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Session 1: Set up a serverless application with simple functions

Set up your AWS profile

First follow this documentation to setup a dojo-serverless AWS profile on your computer (or, if you want to use another AWS profile, specify it in the serverless.yml later).

Deploy your first Serverless app

First, install serverless globally and checkout to the session-1-v3 branch.

npm install -g serverless
git checkout session-1-v2

Install your backend and deploy your stack !

cd backend
yarn deploy

That's it! Once your stack is deployed:

  • Go to AWS Single Sign-On and loggin to your account.
  • Go on Cloudformation interface to check out the ressources that have been created
  • Go on API Gateway interface to check out your API and your routes. Write down your API id !
  • Go on AWS Lambda to check out your lambdas
  • If you call your ressource with the url returned by the command https://{apiId}.execute-api.{region}{stage}/hello, you should get your response (you can find the region and the stage in your serverless.ts)!
  • Go on AWS Cloudwatch to check out their execution logs (log stream tab)

Now, it's your turn 💪

In the front-end folder, copy-paste .env.development as .env.development.local and replace the httpApiId by yours.

Run yarn and yarn start. Now, it's your turn:

  • Connect your front-end to your back-end through a /virus GET route returning a mocked list of viruses.
  • Update your route to return a single (fake) virus if an id is provided as query param (log the event to see how to retrieve them).
  • Create a createVirus lambda that triggers every minute and does nothing for the moment (a useful link) (but don't forget to remove it at the end of the session !)
  • Create a virus/{id} DELETE route that is requested on a virus click, and that does nothing for the moment. (a useful link and another one)

Pro tips:

  • If you want to deploy only one function, use serverless deploy -f <your-function-name>. It is much faster (~5s) than deploying a stack (~30s) but will only deploy the function's code, not any config change in your serverless.ts.
  • To call locally one function, use serverless invoke -f <your-function-name> --path path/to/mocked-event.json

Done ? Nice work ! Don't forget to kill your stack by running serverless remove in the backend folder !

To see final result, checkout the start of session 2.

Bonus: Bootstrap your serverless application

This branch gives you the necessary means to start coding right away. If you didn't have a code base to start with, here are the steps to get one from scratch:

  • Install globally serverless library on your computer
npm install -g serverless
  • Go in /backend folder and use serverless start command to create your project
serverless create --template aws-nodejs-typescript

This will create a serverless.yml that will container the configuration of your ressources. Here are the information you'll have to fill out

  name: <name of your service; ex: dojo-serverless>

plugins: # this allow you to extend serverless framework with plugins
  - serverless-webpack

provider: # this will contains all the configuration related to your provider (AWS here)
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x
  region: <ex: eu-west-1>
  stage: <your environment; ex: dev>
  profile: <the profile used to deploy>

  hello: # name of your function
    handler: hello.main # file that handle the function execution
    events: # element that trigger the function -> here it's an http call to API Gateway service
      - http:
          method: get
          path: hello

resources: # Allow to import Cloudformation files to configure your ressources (DynamoDB, API Gateway etc.)
  - <path-to-ressouce-file>

custom: # Allow to define custom keys that can be used in the file with  ${self:custom.<key>}
  key: test

The create command has also generated webpack.config.js which will allow the serverless-webpack plugin to parse correctly the typescript and tsconfig.json to configure typescript.