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VG RDF for Summarization graphs

JervenBolleman edited this page Sep 3, 2019 · 3 revisions

Graph summarization introduces a new type of nodes and relations to existing vg data.

A first proposal is to introduce three new types

  1. vg:SummationNode
  2. vg:SummationStep
  3. vg:SummationPath


This is node with only topology i.e. how it connects to other vg:SummationNodes the second new piece is pointers to the nodes that it summarizes. A new predicate vg:summaryOf could be minted for this.


Like normal VG RDF steps are the key link between paths and nodes. Here they are only different in the type otherwise the structure is the same. To give a quick way to find the Steps by an offset from the start of the path we can reuse vg:position


These should have names and properties that link to existing paths. reusing vg:summaryOf is an option.

@prefix vg:<> . 
@prefix node: <> . 
@prefix path: <> . 
@prefix step: <> . 
@prefix rdf: <> . 
summationnodelevel1:1 a vg:SummationNode ;
  vg:length 64 ;
  vg:summaryOf node:1 , node:2 ;
  vg:linksForwardToForward summationnodelevel1:2 .

summationnodelevel1:2 a vg:SummationNode ;
  vg:length 96 ;
  vg:summaryOf node:3 , node:4 , node:5.

summationstep1:1 a vg:SummationStep ;
  vg:rank 1 ;
  vg:position 0 ;
  vg:path summationpath:x_at_zoom_2 ;
  vg:summaryOf path:x .

summationstep1:2 a vg:SummationStep ;
  vg:position 64 ;
  vg:rank 2 ;
  vg:path summationpath:x_at_zoom_2 ;  
  vg:summaryOf path:x .

step:x-1 vg:position 0 ; 
 a vg:Step ;
 vg:rank 1 ; 
 vg:node node:1 ; 
 vg:path path:x . 
step:x-2 vg:position 32 ; 
 a vg:Step ;
 vg:rank 2 ; 
 vg:node node:2 ; 
 vg:path path:x . 
step:x-3 vg:position 64 ; 
 a vg:Step ;
 vg:rank 3 ; 
 vg:node node:3 ; 
 vg:path path:x . 
step:x-4 vg:position 96 ; 
 a vg:Step ;
 vg:rank 4 ; 
 vg:node node:4 ; 
 vg:path path:x . 
step:x-5 vg:position 128 ; 
 a vg:Step ;
 vg:rank 5 ; 
 vg:node node:5 ; 
 vg:path path:x . 
node:1 vg:linksForwardToForward node:2 . 
node:2 vg:linksForwardToForward node:3 . 
node:3 vg:linksForwardToForward node:4 . 
node:4 vg:linksForwardToForward node:5 . 
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