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39 lines (30 loc) · 1.66 KB

File metadata and controls

39 lines (30 loc) · 1.66 KB
   ___                 _____ ____  ____  ____
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       |_|    The modern time series database.

This repo contains the public website and documentation for OpenTSDB, found at link.


Main Site

The main site pages are generated by a Makefile that takes a list of content files and applies headers and footers. To modify the main site files, only edit files found in the content directory. After making your modifications, run make and the .html files in the root directory should have been updated. Commit your changes and submit a pull request to have them merged.

The main site is super simple and just uses straight HTML and the Bootstrap library in an attempt to make it a little less ugly.

Note: Changes made directly to the HTML pages but not the .content files may disappear the next time code is updated.


To generate the documentation, another Makefile (provided via Sphinx) is used create the HTML files from ReStructuredText files. The source files are found in docs/source. Please only edit the .rst files. Install Sphinx using your favorite Python package manager, then from the docs directory run make html. Verify your updates appeared properly in the generated HTML output using python -m SimpleHTTPServer, commit your changes and send us a PR.

Note: Changes made directly to the HTML pages but not the .rst files may disappear the next time code is updated.