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Michael Lueken edited this page Sep 6, 2023 · 47 revisions

Welcome to the UFS Short-Range Weather Application Wiki!

Please note that the ufs-srw-v2.1.0 tag is behind the release/public-v2.1.0 release branch. Update 0331877 is a documentation update that corrects the version number for the documentation (from 1.0.0 to 2.1.0).

For a guide to building and running the Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application, see the SRW App User's Guide.

This repository contains the model code and external links needed to build the UFS Short-Range Weather Application, which focuses on predictions of atmospheric behavior from less than an hour to about two days. The application includes a user-friendly workflow, with pre-processing (preparation of inputs), a forecast model, and post-processing. The forecast model used in this application is the UFS Weather Model.

This wiki includes a Getting Started section below with recommendations for new users. It also includes information for developers on code management procedures and contributions to the SRW App.

Getting Started

Before running the Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application, users should determine which of the four levels of support is applicable to their system. Generally, Level 1 & 2 systems are restricted to those with access through NOAA and its affiliates. These systems are named (e.g., Hera, Orion, Cheyenne). Level 3 & 4 systems include certain personal computers or non-NOAA-affiliated HPC systems.

The Quick Start Chapter provided in the User's Guide is an excellent place for new users to begin. It provides details on how to clone the SRW App, build it, and run a forecast.

Documentation and User Support

The SRW App User's Guide has the most comprehensive information on the SRW App, including links to more thorough technical documentation for its components. Users may need different versions of the User's Guide depending on their goals:

Version Description
Develop Branch/Latest Documentation for the head of the development branch. This may have gaps and errors.
Release v2.1.0 Documentation for the most recent release (v2.1.0).
Release v2.0.0 Documentation for the v2.0.0 release.
Release v1.0.1 Documentation for the v1.0.1 release.
Release v1.0.0 Documentation for the v1.0.0 release.

Users can also get expert help through the UFS Community Forums.


Information for Code Developers and Reviewers

A description of how to contribute, test, and review code for the ufs-srweather-app repository can be found here. (Ctrl-click to open in a new tab or window.)

Developers wanting to move development from forks of the old regional_workflow repository can find information on this page.

The ufs-srweather-app Hierarchical Repository Structure

Hierarchy of repositories Authoritative repo URL Hash
|── ush
└── python_utils/workflow-tools e1b3b6f24ab9e5f3f4e172778d7ad7576d886d85
|── sorc
└── AQM-utils 694a139ac1925cd76a8bb343acb3552b06ffa062
└── arl_nexus 6a7a99403edf903a62143b6f2fb5425f578aab9b
└── UFS_UTILS ae483bd31d8fd81d35c3c726e746c55c46a3ef61
└── ufs-weather-model 24c51d196ed7ec97c4256f7e78a5b0466b52937e
└── UPP dccb32176930676ef2a258eb65571ab4e3f7e7a4