This release contains a lot of bugfixes and security updates to the contracts. It also has a new structure for artifacts called artifact index. Along with these updates there is also updated documentation that better describes all contracts.
Small fix in order to play more nicely with react-native
Deployed updated versions of IdentityManager and MetaIdentityManager.
- Small fixes to IdentityManager and MetaIdentityManager
- Better documentation for contracts
New controller called MetaIdentityManager and a contract called TxRelay. The MetaIdentityManager is very similar to the IdentityManager but also supports meta transactions with the help of the TxRelay.
New controller called IdentityManager. It is a controller that is shared by multiple users to reduce the overall gas cost in the uport system.
Fixed small bug in js-lib
Deployed contracts on Rinkeby testnet.
Redeployed IdentityFactoryWithRecoveryKey on the ropsten network.
First public release.