From the paper, "the main advantage of unikernels over traditional operating systems is their low resource consumption." To demonstrate this, we evaluated the image size of 4 representative applications in Unikraft and on other unikernel projects, including HermiTux, Lupine, MirageOS, OSv, Rumprun, and as a stripped, dynamically-linked native Linux userspace binary. This figure shows that "Unikraft images are all under 2MBs for all of these applications."
Run instructions:
cd experiments/10_compare-image-size
takes about 5 minutes in average.
N.B. You may need to set UK_KRAFT_GITHUB_TOKEN
as a prefix to make docker
in the top-level directory if you are rate-limited by kraft, e.g.:
DOCKER_BUILD_EXTRA="--build-arg UK_KRAFT_GITHUB_TOKEN=<mytoken>" make docker-kraft