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File metadata and controls

288 lines (151 loc) · 10.5 KB

API Reference


Name Description
DynamoDBSeeder No description
InlineSeeds Seeds from an inline json object (limited to 4KiB).
JsonFileSeeds Seeds from a local json file.
S3Seeds Seeds from an S3 archive.
Seeds No description


Name Description
DynamoDBSeederProps No description
SeedsConfig No description

class DynamoDBSeeder

Implements: IConstruct, IConstruct, IConstruct, IDependable Extends: Construct


new DynamoDBSeeder(scope: Construct, id: string, props: DynamoDBSeederProps)
  • scope (Construct) No description
  • id (string) No description
  • props (DynamoDBSeederProps) No description
    • seeds (Seeds) No description
    • table (ITable) No description
    • timeout (Duration) The function execution time (in seconds) after which Lambda terminates the function. Default: Duration.minutes(15)

class InlineSeeds

Seeds from an inline json object (limited to 4KiB).

Extends: Seeds


new InlineSeeds(seeds: string)
  • seeds (string) No description



Called when the seeder is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack.

bind(_scope: Construct): SeedsConfig


class JsonFileSeeds

Seeds from a local json file.

Extends: Seeds


new JsonFileSeeds(path: string, options?: AssetOptions)
  • path (string) No description
  • options (AssetOptions) No description
    • exclude (Array) Glob patterns to exclude from the copy. Default: nothing is excluded
    • follow (FollowMode) A strategy for how to handle symlinks. Default: Never
    • assetHash (string) Specify a custom hash for this asset. Default: based on assetHashType
    • assetHashType (AssetHashType) Specifies the type of hash to calculate for this asset. Default: the default is AssetHashType.SOURCE, but if assetHash is explicitly specified this value defaults to AssetHashType.CUSTOM.
    • bundling (BundlingOptions) Bundle the asset by executing a command in a Docker container. Default: uploaded as-is to S3 if the asset is a regular file or a .zip file, archived into a .zip file and uploaded to S3 otherwise
    • readers (Array<IGrantable>) A list of principals that should be able to read this asset from S3. Default: No principals that can read file asset.
    • sourceHash (string) Custom hash to use when identifying the specific version of the asset. Default: automatically calculate source hash based on the contents of the source file or directory.


Name Type Description
path string



Called when the seeder is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack.

bind(scope: Construct): SeedsConfig


class S3Seeds

Seeds from an S3 archive.

Extends: Seeds


new S3Seeds(bucket: IBucket, key: string, objectVersion?: string)
  • bucket (IBucket) No description
  • key (string) No description
  • objectVersion (string) No description



Called when the seeder is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack.

bind(_scope: Construct): SeedsConfig


class Seeds

Implemented by: InlineSeeds, JsonFileSeeds, S3Seeds


new Seeds()



Called when the seeder is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack.

bind(scope: Construct): SeedsConfig


static fromBucket(bucket, key, objectVersion?)

static fromBucket(bucket: IBucket, key: string, objectVersion?: string): S3Seeds
  • bucket (IBucket) The S3 bucket.
  • key (string) The object key.
  • objectVersion (string) Optional S3 object version.


static fromInline(seeds)

static fromInline(seeds: Array<Map<string, any>>): InlineSeeds
  • seeds (Array<Map<string, any>>) The actual json code (limited to 4KiB).


static fromJsonFile(path, options?)

Loads the seeds from a local disk path and uploads it to s3.

static fromJsonFile(path: string, options?: AssetOptions): JsonFileSeeds
  • path (string) Path to json seeds file.
  • options (AssetOptions) No description
    • exclude (Array) Glob patterns to exclude from the copy. Default: nothing is excluded
    • follow (FollowMode) A strategy for how to handle symlinks. Default: Never
    • assetHash (string) Specify a custom hash for this asset. Default: based on assetHashType
    • assetHashType (AssetHashType) Specifies the type of hash to calculate for this asset. Default: the default is AssetHashType.SOURCE, but if assetHash is explicitly specified this value defaults to AssetHashType.CUSTOM.
    • bundling (BundlingOptions) Bundle the asset by executing a command in a Docker container. Default: uploaded as-is to S3 if the asset is a regular file or a .zip file, archived into a .zip file and uploaded to S3 otherwise
    • readers (Array<IGrantable>) A list of principals that should be able to read this asset from S3. Default: No principals that can read file asset.
    • sourceHash (string) Custom hash to use when identifying the specific version of the asset. Default: automatically calculate source hash based on the contents of the source file or directory.


struct DynamoDBSeederProps

Name Type Description
seeds Seeds
table ITable
timeout? Duration The function execution time (in seconds) after which Lambda terminates the function.
Default: Duration.minutes(15)

struct SeedsConfig

Obtainable from: InlineSeeds.bind(), JsonFileSeeds.bind(), S3Seeds.bind(), Seeds.bind()

Name Type Description
inlineSeeds? string Inline seeds.
s3Location? Location The location of the seeds in S3.