... with a focus on Level 1C.
To get more information on the data format, please be refered to the official Sentinel 2 Product Specification. Also, have a look at the tiling scheme used by Sentinel 2.
The following sections shall give a short overview on selected terms. Parts of the text are from the aforementioned Product Specification.
A User Product is a collection of Product Data Items (PDI). The User Product is delivered according to a user defined Area Of Interest (AOI) and a defined selection of User Product Components. It is packaged as a SAFE (Standard Archive Format for Europe) product.
A PDI can be the actual image as well as ancillary or auxilliary data and respective metadata. It is the minimum indivisible partition of one S2 User Product. It is self standing, atomic, includes all processing-related data and can be univocally identified.
PDI elements can be:
- image data
- image metadata
- image quality reports including quality data indicators and quality checks
- auxiliary data
- satellite ancillary data
- preview image data
Depending on the AOI, the User Product is composed by Granules (or Tiles for L1C). A Granule is the minimum indivisible (geographical) partition of a User Product. It also includes all possible spectral bands.
As we are focusing on L1C data, the terms "Granule" and "Tile" describe the same.
All Tiles intersecting or touching the AOI of the user are provided into the final User Product. Tiles have a fixed size of 100x100 km.