      err:ret non0/push msg              
 int luaL_loadfile(L, str filename)   loadfile; push as fn  [-0 +1 m]    
 int luaL_loadstring(L, str code)     load code; push as fn [-0 +1 m]    
 int luaL_dofile(L, str filename)     load and run file     [-0 +? m]    
 int luaL_dostring(L, str code)       load and run code     [-0 +? m]    
-- key ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Notation [-a +b X] means: 1st pops last a values, then pushes b values  
                           X = -   never throws an error                 
                           X = m   may throw a memory error              
                           X = v   may throw an error by request         
                           X = e   may throw any error                   
 Notation [-a +b|c X] means pushes b values if retval is 0; c otherwise  
   --- before a function means it's not implemented in this demo api     
   str = const char *                              szt = size_t          
   l_I = lua_Integer (often int32 or int64)        stk = stack           
   l_N = lua_Number  (often double)                 tp = type