- Handled with RBAC in Azure AD
- Can see storage keys: Owner, Contributor & Storage Account,Virtual Machine Contributor, Storage Account Key Operator Service
- Reader cannot see storage keys
- Can see storage keys: Owner, Contributor & Storage Account,Virtual Machine Contributor, Storage Account Key Operator Service
- Management Plane
- Administrative tasks e.g.
- Viewing properties of storage account.
- Deleting storage account.
- Assigning roles to other users.
- Modifying the configuration.
- Administrative tasks e.g.
- Data Plane
- Requires access to storage account keys.
- On blobs you can set access level to public access.
- For authenticated access:
Storage Account Keys
- Provides full access to the storage
- 💡 Best practice: Give all admins and apps same key.
- Enables you to:
- Regenarate secondary key.
- Update apps to use secondary key
- Regenerate primary key
- Enables you to:
- Can be managed by Azure Key Vault using Powershell
- Storage account keys are stored as Key vault secrets.
- Azure Key Vault syncs keys with storage Account
- Storage account keys never returned to caller.
Shared Access Signatures (SAS tokens)
💡 Better as it follows principle of the least privilege.
Contains permissions and start & end validity period.
- Set read and/or write permissions.
- Grant permissions to access only partition + row key ranges.
- You can restrict access to IP Address(es)
- Enforce HTTPS
Two types:
- Service Level SAS: Only to a single blob/file/table or queue storage.
- Account Level SAS: Applies to multiple services
❗ It's generated by client and is not tracked by Microsoft.
- Signature is signed with account key and ensures none of the parameters are tempered.
- To invalidate, you'll need to regenerate storage account key used to sign SAS.
- 💡 Better way: Storage Access Policies
- Defined on container level.
- In portal: Containers -> Right click on container -> Access policy
- Permissions + validity period is on server side.
- Service level SAS only.
- Easy to revoke by deleting the policy or changing its validity period.
- Defined on container level.
Example url:
URL part Description https://myacount.blob.core.windows.net/container1/file1.pdf
URL to endpoint ?sv=2017-07-29
Rest API version &st=2018-04-30T19%3A19%3A19Z
Validity start time &se=2018-05-01T19%3A19%#A19Z
Validity end time &sr=b
Type of resource &sp=r
Permissions &sip=
IP Address / range (optional) &spr=https
Protocol (optional) &sig=pk9oGEPqYyu0K4Gutfreq9n0CJqgnjYgkEwcIEL8I0%3D
Azure AD authentication with RBAC
- Available for Blob and Queue services.
- Azure AD provides OAuth 2.0 token
- E.g. Storage Blob Data Contributor, Storage Blob Data Reader, Storage Queue Data Contributor, Storage Queue Data Reader
- Subscription level (for all Storage Accounts), Resource group level, Storage level or Blob container/queue level.
- For users, groups, applications, managed service identities.
- You register your application in AD (App Registrations)
- You can then assign roles to your application.
- Roles can also be assigned to Managed Service Identity (MSI)
- Can set up with Azure VMs, Function Apps, VM Scale Sets
- Credentials are injected into service instance (e.g. client id and certificate)
- Code calls local MSI endpoint to authenticate to the resource (e.g. storage)
- Easier management, no need to handle SAS tokens or manage keys.
💡 Azure Key Vault can manage storage account keys and generate SAS
- Enforced by enabling Secure Transfer
- Requires HTTPS for REST API
- Requires SMB 3.0 for Azure file service
- When moving data e.g. between
- Azure regions
- On-prem to Azure storage
- You can use Site-to-Site VPN, Point-to-Site VPN or Azure ExpressRoute.
- The data is moved across internet.
- 💡 Vulnerable to Azure, good to encrypt data.
- Configuration from outside Storage Account always requires SMB 3.0
- SMB 2.1 does not have encryption so it's only allowed between different Azure regions.
- Secure transfer required option is disabled by default.
- SAS tokens can specify only HTTPS can be used.
- You can also use client side encryption:
- Encrypt data within the application.
- Double encrypted as Azure storage encrypts data as default.
- Still good idea to enforce HTTPS
- HTTPS has built-in integrity checks to avoid network data loss
- There are SDKS for e.g. C#, JAVA.
- Can leverage Azure Key vault to generate and/or store keys.
- Every storage account has encryption enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
- Required for many compliances e.g. privacy.
- Encrypts data before it's written
- Decrypts data before it's read
- Allows you to get encryption without any code
- Applies to Standard and Premium.
- Uses 256 bit AES.
- Keys are managed by Microsoft by default.
- Allows you to use your own encryption keys.
- ❗ Blobs and files only.
- ❗ Can only enable after the account is created.
- ❗ Key vault and storage account must be in same region
- Can be in different subscriptions
- Encrypts data disks (VHD) of VM's.
- Handles both managed & unmanaged disks.
- Windows VM's -> Bitlocker encryption
- Linux VM's -> DM-crypt
- Integrates with Key Vault to manage keys.
- ❗ Key Vault must reside in same region and subscription
- When uploading encrypted VM, you can upload encryption keys to Azure Key Vault first.
- Good for migrating as you can use same keys as on-premises.
- By default, storage accounts are accesible by all networks including internet
- Allows you to create trust boundaries
- Setting up networking/firewall rule
- ❗ Denies all traffic by default unless any connection are explicitly opened
- In portal: Settings -> Firewalls and Virtual Networks -> Select Network
- You can have VNets from the same region as storage account or in a paired region.
- Firewall allows you to choose IP addresses that can access VM's
- E.g. you can set up only ExpressRoute acces.
- When you configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks