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178 lines (150 loc) · 14.8 KB

Python Assembly

Python Assembly is an Code Format representing python bytecode, with some meta-instructions for cross-version support.

.pyasm files

  • implementation in bytecodemanipulation.assembler.hook, which is enabled on import of that module
  • hooks into the import system with lowest priority so that when a ModuleNotFoundException would be thrown, we can look into .pyasm files instead
  • will be parsed as normal "inline" assembly, local space is the module scope
  • the assembly code will be invoked in a (lambda) method, so you can use "RETURN" at module exit to early exit
  • this method gets a single argument called "$module$" (which you cannot access), which defines the scope
  • LOAD_FAST, STORE_FAST and DELETE_FAST will be transformed to accessing that parameter instead of the local space

Meta Instructions (dynamically decide what to use)

  • LABEL <name>: a bytecode label, can be used for jumps (use<name>) when trying to jump to a instruction not in ASM, but in pure python)

  • LOAD <expression> ['->' <target>]: Pushes the global or local variable to the stack

  • STORE <expression> ['(' <expression> ')']: stores TOS or value of 'expression' in the local or global variable

  • CALL ['PARTIAL' | 'MACRO'] <call target> '(' <args> ')' ['-> '<target>]: invokes the target found at 'call target' with the given 'args' (like python, but with access expressions for values and constant identifiers for keys), and stores it at TOS or 'target';

    • 'PARTIAL' is a wrapper like functools.partial. If used, each arg expression can be prefixed with '?' for dynamic evaluation, otherwise static evaluation (like the real functools.partial)
    • 'MACRO' calls macro code, meaning inlining; Parameters of the macro NOT prefixed with '!' will be evaluated on each access by the macro
      • also enables the use of code blocks as parameters (by using '{' <expressions> '}'' as a parameter)
  • OP <operation> ['->' <target>]: uses the given operator

    • where 'operation' might be
    • <expr> <operator> <expression>: binary operator, might be any of +|-|*|/|//|**|%|&|"|"|^|>>|<<|@|is|!is|in|!in|<|<=|==|!=|>|>=|xor|!xor|:=|isinstance|issubclass|hasattr|getattr
    • <operator> : singleton operator
    • <operator> ['('] <expr> {[','] <expr>} [')']: advanced operators with possible multiple parameters, dynamic parameter count, etc.
  • IF <expression> ['\'' <label name> '\''] '{' <body> '}': executes 'body' only if 'expression' is not False; 'label name' is the top, 'label name'+"_END" the end of the IF statement and 'label name'+"_HEAD" the real HEAD, so before the condition check might decide to statically evaluate 'expression' if possible, and statically include / not include the code

  • WHILE <expression> ['\'' <label name> '\''] '{' <body> '}': executes 'body' while 'expression' is not False; 'label name' is the top, 'label name'+"_END" the end of the WHILE statement and 'label name'+"_INNER" the inner HEAD, without condition check

  • FOREACH <variable> {',' <variable>} 'IN' <iterable> {(',' | '*') <iterable>}: iterates over the given iterables, using itertools.product on items chained by '*'

  • JUMP <label name> [(IF <condition access>) | ('(' <expression> | <op expression> ')')] : jumps to the label named 'label name'; if a condition is provided, jumps only if it evals to True

  • CLASS <name> '<' <exposed namespace> '>' ['(' <parents> ')'] ['->' <target>] '{' <body> '}': creates a class; namespace for 'body' is extended by class name!

  • DEF [<func name>] ['<' ['!'] <bound variables> '>'] '(' <signature> ')' ['->' <target>] '{' <body> '}': creates a method named 'func name' (lambda-like if not provided), capturing the outer locals in 'bound variables' (or none) using the args stored in 'signature', and optionally storing the result at 'target' (if not provided, at 'func name' if provided else TOS). 'body' is the code itself

  • PYTHON '{' <code> '}': puts the python code in place; '{' and '}' is allowed in code, but the last not matched and not escaped '}' will be used at end of code by the Lexer; WARNING: f-strings are currently NOT supported as they require some special handling at the lexer.

  • 'MACRO' ['ASSEMBLY'] <name> ['(' <param> [{',' <param>}] ')'] ['->' <data type>] '{' <assembly code> '}', where param is ['!'] ['MACRO_'] <name> [' ' <data type>] defines a macro in an assembly file, which can be used from outside

    • Call it by using 'CALL MACRO' with the name being the namespace
    • Parameters can be accessed via the '&' prefix
    • use MACRO_RETURN to return from the macro (if it is not at the end of the scope)
    • Parameters may start with ':' to capture locals from outside the macro definition
    • WARNING: N E V E R call a macro in itself (directly or indirectly). As you might expect, that cannot possibly work, and will most likely crash the compiler
    • Data Types:
      • CODE_BLOCK[<count>] (a code block in {}, where <count> is the amount of dynamic variables, defaults to 0); when count != 0, it is expected to prefix the {} with [<target name> {',' <target name>}] to declare where the values go (local variable only)
      • VARIABLE_ARG[...] (a dynamic count (including 0) of the specific type; if no type should be specified, omit the [])
      • VARIABLE (a variable reference, similar to C#'s 'out' keyword; can be used as a store target than; requires special inputs to work (currently only local, global or cell variables (or macro parameters of these kinds) are allowed, in the future more might work))
    • Macro names can be overloaded by arg count and types (hard checking is only done currently by CODE_BLOCK)
    • Comes with an extra instruction, which should only be used in macros:
  • MACRO_PASTE <macro param name> ['[' <access> {',' <access>} ']'] ['->' <target>]: pastes the code for a macro-parameter, and optionally pushes the result into the target; Can be used to define special exchangeable sections in code (it is intended to be used with code blocks as parameters) <access> can be used to expose parameter names for dynamic replacement, optionally prefixed with '!' to make the value static inlined (single eval) WARNING: will raise an exception when trying to use a STORE on a complex <expression> as <access>, as that is generally not supported

  • MACRO_IMPORT <module name with '.'> ['->' [':'] <namespace with ':'>]: imports the global scope of another module into this scope. If '->' is used, it defines where to put the scope. If it starts with '.', it is relative to the current position, otherwise global.

    • WARNING: the other module must be imported first (TODO: import it manually here!)
  • NAMESPACE [{<namespace parts> ':'}] <main name> '{' <code> '}': Namespace (internal only, not compiled into bytecode)

  • RAISE [<source>]: raises the exception at TOS or source

  • ASSERT <expression> [<message>]: asserts that 'expression' evaluates to True, if not, evaluates 'message' or uses the default message and raises an AssertionError

  • ASSERT_STATIC <expression> [<message>]: asserts a given expression statically; requires 'expression' and 'message' to be static-evaluate-able during code emitting

Python-Pure Instructions (correspond to single opcodes with optional magic)

  • LOAD_GLOBAL <name or index> ['->' <target>]: pushes the global variable on the stack or stores it at 'target'
  • STORE_GLOBAL <name or index> [(<expression>)]: stores TOS or value of 'expression' in the global variable
  • LOAD_FAST <name or index> ['->' <target>]: pushes the local variable on the stack or stores it at 'target'
  • STORE_FAST <name or index> [(<expression>)]: stores TOS or value of 'expression' in the local variable
  • LOAD_CONST <value> | @<const global source> ['->' <target>]: loads the constant onto TOS or into 'target'
  • POP [<count = 1>]: Pops 'count' elements from the stack and discards them
  • RETURN [<expression>]: Returns the value from TOS or from 'expression'
  • YIELD [*] [<expression>] ['->' <target>]: Yields the value from TOS or from 'expression'; Writes the result into 'target', default is discard; * means 'yield from'
  • RAW <opcode or opname> [<arg as integer>]: Emits the given opcode with the given arg

Python opcodes not having a corresponding assembly instruction

  • CALL_FUNCTION and related: automatically accessed via CALL
  • JUMPS: JUMP instruction with label (currently no offset define-able)


Expressions can be added as certain parameters to instructions to use instead of TOS

  • Access Expressions:
    • @<global name>: global variable
    • @!<global name>: static global variable
    • $<local name>: local variable
    • §<name>: access a variable from an outer scope
    • &<name>: access to a macro parameter (can be also used in most places were should be used)
    • ~<name>: static access to a builtin or a module, or one of the following constants:
      • PY_VERSION: the python version, in a single integer, e.g. 310 for version 3.10
      • BCM_VERSION: the bytecode manipulation version, also in above format, e.g. 10410 would be version 1.4.10
    • %[<n>]: top of stack, or the n-th item from TOS
    • <access>[<index or expression>]: value by [] operator
    • <access>(<... args>): call to the attribute; not allowed in CALL opcode source and STORE opcode source
    • '\' for discarding the result of an expression (only when STORING)
  • OP instruction, where everything except the 'OP' name is in a single bracket, e.g. "OP ($a + $b)"
  • A string literal with " as quotes, and \" for escaping
  • A signed integer or floating-point number
  • <expression>.<name>: access an attribute of the expression
  • <expression>.(<expression>): accesses the attribute by a dynamic name
  • <expression>.!<name>: static access to an attribute, requires lhs to be statically arrival


  • list / tuple / set / map construction (currently only via std)

    • CREATE <type> '(' {<expr>} ')' ['->' <target>] where type can be list, tuple, set and dict
    • COMPREHENSION <type> ['<' <capture locals> '>'] <source> '{' <code> '}' where type can be list, tuple, set, dict, generator and async generator; YIELD statements for emitting to the outside
  • can we use offsets as labels in JUMP's? (offsets in assembly instruction and bytecode instructions?)


  • LABEL part for WHILE, FOREACH, FORRANGE and IF (jump to end of if or top if wanted)

  • make it IF ... {ELSEIF ...} [ELSE ...] (single assembly meta instruction)

  • IMPORT <item> [<item>] where 'item' is <package> ['/' <sub module>] ['->' <target=sub module name OR package name>]

  • TRY '{' <code> '}' {EXCEPT ['\'' <label name> '\''] ['->' <exception target>] ('{' <handle> '}')} [FINALLY '{' <code block> '}'] | <label name>

  • CONVERT <source type> <target type> [<source=TOS>] ['->' <target=TOS>]

  • DEF ASYNC ...

  • AWAIT <expr> ['->' <target>] and as an expression

  • AWAIT '*' ('(' <expr> ['->' <target>] {<expr> ['->' <target>]} ')') | ('(' <expr> {<expr>} ')' ['->' <target>]) | (<expr> ['->' <target>]) (* = asyncio.gather(...))

  • WITH '(' <expr> ['->' <target>] {<expr> ['->' <target>]} ')' '{' <body> '}' with special handling for jumps (trigger exit or disable exit)

  • UNPACK <iterable> '->' [<targets...>] ['*' <rest target>] [<targets...>] separated by ',', at least one present, at most one '*'

  • PACK <type> <arguments ...> '->' <target>: packs data as 'type' (LIST, DICT, SET, TUPLE are possible, DICT enforced even item count)


  • CALL MACRO for normal functions (implicit made macros with static parameters), and CALL for macros (implicit made local function)

  • More Macro Arg Types:

    • new data type: OPTIONAL[...] where ... is another data type, marking a variable as None-able
    • new data type: UNION[...] where ... is a list of data types, separated by ','
    • new data type: LIST['[' <data type> ']'] where data type is the inner type
    • new data type: CONSTANT['[' <type name> ']']
    • new data type: DEFAULT'['[<type> ','] <value>']' making a real optional value
    • ENFORCED[<type>] for runtime enforcing the type additional to the soft checks at compile time
    • new data type: LABEL exposing a label to the macro, which can be used in places were normal labels can be used (handed over only by name) (partially implemented via macro name expansion, but compile-time checks should be enforced)
    • new specialization for the & macro expansion system: index operator on result where parameter is list will access that item in the list
    • new special case for len(...) on macro parameters where the type is a list (e.g. VARIABLE_ARG): returns len of parameter list
    • new special case for using & parameters in local captures: name expansion when VARIABLE_ARG
    • storing a list parameter in a local variable will create a list creation code
    • special annotation for return value target parameter ('->' <target>), with possibility for multiple targets
    • allow macro parameters to be used in places where identifiers would be used (e.g. variable names, function names, class names, ...)
      • compare against static parameter value at emit time
  • CLASS STRUCT ... '<' <attr name> {',' <attr name>} '>' '{' ... '}' to declare a class with __slots__ (and maybe compile-time checks that no other attributes are set on 'self' attributes on functions?)

  • CLASS STRUCT IMMUTABLE (for namedtuple stuff)

  • CLASS ABSTRACT ... for abstract classes, which includes the abc.ABC baseclass

  • DEF ABSTRACT ... for defining abstract methods (no body to declare, automatically raises a NotImplementedException when called)

  • DEF PROTECTED ... for defining a method which cannot be overridden in subclasses, enforced via __init_subclass__

  • ATTR_TYPEDEF <attr name> <type definition> in class bodies

  • VAR_TYPEDEF <variable name> <type definition> everywhere to hint types

  • ..._TYPEDEF_STRICT for enforcing types

  • MACRO_PASTE / CODE_BLOCK: allow the macro to forbid access to internal locals

  • RAW with macro data

  • Template parameters to functions and classes somehow, enforceable via runtime type checks

    • DEF [<func name>] ['<' ['!'] <bound variables> '>'] ['{' <generic type information> '}'] '(' <signature> ')' ['->' <target>] '{' <body> '}'
    • CLASS <name> '<' <exposed namespace> '>' ['{' <generic type inforation> '}'] ['(' <parents> ')'] ['->' <target>] '{' <body> '}'
    • GENERIC[<name>] as type specifier
  • make the RAW assembly arguments correct; we can no longer set "arg" to the value we want, as the re-assembler will not use the raw "arg" attribute, but the "arg_value"

  • CODE_BLOCK -> <target> so we can use MACRO_RETURN in a CODE_BLOCK parameter to return a value to the MACRO_PASTE

  • make the system more abstract preparing for python 3.11 (CACHE entries, redesigned CALL pattern, ...)


  • a syntax highlighter plugin
  • maybe make the module parsing (optional) async?