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ICMS - Import Case Management System


ICMS is "Import Case Management System", and this repo contains the Python / Django / PostgreSQL port of it from the original Oracle-based system.

See ICMS Features for an overview of the system.



Local virtualenv

A local virtualenv is needed for a few reasons:

  1. To be able to run the pre-commit checks
  2. If using an IDE, so it has access to the library code and tooling

Note that the application is never actually run on the local machine while developing, only within Docker.

Initial setup

  • copy .env.local-docker to .env.

    • There are a few values you may need later stored in vault / ask another dev for correct values.
    • If you want to see all database queries done by each request, add SHOW_DB_QUERIES=True to it.
  • make build

    • Build all Docker containers
  • make setup

    • Create local virtualenv, set up pre-commit hooks, initialize database
  • make debug

    • Run the application (needed to run make local_s3)
  • make local_s3

    • Create fake local S3 bucket. Local development uses localstack to emulate S3 locally.

    • You will need aws cli tools installed and configured. If you have not done so run aws configure, the values don't really matter but aws cli won't run without a configuration file created.

    • The S3 bucket is named icms.local on the localstack S3 instance. The localstack UI can be found on http://localhost:8081 and used to verify that the S3 bucket is created.

  • make manage args="create_icms_groups"

    • Create icms groups before adding dummy data
  • make add_dummy_data

    • Create test user(s), add needed permissions to user(s), create dummy importer and exporter, etc
  • make manage args="set_icms_sites http://caseworker:8080 http://export-a-certificate:8080 http://import-a-licence:8080"

    • Creates the sites for working on ICMS locally
  • Add the following lines to your /etc/hosts file:   caseworker   export-a-certificate   import-a-licence

Running the application

Start everything using docker-compose: make debug

Go to http://caseworker:8080, login with the one of the test accounts:

  • admin (Superuser that doesn't reflect a real user of the system)
  • dev_admin (currently used to create GOV.UK One Login test accounts)
  • ilb_admin
  • ilb_admin_2
  • nca_admin
  • nca_admin_2
  • ho_admin
  • ho_admin_2
  • san_admin
  • san_admin_2
  • con_user
  • con_user_2
  • import_search_user
  • import_search_user_2

Go to http://import-a-licence:8080, login with the one of the test accounts:

  • importer_user
  • importer_agent
  • importer_user_2

Go to http://export-a-certificate:8080, login with the one of the test accounts:

  • exporter_user
  • exporter_agent
  • exporter_user_2

The password is the same for each user: admin

Make sure to rebuild the Docker images if new dependencies are added to the requirements files: make build.


To run the unit tests:


To run tests for a single file in a non-distributed manner (faster):

./ --dist=no web/tests/foo/

To run tests with a fresh test database:

./ --create-db

To run the tests with full coverage run (mainly done as part of CI pipeline):

make test

To run the end-to-end tests:

make end_to_end_test

See this document for more information relating to the end-to-end tests.

PDF Visual Regression Testing

We run visual regression tests on the PDFs generated by the application which compare the generated PDFs against their relevant counterparts in a set of known benchmark PDFs.

To run the visual regression tests: make pdf_visual_regression_test

Whenever changes are made to the PDF styling, you should update the benchmark PDFs:

make create_benchmark_pdfs

Or alternatively you can specify which PDF to update by passing the 'app' parameter to the make command, e.g.:

make create_benchmark_pdfs app=cfs

make create_benchmark_pdfs app=sil

Code style

ICMS uses Black for code formatting and flake8 for code analysis. Useful commands:

  • make black - Check code is formatted correctly
  • make black_format - Reformat all code
  • make isort_format - Orders imports
  • make flake8 - Check code quality is up to scratch
  • pre-commit run --all-files - Check all pre-commit hooks

pre-commit hooks

ICMS uses the following tool: pre-commit

pre-commit config file: .pre-commit-config.yaml

Common commands (local venv must be activated):

  • pre-commit autoupdate - Get the latest version of all hooks
  • pre-commit run - Check files staged for commit (git add)
  • pre-commit run --all-files - Runs all pre-commit hooks

PII Secret Check Hooks tool

ICMS uses the following tool: PII Secret Check Hooks

It runs as a pre-commit hook defined in the above section

  • pre-commit gc; pre-commit clean - Run if the hooks pass but the git commit fails

PII tool files:

  • pii-custom-regex.txt - Add custom regexes for finding secret or PII identification
  • pii-ner-exclude.txt - False positives to exclude
  • pii-secret-exclude.txt - Files to exclude from the pii checks

Refer to its documentation for further details

Permissions in ICMS

ICMS uses a combination of standard django permissions as well as django guardian object permissions.

See this document for an overview of the system.

Rebuilding the database

A complete reset of the application database can be performed using:

make down
docker volume rm icms_pgdata
make migrate
make manage args="create_icms_groups"
make add_dummy_data
make manage args="set_icms_sites http://caseworker:8080 http://export-a-certificate:8080 http://import-a-licence:8080"

Alternatively you can run the script found here: ./scripts/reset-local-docker-db

Recreating the migration files:

The following commands can be run to regenerate web/migrations/

rm web/migrations/*.py
make migrations
git restore web/migrations/
make black_format
make isort_format

Alternatively you can run the script found here: ./scripts/reset-icms-migrations

Database schema generation

A schema for the database can be generated using the following django-extensions command:

  • python graph_models --output=output.png


See Managing dependencies for information about installing, adding and upgrading dependencies.


File Uploads

Files are uploaded directly to S3 without being saved into file system of the app. The app in turn sends the file to ClamAV for malware/virus checking. See ICMSFileField.

Environment Variables

See .env.local-docker

See also docker-compose.yml for additional debug environment variables.

PDF generation and signing


We use playwright to generate PDFs from raw HTML, doing so requires installation of chromium which can be done locally and manually by running playright install && playwright install-deps. This is however taken care of in the Dockerfile.


We use endesive to sign the generated PDFs, this requires installation of various dependencies which are taken care of in the Dockerfile and the script, although you can install them manually by running brew install swig and pip install endesive.

You will also need to generate a .p12 certificate to sign the PDFs with, this can be done with the openssl CLI or an easier solution is to use the KeyStone Explorer App. Alternatively you can use the P12_SIGNATURE_BASE_64 and P12_SIGNATURE_PASSWORD values found in Vault

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track user interactions with the application, each of the sites (Caseworker, Importer, and Exporter) have their own Google Analytics tracking ID and the tag scripts are dynamically injected with the correct credentials based on the site the user is on (see>get_gtm_auth_key). The tracking IDs are stored in Vault.

The /cookie-consent/ page is used to allow users to opt in or out of Google Analytics tracking.