- [FEATURE] this extension is now TYPO3 v9 compatible, using QueryBuilder Logger and ConsoleCommand.
- Merge pull request #1 from develth/patch-1
- Added QueryBuilder compatibility
- added packagist badge
- [FEATURE] added command controller
- [TASK] refactoring to minimize duplication of code
- [FEATURE] added providerParams, so API keys and other config may be added
- [DOC] added command controller description and example for new providerParams
- [BUGFIX] added round() to lat/lng values to prevent TYPO3 errors because of db field length (double6 is recommended for lat/lng fields)
- [DOC] fixed typo
- [TASK] removed "add repository" part from readme
- [TASK] added license and registered at packagist
- [BUGFIX] removed http client options as they are not supported in all the constructors
- [BUGFIX] improved readme
- fixed changelog formatting
- [TASK] added readme
- [FEATURE] improved configuration possibilities
- [FEATURE] added exception logging
- [BUGFIX] first working version of geocoding as hook
- [BUGFIX] fixed package names
- [TASK] added basic structure of extension
- Initial commit