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Available player's actions for each situation

Seokmin Hong edited this page Feb 28, 2021 · 2 revisions

0. Terminology

On combat: A state from a player having the attack token committed battle via moving ally unit(s) on the battleground till all units on the battleground have finished their combats.

Not on combat: Other states except on combat.

Commit: An action is committed when it is confirmed, usually by pressing the button.

1. Not on combat + empty stack

1.1. Play a unit

  1. If the unit has a "play" keyword that needs target(s), select targets.
  2. If the bench is already full, select a unit or a landmark to obliterate and commit. If not, this stage would be skipped.
  3. Consume the unit mana.
  4. Trigger the unit's "summon" keyword if it has.
  5. The turn ends.

1.2. Play a slow or fast spell(s)

  1. Play one or more fast spell(s) and a slow spell on the board.
  2. The slow spell always be located on the bottom of the stack, and other fast spells are stacked in order.
  3. If they are committed, they consume the player's mana in order from the bottom of the stack. If the player has spell mana, it would be consumed in preference.
  4. The turn ends.

1.3. Play burst or focus spell(s)

  1. Select target(s) if it(they) is needed.
  2. The mana is consumed, and the spell casts.
  3. The turn not ends.

1.4. Commit an attack.

  1. If the player has an attack token, move ally unit(s) to the battleground.
  2. If there are units with a "challenger" keyword, the player can move the opponent's unit in front of them. Also, if there are opponent units with the "vulnerable" keyword, they can be moved to in front of any units on the battleground. This step is also called "challenge".
  3. If the player commits, the turn ends, and the attack token is consumed.
  4. When exclusively allied units with the "scout" keyword attack for the first time in a round, rally (the player gains an attack token).
  5. If the player having Jarvan IV on the hand and having more unit mana than his cost, try to summon him to the battleground.
  6. Trigger the effect "when allies attack", in order from left to right of the battleground and from left to right of the bench.
  7. Trigger keywords "when I challenge", "attack", and "support" of the units' on the battleground in order from left to right.
  8. If there are units with the "ephemeral" keyword on the battleground and it's not full, try to summon shark chariots from the graveyard.

1.5. Rules for doing more than two actions

  • The player cannot play a slow spell and commit an attack in the same turn.
  • The player cannot play a unit while he/she tried to play spells.
  • If ally level-2 Twisted Fate exists on the board, he casts a skill when the player plays a card until three cards are played in the round. The skills are regarded as slow spells, so the player cannot commit an attack on the turn even he/she played burst or focus spells. However, even it looks buggy, if the player moves ally units on the battleground before playing burst or focus spells, the attack can be committed.

2. Not on combat + non-empty stack

2.1. Play burst spell(s)

2.2. Play fast spell(s)

3. On combat

3.1. Locate defense units

  1. When the opponent committed an attack, the player gets a chance to defense only once.
  2. Move ally units from the bench in front of attacking units, not challenging. This step is called "defense".
  3. When the defense is committed, trigger the effect "on defense", and all units' positions are fixed. They only can be changed by the spell "stand united" or "Shen's stand united".

3.2. Play burst spell(s)

3.3. Play fast spell(s)