Union Labs TypeScript SDK providing utilities for cross-chain transfers and more.
npm install @unionlabs/client
Publish to npm registry:
npm publish --access='public' --no-git-tags
Publish to JSR:
bun ./scripts/publish.ts
import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts"
import { createUnionClient, http } from "@unionlabs/client"
const client = createUnionClient({
chainId: "80084",
transport: http("https://bartio.rpc.berachain.com"),
account: privateKeyToAccount(`0x${process.env.PRIVATE_KEY}`),
Transfer strd
from Stride Testnet on Cosmos (stride-internal-1
) chain to Sepolia on EVM (1111551111
) chain.
import { DirectSecp256k1Wallet } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing"
import { createUnionClient, hexToBytes, http } from "@unionlabs/client"
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env["PRIVATE_KEY"]
if (!PRIVATE_KEY) throw new Error("Private key not found")
const cosmosAccount = await DirectSecp256k1Wallet.fromKey(
const client = createUnionClient({
account: cosmosAccount,
chainId: "stride-internal-1",
transport: http("stride.testnet-1.stridenet.co")
const transfer = await client.transferAsset({
amount: 1n,
autoApprove: true,
denomAddress: "strd",
destinationChainId: "11155111",
receiver: "0x8478B37E983F520dBCB5d7D3aAD8276B82631aBd"
if (transfer.isErr()) {