This gradle plugin generates Jooq metamodel classes from Flyway & Liquibase migration files. It does so by running them against a dockerized database, and then running the Jooq generator against that database.
It solves the following problems:
- No need to maintain and run local databases for builds
- You can run migrations against your very own RDMS, as opposed to an in memory H2 in compatibility mode like other plugins do
- The plugin is incremental end-to-end, and only runs if the migrations have changed, or the target metamodel folder has changed
The plugin tries to pull the image with a provided tag from the docker store if necessary. It will then create a container of that image, or reuse an existing container. The plugin uses a key to tag the containers it has created. Then the container is started.
A health check waits for the database inside the container to start. The health check is RDBMs and docker independent, as the plugin sends a SQL statement, and waits for its successful execution.
When the database is ready, the migrators are run against it.
After the migrations the jooq-generator is run.
You need to have Docker installed.
The plugin has been tested with Version 18.06.1-ce-mac73 (26764).
Two migration engines are supported:
- Flyway (version '6.5.1')
- Liquibase (version '3.10.1')
For Liquibase there are limitations:
- You cannot choose the name of your database change log. It has to be named 'databaseChangeLog'. The file ending does not matter, and can be any of the supported file types.
- All migration files need be located within the configured migrations folders (see section 'Configuration'). This is required for incremental build support.
All databases which you can run in a Docker container, and for which a JDBC driver can be provided, are supported. The plugin has been successfully tested with Postgres 9.6, and MariaDB 10.2.
Due to backwards incompatible changes in the API, no jooq generator version older than 3.11.0 is currently supported.
Add the following to your build.gradle plugin configuration block:
plugins {
id 'ch.ayedo.jooqmodelator' version '3.9.0'
To configure the plugin you need to add two things:
- A 'jooqModelator' plugin configuration extension (subsection "Plugin Configuration")
- A 'jooqModelatorRuntime' configuration in the dependencies for your database driver (subsection "Database Configuration")
For example projects please see section "Example Projects".
Add the following to your build script:
jooqModelator {
// The version of the jooq-generator that should be used
// The dependency is added, and loaded dynamically.
// Only versions 3.11.0 and later are supported.
jooqVersion = '3.12.0' // required, this is an example
// Which edition of the jooq-generator to be used.
// Possible values are: "OSS", "PRO", "PRO_JAVA_6", or "TRIAL".
jooqEdition = 'OSS' // required, this is an example
// The path to the XML jooq configuration file
jooqConfigPath = '/var/folders/temp/jooqConfig.xml' // required, this is an example
// The path to where the metamodel will be generated to.
// Important: this needs to be kept in sync with the path configured in the jooqConfig.xml
// the reason it needs to be configured here again is for incremental build support to work
jooqOutputPath = '/var/folders/temp/ch/acme/metamodel' // required, this is an example
// Which migration engine to use.
// Possible values are: 'FLYWAY', or 'LIQUIBASE'.
migrationEngine = 'FLYWAY' // required, this is an example
// a list of paths to the folders containing the migration files
migrationsPaths = ['/var/folders/temp/migrations'] // required, this is an example
// The tag of the image that will be pulled, and used to create the db container
dockerTag = 'postgres:11.5' // required, this is an example
// The environment variables to be passed to the docker container
dockerEnv = ['POSTGRES_DB=postgres', 'POSTGRES_USER=postgres', 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret'] // required, this is an example
// The container port bindings to use on host and container respectively
dockerHostPort = 5432 // required, this is an example
dockerContainerPort = 5432 // required, this is an example
// The plugin labels the containers it creates, and uses
// the following labelkey as key to do so.
// Should normally be left to the default
labelKey = 'ch.ayedo.jooqmodelator' // Not required. This is the default
// How long to wait in between failed retries. In milliseconds.
delayMs = 500 // Not required. This is the default
// How long to maximally wait for the database to react to the healthcheck. In milliseconds.
maxDurationMs = 20000 // Not required. This is the default
// The SQL statement to send to the database server as part of the health check.
sql = 'SELECT 1' // Not required. This is the default
You add your database drivers as follows:
dependencies {
// Add your JDBC drivers, and generator extensions here
When you change the dockerTag
, dockerEnv
, dockerHostPort
, or dockerContainerPort
a new container will be created. The old one is not deleted.
The plugins adds a task named generateJooqMetamodel to your build. Use it to generate the Jooq metamodel.
./gradlew generateJooqMetamodel
Please note: the first time you run the plugin it might take a long time to download missing docker images.
Postgres: click here
MariaDb: click here
Postgres: click here
MariaDb: click here