diff --git a/src/vanna/base/base.py b/src/vanna/base/base.py
index 0117bb97..af052798 100644
--- a/src/vanna/base/base.py
+++ b/src/vanna/base/base.py
@@ -612,6 +612,65 @@ def _get_information_schema_tables(self, database: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
         return df_tables
+    def get_training_plan_generic(self, df) -> TrainingPlan:
+        # For each of the following, we look at the df columns to see if there's a match:
+        database_column = df.columns[
+            df.columns.str.lower().str.contains("database")
+            | df.columns.str.lower().str.contains("table_catalog")
+        ].to_list()[0]
+        schema_column = df.columns[
+            df.columns.str.lower().str.contains("table_schema")
+        ].to_list()[0]
+        table_column = df.columns[
+            df.columns.str.lower().str.contains("table_name")
+        ].to_list()[0]
+        column_column = df.columns[
+            df.columns.str.lower().str.contains("column_name")
+        ].to_list()[0]
+        data_type_column = df.columns[
+            df.columns.str.lower().str.contains("data_type")
+        ].to_list()[0]
+        plan = TrainingPlan([])
+        for database in df[database_column].unique().tolist():
+            for schema in (
+                df.query(f'{database_column} == "{database}"')[schema_column]
+                .unique()
+                .tolist()
+            ):
+                for table in (
+                    df.query(
+                        f'{database_column} == "{database}" and {schema_column} == "{schema}"'
+                    )[table_column]
+                    .unique()
+                    .tolist()
+                ):
+                    df_columns_filtered_to_table = df.query(
+                        f'{database_column} == "{database}" and {schema_column} == "{schema}" and {table_column} == "{table}"'
+                    )
+                    doc = f"The following columns are in the {table} table in the {database} database:\n\n"
+                    doc += df_columns_filtered_to_table[
+                        [
+                            database_column,
+                            schema_column,
+                            table_column,
+                            column_column,
+                            data_type_column,
+                        ]
+                    ].to_markdown()
+                    plan._plan.append(
+                        TrainingPlanItem(
+                            item_type=TrainingPlanItem.ITEM_TYPE_IS,
+                            item_group=f"{database}.{schema}",
+                            item_name=table,
+                            item_value=doc,
+                        )
+                    )
+        return plan
     def get_training_plan_snowflake(
         filter_databases: Union[List[str], None] = None,