Releases: unacms/una
Releases · unacms/una
UNA v.11.0.0-RC1 (upgradable)
45 bugfixes and minor improvements
- Due to bug in update system, during system update, sometimes you could be asked to update modules first in this case you need to try again
- Due to the same bug, during modules updates, sometimes modules updates couldn't be shown in this case please reload page until updates are shown
UNA v.11.0.0-B1 (upgradable)
New apps:
System enhancements:
- PHP 7.4 compatibility #2553
- Macros - special constructions to insert dynamic content into regular text #2462
- Search in pages blocks #2579
- Possibility to switch to any user profile and back #2517
- Automatic "More" menu #2556
- URLs rewrite engine #2498
- Tree browsing by Labels #2460
- Multi-categories with user categories #2314
- Reactions improvements #2480 #2239
- Push notifications improvements #2452
- Admin/moderator can now see when particular member level expires #2446
- Ability to hide extended options in visibility/privacy fields #2434
- Password field showable switcher #2150
- Notification for author when post is published in case of delayed video transcoding #2148
- Comments: "in reply to" link is now more informative #2393
- Comments: search by account's email in manage comments grids #2428
- Comments: ability to edit images in comment edit form #2472
- Comments: cover for comment page #2469
- Profile based modules: add new privacy field "Who can contact me" #2252
- Profile based modules: "Active Profiles" block w/o scrollers #2416
- Group based modules: make member to follow the group automatically upon joining #1649
- Ability to mark the field "Location" as mandatory #2477
- Setting for "Remember Me" time interval #2476
- Show then scroll down to partially hide cover #2568
- New default layout for homepage #2492
- "og:image" meta-tag was added in profile based modules and on homepage #2402
- Bot profile for some system features #2424
- It now allowed to leave empty System Title fields in Pages, Menus and Forms builders #2522
- "Who can post to my profile" profile privacy is now for "Friends" by default #2539
- Comments: display standard message when comments aren't allowed #2523
- Default covers are in SVG format now #2521
- "Add to homepage widget" for mobiles was removed and replaced with standard dialog for iOS devices #2506
- More descriptive error message when ACL action is limited by time #2397
- New formula for top/popular content block in different modules #2410
- Internal enhancements #2589 #2564 #2560 #2526 #2519 #2514 #2513 #2494 #2457 #2432 #2427 #2421 #2414 #2369 #2296
Modules enhancements:
- Timeline: cards design update #2430
- Timeline: optimisations for Feeds and Sharing logic #2401 #2262 #2261 #2260
- Timeline: new layout for attachments #2257
- Timeline: drag&drop uploader #1710
- Notifications: optimizations #2599 #2552 #2495 #2392
- Notifications: notifications menu was moved to toolbar by default #2550
- Timeline: post form loading improvement #2592
- Timeline: blocks and tabs reorganization #2591
- Posts: attached polls improvements #2322
- Forums: partaken tab #2136
- Inviter: track who invited whom #2381
- Events: calendar block in group based modules #2380
- Groups: invite functionality improvement #2379
- Payments: Chargebee integration was updated #2573
- Payments: Use definite dates in orders, subscriptions, licenses, etc info #2548
- Market: new design for download page #2530
- Polls: allow voting by guests #2377
- Accounts: allow admins to mark account as confirmed #2499
- Shopify: updated integration #2436
- Froala: new settings for different set of buttons in toolbar for mobile view #2505
- Froala: update to the latest version #2540
- Albums: "crop uploader" is disabled by default #2490
- Photos: posting photos with empty titles now has empty title instead of assigning file name as title #2329
- Photos: EXIF info block #2280
- Russian: translation improvements #2341
- Developer: ability to change menu with empty set #2422
- Developer: ability to specify "Check For" and "Error message" for all fields in Forms Builder #2326
- Lucid: improvements #2403
100+ bugfixes
- Apply Payments and Polls updates first for smooth update procedure
- Audit break join process, so it's better to leave it disabled until next update
- Due to a bug in update system, during system update, sometimes you could be asked to update modules first in this case you need to try again
- Due to the same bug, during modules updates, sometimes modules updates couldn't be shown in this case please reload page until updates are shown
file is overwritten in this update, so if you have any custom changes in it, you need to re-apply it- If you are using Nginx web-server add the following rewrite rule:
if (!-e $request_filename ) {
rewrite ^/your-path-to-una/(.+)$ /your-path-to-una/r.php?_q=$1 last;
just after:
rewrite "^/your-path-to-una/s/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)" /your-path-to-una/storage.php?o=$1&f=$2 last;
replace your-path-to-una
with your own path to UNA folder.
UNA v.10.1.0-B1 (upgradable)
System enhancements:
- Minor design improvements #2349
- Switch language in Studio #2244
- Admin can now delete comments with replies #2126
Modules enhancements:
- Channels: page with top-level labels #2355
- Forum: standard layout for replies #2352
- Forum: "quote" functionality #2279
20 bugfixes
- Lucid module has two updates, so make sure that both updates are applied. Go to Studio > Modules > Updates page and apply all available updates, refresh this page several times until there is "empty" page. Manual
directory cleaning maybe will be required if you have any design problems in Lucid template.
UNA v.10.0.0 (upgradable)
7 bugfixes and minor improvements
UNA v.10.0.0-RC2 (upgradable)
- Separate 'Create Post' system blocks for public posting and posting with custom privacy
- FontAwesome Pro duotone icons support
- and other smaller enhancements
22 bugfixes
UNA v.10.0.0-RC1 (upgradable)
- Individual privacy groups - #1909
- Notifications about comments actions - #2212
- Reactions in comments - #2215
- Notifications for reactions in Timeline - #2227
- and other smaller enhancements
34 bugfixes
- Custom styles mix could be reset to the default one, more info here -
UNA v.10.0.0-B2 (upgradable)
System Enhancements
- Search by radius in custom search form - #2064
- Notifications for reactions - #2188
- and other smaller enhancements
30 bugfixes
UNA v.10.0.0-B1 (upgradable)
New modules
System Enhancements
- Minimal required PHP version was changed to 5.6 - #2029
- Reactions - #2139 #1691
- Relationships - #1907
- Optimizations - #2114 #2100
- Labels remake - #2102 #1960
- Encoding to
format was removed, instead720p
additional video format was added - #1852 - Delayed publishing for posts with videos - #1465
- Design changes - #2113 #2105 #2095 #2094 #2016 #1994 #1868 #1859
- Ability to specify membership level as privacy for Admins - #1132
- Homepage submenu - #2120
- Automatic 'More' menu item for some menus - #2123 #1993
- Option to hide item on mobile app in Pages and Menu builders - #2039
- Ability to choose embed provider (Embedly, Iframely) or turn it off - #1982
- Automatically renew browser's cache when system or module is updated when UNA cache is off - #2112
- Don't send system email notification about Friend Request if Notifications module is enabled - #2087
- Immediate subscription cancellation, instead of cancellation request - #2047
- Enhancements in 'Live Updates' notification popups - #2059
- Warn about wrong account during app purchasing in Studio Apps Market - #1876
- Add support for Block End form element in Studio Forms builder - #1919
- More descriptive error message for Studio multilingual field - #2077
- 'Clear custom cache' action was added in Studio dashboard cache block
- Retina images are more optimized for mobiles now - #2004
- Add minimum word length setting which allows to search in global search - #1983
- InnoDB support (some manual actions required) - #2130
- Separate membership action for view voters list - #2129
- Group based modules: improvements - #1908 #1782
- Profile based modules: separate privacy field for
post to
- #1816 - Profile based modules: display the same cover on all profile sub-tabs - #1816
- Profile based modules: unit meta info enhancements - #2115
- Profiles based modules: display number of friends and followers on profile view page - #2018
- Persons based modules: simple browsing unit with just an image and title - #1961
- Display users' avatars in manage grids - #2036
- Autogenerated passwords are alphanumeric without special chars now - #2013
- Count impressions in Views object - #1658
- Service method support for list of checkboxes in search form - #2116
- Service method which returns number of online users - #1959
function was added todisable_functions
checking in audit page- When form initialisation is complete
CSS class forform
element is added - #1988 - Some enhancements in informer - #2099
- Language changes - #2060 #2050
Modules enhancements
- Posts: allow to post different type of content (similar to post to Timeline) - #1630
- Timeline: allow to repost from context - #2097
- Timeline: get rid of duplicate posts - #2086
- Timeline: design changes - #2085 #1930 #1898
- Timeline: drag&drop uploader - #1713
- Timeline: caching - #2040
- Timeline: updates in get events list alert - #1900
- Protean: Light and Dark mixes - #2096
- Protean: design changes - #1869
- Notifications: improved behaviour when switching from/to grouped mode - #2145
- Notifications: scores support - #2138
- Notifications: some enhancements - #2041
- Notifications: better titles - #2002
- Discussions: design changes - #1891
- Conversations: new filter for unread messages - #2091
- Events: some enhancements - #2125 #2090 #1992
- Albums: some enhancements - #2089 #1991 #1918
- Antispam: profanity words filter - #2028
- Invitations: allow to set several emails in "Email to send invitation requests to" - #2068
- Developer: allow to set/edit 'Hide On' for menu items in Menu builder - #2057
- Persons/Orgs: add ability to search by email in persons administration grid - #2027
- Persons/Orgs: online status on profile view page - #2019
- Accounts: ability to show all unconfirmed accounts - #1972
- Market: some enhancements - #1901 #1832
- Analytics: mobile view change - #1874
- Froala: update to v.3.0.0 - #2124
- FontAwesome: update to v.5.9.0 - #2031
125+ bugfixes
- if you are using Amazon S3 storage then you need to rename
folder tobx_posts_covers
in your S3 bucket - Labels are global now, so if you had this feature enabled, then you need to re-enter it in Studio > Forms > Labels builder
- Some videos with
format may stuck in transcoder queue, then such records have to be manually removed:DELETE FROM `sys_transcoder_queue` WHERE `transcoder_object` LIKE '%webm' AND `status` IN('pending', 'processing', 'delete');