%% Driver is either the CLI or server daemon of the tool responsible for calling the subsequent units
participant driver
%% Fetcher is the component responsible for converting a network URL into raw bytes.
participant fetcher
%% Parser is the component responsible for taking the raw bytes from fetcher and turning it into a structured response
%% The structured response can then be given to the driver to decide what to do with it.
participant parser
%% Metrics is an interface responsible for receiving telemetry in a way that the reporter package can implement.
%% Using their specific counters / spans / gauge, etc.
participant metrics
%% Reporter is the underlying specific reporting toolset collector. Ex: OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, etc.
participant reporter
note right of driver: Resolving a single URL to structured result
driver->>fetcher: provide URI
fetcher->>metrics: provide request metrics
fetcher->>parser: provides response and stream type
fetcher->>metrics: provide response metrics
parser->>parser: produce stream type structure
parser->>fetcher: provide structure
fetcher->>driver: provide structure
driver->>driver: Process Document with configured rule-set
driver->>metrics: provide requested metrics from rule-set
alt is push based
loop Every configured period
reporter->>metrics: request metrics and push to backend then clear
else is pull based
reporter->>reporter: Make endpoint available
opt on request
reporter->>metrics: request current metrics and clear