diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1a2c1711..f08969a2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ You will need Visual Studio Code (We'll call it VSCode). Lunaserver is the computer that will run on the robot on competition day, but until then is just a computer that is on 24/7. It will be connected to all the sensors we will use, and maybe a microcontroller for you to test stuff on. You will use a technique called SSH to connect to Lunaserver. There is a dedicated extension in VScode for this that you should use. [Here is a guide](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh#_connect-to-a-remote-host). -The address is `5.tcp.ngrok.io` and the port is `22735`. The SSH Fingerprint is `AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBMDjVvCSpLtGiopbc79AwfkZNcOkTsvVq/TiEGJEAvw9MXH8pJOL4kIHGusbJ3a8KTNa8uR7Y9Nb5K6yheM5pI4=`. When you connect to Lunaserver for the first time, VSCode will show you the fingerprint it received from what it thinks is Lunaserver. You should verify that this fingerprint is the same as that one. If they are different, disconnect and double check that you have written the address and port correctly. If they are correct, then it is likely that someone is trying to [piggy back](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack) off of your SSH connection for whatever reason. The chances of that happening is very low, but still worth checking. After the first connection, you will not need to verify the SSH fingerprint anymore as VSCode will check it for you. Very rarely, you may face a warning that the SSH fingerprint check has failed, which usually means that someone is once again trying to use your SSH connection. Simply let me know, and don't worry as your computer is not compromised. +The address is `5.tcp.ngrok.io` and the port is `22735`. The SSH Fingerprint is `SHA256:/XYiztKXqFHny36RCsustFw5qByHRmgKy0ONRsAbWHY`. When you connect to Lunaserver for the first time, VSCode will show you the fingerprint it received from what it thinks is Lunaserver. You should verify that this fingerprint is the same as that one. If they are different, disconnect and double check that you have written the address and port correctly. If they are correct, then it is likely that someone is trying to [piggy back](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man-in-the-middle_attack) off of your SSH connection for whatever reason. The chances of that happening is very low, but still worth checking. After the first connection, you will not need to verify the SSH fingerprint anymore as VSCode will check it for you. Very rarely, you may face a warning that the SSH fingerprint check has failed, which usually means that someone is once again trying to use your SSH connection. Simply let me know, and don't worry as your computer is not compromised. Before connecting for your first time, provide me with your preferred username and password for me to set up an account on Lunaserver for you. There is a guest account, username is `usr`. This account does not have any access outside of its home directory so you shouldn't use it to do your work.