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259 lines (197 loc) · 10.7 KB


Renders a react knob component that can be widely customised.

Few knobs


npm install rc-knob
yarn add rc-knob



The main idea is to split the user interaction and value calculation from the actual rendering of typical knob elements like pointer, scale or value. So all logic is done in the Knob component which is the root component.

All visual UI is done in one of this components: Arc, Pointer, Scale and Value. All UI elements are rendered as SVG.

All the UI component don't to anything beside rendering and are useless on their own as they need a bunch of props that they get from the parent Knob component to render the current value of the knob.

A simple knob with a pointer and value would look like this:

import React from 'react'
import { Knob, Pointer, Value } from 'rc-knob'

export default ()=> (
        <Value />
        <Pointer width={1} height={2}/>



The Knob component is root component that handles all the user interactions. I does not render any visual UI elements but an <div><svg></svg></div>. All children will be added to the <svg> element. It handles the user interaction by mouse, mouse wheel and keyboard arrow keys. It is accessible by keyboard using tab.


Prop Type Default Description
angleOffset number 0 Offset of the start angle in degree of the knob. The origin 0 in on top and clockwise.
angleRange number 360 Graphical range of the knob in degree clockwise.
ariaLabelledBy string Will be added as aria-labelledby to the knob main element.
ariaValueText string Will be added as aria-valuetext to the knob main element.
children elements Can be any of knob subcomponents and SVG elements including filter.
className string Will be added to the knob main element.
interactiveHook function Callback to tune the behaviour of the knob during the mouse interaction. See the details on interactiveHook bellow.
max number Max value of the knob.
min number Min value of the knob.
multiRotation boolean false If true, the knob can be turned many times. min/max are not taken into acount anymore to limit the value.
onChange function Callback that will pass the value when user interact with the knob. If tracking=false this callback is not called during mouse dragging, but is triggered when the mouse is release (if the value have changed)
onEnd function Callback triggered when the dragging end.
onInteractiveChange function Callback that will pass the value during dragging.
onStart function Callback triggered when the dragging start.
readOnly boolean false Indicates if the knob is editable. If true the knob do not react to user input
size integer Width and height of the knob in px
snap boolean false Indicates if the knob should snap to a step. Has only an effect if steps is set.
steps interger Number of steps the knob can snap to. It's also used to calculate the single steps for the Scale component.
tracking boolean true Control the behaviour of onChange during mouse dragging. If true, onChange is triggered during mouse dragging. If false, onChange is not triggered during mouse dragging, but is triggered when the mouse is release (if the value have changed).
useMouseWheel boolean true Indicates if the knob can be edited with the mouse wheel. If true the knob uses mouse wheel event, and the default wheel event is inhibited. Set to false can prevent to edit the widget during page scroll. Default is true.
value number 0 Initial value of the knob


This hook allow to configure the knob to behave in different way depending on the location of the mouse during the interaction.

A dedicated event is passed to this callback during the mouse interaction containing:

  • mouseRadius, the radius location of the mouse into the knob
  • mouseAngle, the angle (in degree, in range 0..360) location of the mouse into the knob (using the same referential as angleOffset: 0 on top, clockwise)
  • mouseX, the X location on the mouse relative to the center of the knob
  • mouseY, the Y location on the mouse relative to the center of the knob
  • ctrlKey, inherited from MouseEvent
  • altKey, inherited from MouseEvent
  • metaKey, inherited from MouseEvent
  • shiftKey, inherited from MouseEvent

The callback have to return a specific dictionary, which can contain:

  • readOnly, if true, the mouse event is inhibited
  • steps, number of intervales to snap on

Here is an example of such callback:

function interactiveHook(e) {
    if (e.mouseRadius < 20) {
        // inhibite the center of the knob
        return {readOnly: true}
    // default
    return {}


Renders an arc that indicates the current knob value.


Prop Description
arcWidth Width of the arc. The arc will expand to the centre.
background Color of the arc over the whole range of the knob. If background is not set, the background arc will not rendered.
color Color of the arc that indicates the value of the knob.
radius Outer radius of the arc. Will be the knob size by default


Renders a range between 2 angles.


Prop Description
arcWidth Width of the arc. The arc will expand to the centre.
color Color of the range.
percentFrom Starting point of the range. If unset, percent value of the knob is used.
percentTo Ending point of the range. If unset, percent value of the knob is used.
radius Outer radius of the arc. Will be the knob size by default


Renders a spiral between 2 angles.


Prop Description
arcWidth Width of the spiral line. The spiral will expand to the centre.
color Color of the spiral.
percentFrom Starting point of the spiral. If unset, percent value of the knob is used.
percentTo Ending point of the spiral. If unset, percent value of the knob is used.
radiusFrom Outer radius of the start point of the spiral.
radiusTo Outer radius of the ending point of the spiral.


Pointer of the knob. Can be either be a rect, circle or triangle depending on the passed type prop or any SVG element that is passed as a children.


Prop Description
children Can be any SVG element or a component that will render a SVG element. If you pass a component the percentage of the current value will be passed as a prop. The element will be rendered as pointer. Note, that you have to pass width and height as props to make calculate the correct position.
className Will be added to the predefined shape or the children.
color Color of the pointer.
height Height of the rect or the custom element. Will be ignored for circle. Will be the same as width if not set.
radius Outer radius of the circle the pointer sits on.
type Can be rect, circle or triangle. Will render the according SVG element. width and/or height props needs to be set.
width Width of the rect or the custom element. Radius when type is set to circle.


Label to display in the knob. In polar coordinates.


Prop Description
className Will be added to the SVG text element.
label Label to display.
percentage Location of the label in percentage of the value range
radius Radius of the center of the label
style Will be added to the SVG text element.
userSelect Added to the style. Default is none to avoid text selection.


Renders a radial scale. The number of ticks is set by the step prop of the parent Knob component.

The single scale tick can be a SVG rect or circle. Additionally a render function can be passed as a prop, that will render each tick.

This is useful if the scale ticks should have different colors, or different tick length for every 10th tick for example.


Prop Description
type Can be rect or circle, default is rect. Will render the according SVG element. tickWidth and/or tickHeight props needs to be set.
radius Outer radius where the ticks ends.
tickWidth Width of a single tick. Used as radius if type is circle.
tickHeight Height of a single tick. Is ignored when type is circle.
color Will be passed as color prop to the render SVG element of a tick or to the custom render function.
activeColor Color for the tick that indicates the same value as the current knob value.
className Will be passed as prop to the render SVG element of a tick or to the custom render function.
activeClassName className for the tick that indicates the same value as the current knob value.
fn Function that can be used to have the full control over how a tick is rendered. The function needs to return a SVG element. See details on fn function bellow.

Custom function

The property fn is a function which get the following props passed:

Function that can be used to have the full control over how a tick is rendered. The function needs to return a SVG element. The function will get the following props passed:

  • active
  • activeClassName
  • activeColor
  • angleOffset
  • center
  • className
  • color
  • stepSize
  • tickHeight
  • translateX
  • translateY
  • tickWidth
  • percentage
  • steps

Most of them are just passed down from the Pointer or the Knob.

Additional are:

  • center, the half of the size of the Knob
  • stepSize, the size of the angle of one step in degree
  • translateX, translateY that are needed to put the tick on the correct position using the transform prop e.g: transform={`translate(${translateX} ${translateY})`}
  • i which is the index of the current tick.


Render the current value as SVG text element.


Prop Description
decimalPlace Number of decimal places the value should rendered with.Is 0 by default.
className className that is passed to the SVG text component.
marginBottom Useful to adjust the horizontal position of the text inside of the Knob.