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Using Video Transcoding API

Maxwell Dayvson da Silva edited this page Apr 1, 2016 · 12 revisions

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Video Transcoding API How To

Listing Available Providers

$ curl -X GET

Getting Provider Capabilities and Details

$ curl -X GET
  "capabilities": {
    "destinations": ["akamai", "s3"],
    "input": ["prores", "h264"],
    "output": ["mp4", "hls", "webm"]
  "enabled": true,
  "health": {"ok": true},
  "name": "encodingcom"

Creating a Preset

Given a JSON file called preset.json:

  "providers": ["elastictranscoder", "elementalconductor", "encodingcom"],
  "preset": {
    "name": "Preset_Test",
    "description": "This is an example preset",
    "container": "m3u8",
    "height": "720",
    "videoCodec": "h264",
    "videoBitrate": "1000000",
    "gopSize": "90",
    "gopMode": "fixed",
    "profile": "Main",
    "profileLevel": "3.1",
    "rateControl": "VBR",
    "interlaceMode": "progressive",
    "audioCodec": "aac",
    "audioBitrate": "64000"

The Encoding API will try to create the preset in all providers described on the providers field. It will also create a PresetMap registry on Redis, which is a map for all the PresetID on providers.

$ curl -X POST -d @preset.json
  "PresetMap": "Preset_Test",
  "Results": {
    "elastictranscoder": {
      "Error": "",
      "PresetID": "1459293696042-8p8hak"
    "elementalconductor": {
      "Error": "",
      "PresetID": "Preset_Test"
    "encodingcom": {
      "Error": "creating preset: CreatePreset is not implemented in provider",
      "PresetID": ""

Creating a PresetMap

Some providers like don't support preset creation through the API. The alternative is to create the preset manually on the provider's control panel and associate it with the Encoding API by creating a PresetMap.

$ curl -XPOST -d '{"name":"preset_name", "providerMapping": {"encodingcom": "preset_id",
"output": {"extension": "ts"}}'

Listing PresetMaps

$ curl -X GET
  "nyt_preset": {
    "name": "nyt_preset",
    "output": {
      "extension": "ts"
    "providerMapping": {
      "encodingcom": "preset_manual_id"
  "preset-1": {
    "name": "preset-1",
    "output": {
      "extension": "mp4"
    "providerMapping": {
      "elastictranscoder": "1281742-93939",
      "elementalconductor": "abc123"

Deleting PresetMap

$  curl -X DELETE

Creating a Job

To create a job you need to specify a few required parameters: one or more preset, a provider, a video source. Additionally, there are optional parameters such as: callback URLs that notifies the transcoding progress and completion of the job and streaming parameters in case you want to create Adaptive Streamings outputs (HLS, DASH)

See an example below for job.json:

  "presets": ["preset_1", "preset_2"],
  "provider": "encodingcom",
  "source": "",
  "statusCallbackInterval": 5,
  "statusCallbackURL": "",
  "completionCallbackURL": "",
  "streamingParams": {
    "SegmentDuration": "10",
    "Protocol": "hls"

Then, make a POST request to the API:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @job.json

It's important to note that your callback server should be able to handle POST requests from the API.

Getting Job Details

With the jobId returned by job creation:

$ curl -X GET
  "outputDestination": "s3://output-bucket",
  "providerJobId": "114",
  "providerName": "elementalconductor",
  "providerStatus": {
    "pct_complete": "0",
    "status": "pending",
    "submitted": "2016-03-31T22:01:16Z"
  "status": "queued"
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