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File metadata and controls

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Defense and Evaluation

Below are the rules which you have to follow if you want to get a passing grade.

In the past, we (the lecturers) would examine your code beforehand in search for mistakes and confront you with them during your defense. Once the defense was over, the student had a good idea about whether or not (s)he passed.

However, times have changed. Due to the way the exams are organized, there is very little time between the project submission deadline and the actual defense. We will therefore not able to take a thorough look at your code beforehand.

A consequence of this is that a seemingly good defense means very little: we’ll still have to take a look afterwards, and if we find fatal mistakes, your grade might take an unforeseen plunge.

It is our understanding that students are not fond of this kind of uncertainty. Neither are we. So, we took some countermeasures to alleviate this current state of affairs.

First, we suggest you don’t try to bluff your way through the defense. If you think you’ve made a mistake, or if you think that something ought to be done differently but you didn’t implement it that way for one reason or another (e.g. lack of time), do mention this. The more you can show you are aware of the shortcomings of your project, the better.

Second, we will do our best to give you clear-cut rules about what is okay and what isn’t. Design guidelines are often vague and even contradictory at times, so we don’t want people to get the impression that our demands are subjective or whimsical.

Below is a list of rules which you have to respect.


The M/VM/V layering must be respected at all cost. The "knows-of" relation flows downwards in the diagram below:




  • The M does not know about neither the VM or V and must not mention anything from the layer above it.

  • The VM knows the M, but does not know anything about the V.

  • The V knows both the VM and M, but ideally, the V speaks as little as possible directly with the M.

The reasoning behind this is that we want to be able to reuse code in other contexts. If the M were to contain WPF types, it becomes impossible to reuse the M on a platform for which WPF is not available, e.g., mobile devices. Likewise, we want to be able to reuse the VM.

A necessary (but not sufficient) test to check that the layering is respected, is to verify the project references.

  • The Model project should not contain a reference to the ViewModel, View project or to WPF.

  • The ViewModel can (and should) have a reference to the model, but not to the View of WPF.

  • The View can have any references you want.

References can be viewed in the Solution Explorer, i.e., the pane which lists all your projects. Each project is shown as a tree which contains your files, but also has a References node under which all references are listed. WPF appears here as PresentationCore and PresentationFramework. If after ensuring the references are correct your project stops compiling, you know you have done something fundamentally wrong which you’ll have to fix.

Make sure to check this. Sometimes students let Visual Studio 'autofix' problems which might cause disallowed references to be added.

View Model

The View Model must present conceptual information to the View. Consider a PersonViewModel class which exposes a person’s gender as a Cell<bool> IsMale. Now say you wish to show males as blue and females as pink.

The wrong way would be to place this logic in your View Model:

class PersonViewModel
    public PersonViewModel()
        // Have GenderColor automatically synchronize with IsMale
        GenderColor = IsMale.Derive( m => m ? Brushes.Blue : Brushes.Pink );

    public Cell<bool> IsMale { get; }

    public Cell<Brush> GenderColor { get; }

The problem here is that you make use of Brush, which is a WPF-specific type. Now, some people attempt to trick their way out of this rule:

class PersonViewModel
    public PersonViewModel()
        GenderColor = IsMale.Derive( m => m ? "blue" : "pink" );

    public Cell<bool> IsMale { get; }

    public Cell<string> GenderColor { get; }

Even though no WPF types have been used, this code still makes a View-related decision.

The correct way of handling this is to leave the color up to the View layer. The View Model should only provide the information necessary to be able to make the decision. In our case, IsMale is all that is necessary.

The most idiomatic way to perform the translation of bool to Brush is relying on a converter (which resides in the View layer), ideally a reusable one (e.g. a BoolConverter).


The "code-behind" is the C# class hiding behind a XAML file, such as MainWindow.xaml.cs. Since it is closely tied to a WPF window or control, this code-behind can be hard to test.

In order to improve testability, you want to keep the code-behind class as empty as possible and move all logic into separate, independent classes. In the case of WPF, the ViewModel is generally the best place.

For example, consider the mouse click functionality. Many controls offer a Click event which is signaled whenever the user clicks the corresponding control.

<Button Click="DoSomething" />

However, a Click handling method must always reside in the code-behind, which is exactly what we want to avoid.

The alternative is to rely on commands. Clickable controls such as MenuItems or Buttons have, apart from a Click event, also a Command property. These are set using Bindings:

<Button Command={Binding DoSomething} />

The DoSomething command is looked for in the Button's DataContext, which is normally set to a View Model class. In other words, this allows the logic behind DoSomething to be placed in the VM layer instead of the code-behind.

Whenever possible, you must rely on commands. If you use a WPF control that lacks a Command property, or you wish to handle different inputs (e.g. right clicks, key presses), you can try to look for InputBindings. If even that does not provide the functionality you look for, you may make use of events and the code-behind. In this case, you should absolutely keep the logic in the code-behind to a strict minimum and give control to the underlying View Model as quickly as possible.

Strings in the VM

Some students put string messages in their VM, for example "You won!". This violates MVVM principes: clearly, the message is meant to be shown to the user, and hence it is part of the view.

Consider what would happen if you were to have to localize your project: translators would have to rummage through your code in search of all strings that are exposed to the View layer. This is something you should avoid.

Normally, all messages should be grouped into separate files, e.g. french.json, english.json, etc. Every message then has its own id, and wherever in your project you want to show some message, you would only mention its id. The framework would then know to look up this id in the correct language file.

We do not ask of you to go this far: for this course, it is sufficient that you put all such messages in the view, where you are allowed to hard code them in XAML or converters. You do not need to support multiple languages.

As mentioned earlier, the VM should only expose conceptual information. If you want to be able to notify the user that (s)he has won, provide a Cell<bool> hasWon which the view can then choose to observe.

Music in the VM

Music, sounds, etc. are all part of the view. The VM should not in any way make reference to such things. If you want some sound to start playing at a certain event (e.g. puzzle is solved), the VM should only provide a way to be notified when the puzzle is solved (e.g. an event or a Cell<bool>). It is up to the view to keep an eye on this event/cell and play the sound when needed.


Try to keep duplication to a minimum. For example, some students could have multiple commands, all of which are always enabled. For each of these commands, they generally repeat the same code all over again:

public class SomeCommand : ICommand
    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;

    public bool CanExecute( object parameter )
        return true;

    public void Execute( object parameter )
        // Whatever

Only the Execute method differs. Whenever you notice such a pattern of shared code, introduce a new class that contains the command code and have other classes inherit from it.

Converters often suffer the same fate. If converters look alike, again, find whatever they have in common, generalize the class using parameters, etc. Unnecessary duplication of code is one of the cardinal sins of software engineering. Do be critical of your own code.


WinForms is another Windows GUI library, i.e., an alternative to WPF. In the past, some people have relied on WinForms classes to create their project. This makes no sense whatsoever. Please do not combine two GUI libraries in a single project.

Added to this, some used WinForms classes in their VM, claiming it was ok because their VM was not dependent on WPF. While technically correct, we do not want the VM to be dependent on any GUI library. In other words, using WinForms in your VM is in clear violation of the rules.