Get Started with oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB)#
+oneTBB Get Started Guide provides the information you need to begin working with oneTBB. +It is helpful for new users of parallel programming and experienced developers that want to improve code performance.
+It is recommended for you to have a basic knowledge of C++ programming and some experience with parallel programming concepts.
+oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB) is a runtime-based parallel programming model for C++ code that uses tasks. +The template-based runtime library can help you harness the latent performance of multi-core processors.
+oneTBB enables you to simplify parallel programming by breaking computation into parallel running tasks. Within a single process, +parallelism is carried out by mapping tasks to threads. Threads are an operating system mechanism that allows the same or different sets of instructions +to be executed simultaneously. Using threads can make your program work faster and more efficiently.
+Here you can see one of the possible executions of tasks by threads.
+ +Use oneTBB to write scalable applications that:
Specify logical parallel structure instead of threads.
+Emphasize data-parallel programming.
+Take advantage of concurrent collections and parallel algorithms.
oneTBB supports nested parallelism and load balancing. It means that you can use the library without worrying about oversubscribing a system, which happens when more tasks are assigned to a system than it can handle efficiently.
+oneTBB is used in different areas, such as scientific simulations, gaming, data analysis, etc.
+It is available as a stand-alone product and as part of the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit.
+To start using oneTBB, follow the next steps:#
See the System Requirements.
+- +
Run your program using oneTBB following the Next Steps.
+Learn how to Integrate oneTBB into your project using CMake* and pkg-config tool.
+See oneTBB Samples.