Run it under docker:
$ bazel run src:server_image -- --norun
$ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 bazel/src:server_image
Deploy to production:
- Install gcloud and kubectl
- Authenticate to the Google Container Registry
gcloud auth configure-docker
- Authenticate to Kubernetes Engine
gcloud container clusters get-credentials photon-demo --zone=us-west1-a
- For the first deployment:
bazel run :deploy.create
- To update:
bazel run :deploy.replace
# Run the binary without docker
$ bazel run src:nodejs_image.binary
# What's in the image?
$ bazel build src:nodejs_image && file-roller dist/bin/src/nodejs_image-layer.tar
# Tear down all running docker containers
$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
# Hop into the running image on kubernetes
$ kubectl exec photon-demo-prod-3285254973-ncv3g -it -- /bin/bash