A collection is an array based list of items. Several items of the VcsApp are managed in collections, e.g. map collection, layer collection, ... or the items of a category.
The ui provides concepts to list items of different collections. For a list view items can be filtered or mapped using functions.
For one collection this is handled by the CollectionComponentClass. Multiple collections can be handled by a CollectionManager. For categories exists a specialised CategoryManager.
For rendering the list views, the ui provides several components, which can be reused:
- CollectionComponentContent: A list rendering of a specific collection restricted to ten items
- CollectionComponentList: A scrollable list rendering all items
- CollectionComponentStandalone: A wrapper component using CollectionComponentContent and CollectionComponentList within a VcsFormSection
- CollectionComponent: A wrapper component using CollectionComponentContent and CollectionComponentList within an expansion panel. Used by CollectionManagerComponent
- CollectionComponentProvider: A wrapper component providing a specific CollectionComponentClass of a CollectionManager
- CollectionManagerComponent: A set of CollectionComponents belonging to a CollectionManager rendered in Expansion Panels
An instance of CollectionComponentClass manages one provided collection and creates a mirrored items array with VcsListItem
It listens to all collection events and synchronizes changes to the items array.
The Collection Items will be transformed and filtered with the given itemMappings and itemFilter functions.
To create a new instance, you must at least provide a collection. All other ui related options are optional:
* @typedef {Object} CollectionComponentUiOptions
* @property {string} [id]
* @property {string} [title]
* @property {boolean} [draggable=false] - only supported for IndexedCollections
* @property {boolean} [renamable=false] - adds actions to rename items from list. Sets a default titleChanged callback on all list items, which can be overwritten in the mapping function, if necessary.
* @property {boolean} [removable=false] - adds actions to remove items from list. Also adds a header action to delete selected, if selectable is set to true.
* @property {boolean} [selectable=false]
* @property {boolean} [singleSelect=false]
* @property {number} [overflowCount=2] - number of header action buttons rendered until overflow
* @property {number} [limit=10] - limit number of items in rendered list (more items are rendered in extra window)
* @typedef {CollectionComponentUiOptions} CollectionComponentClassOptions
* @property {import("@vcmap/core").Collection<T>} collection
* @template {Object} T
All ui relevant properties are stored as ref values on the instance.
The transformed list items are accessible via its getter:
* @type {import("vue").Ref<Array<import("@vcmap/ui").VcsListItem & { destroy: (function():void)|undefined }>>}
const listItems = collectionComponent.items;
Do not manipulate this list items array directly! To add or remove items manipulate the collection or make use of itemMappings and itemFilters. If your collection is an OverrideCollection use replace to update items in place. The CollectionComponentClass will preserve selection for replaced items.
You can provide mapping functions to influence the transformation of a collection item to a list item. An item mapping is defined as:
* @typedef {Object} ItemMapping
* @property {PredicateFunction<T>|undefined} predicate
* @property {MappingFunction<T>} mappingFunction
* @property {string | symbol} owner
* @template T
A PredicateFunction
can be used to restrict the MappingFunction
to specific Items.
const predicateFunction = (item, category) => {
return item instanceof Object;
const mappingFunction = (item, category, listItem) => {
listItem.selectionChanged = (selected) => {
name: 'myRemoveAction',
icon: 'mdi-minus',
callback: () => {
listItem.destroyFunctions.push(() => {
console.log('custom tear down');
const itemMapping = {
owner: 'pluginName',
All item mappings are applied in the order they were added.
A mapping function can be removed, by calling collectionComponent.removeItemMapping(itemMapping)
Filter functions can be applied to view and transform only specific items of the collection. An item filter is defined as:
* @typedef {Object} ItemFilter
* @property {PredicateFunction<T>} filterFunction
* @property {string | symbol} owner
* @template T
The category manager, for example, uses a filter function to only include items of the dynamic module id. Another example filters all items having an 'a' charater in its title or name
const itemFilter = {
filterFunction: (item) =>
item?.properties?.title?.includes('a') || item.name.includes('a'),
owner: 'pluginName',
All item filters are applied in the order they were added.
CollectionComponents can have actions, which are typically rendered in the lists panel header. Since the collectionComponent supports the owners concept, you have to provide an action with a owner:
* @typedef {Object} OwnedAction
* @property {VcsAction} action
* @property {number} [weight=0] Optional weight affecting the displaying order
* @property {string | symbol} owner
One example could be a action to add an item:
const addItem = () => collectionComponent.collection.add({ name: 'newItem' });
const ownedAction = {
action: {
name: 'addItem',
title: 'add an item to the collection',
icon: 'mdi-plus',
callback: () => addItem(),
owner: 'pluginName',
Actions are rendered in the order they were added or by provided weight.
An EditorCollectionComponentClass is a specialisation of the CollectionComponentClass. It additionally defines the behaviour of editor windows linked to list items.
There are two different behaviours defined:
- Selection based:
- Editor windows are directly linked to the current selection
- Whenever the selection changes the linked editor window changes
- Linkage to selection is one-directional, so window changes do not automatically alter the selection!
- All editor windows of a collection are exclusive
Important: For linking feature selection in the map with a list selection, always try to update the list selection on feature change, instead of manually opening editor windows. For selection based behaviour the window handling is done by the EditorCollectionComponentClass depending on the current selection!
- Clicked based:
- Editor windows are not linked to the current selection
- Editor windows are opened via click on the list item or overflow action
- Editor windows can be open, even if the corresponding item is not selected
- Multiple editor windows may be opened at the same time (by detaching)
Additionally multi editors can be provided (for both behaviours): A multi editor can be opened for the current selection via header overflow action. Multi editor windows are exclusive to single editor windows and vice versa.
The editing behaviour is defined in the EditingOptions type:
* @typedef {Object} EditingOptions
* @property {EditorWindowComponentOptions|function(T):EditorWindowComponentOptions} editor
* @property {EditorWindowComponentOptions} [multiEditor]
* @property {boolean} [selectionBased=true] - If true, editor windows are coupled to selection and editor windows are exclusive
* @template {Object} T
To create an EditorCollectionClass use the helper makeEditorCollectionComponentClass
, and provide your editor window options:
import { makeEditorCollectionComponentClass } from '@vcmap/ui';
const collectionComponent = new CollectionComponentClass({
collection: new Collection(),
editor: myEditorWindowOptions,
multiEditor: myMultiEditorWindowOptions,
selectionBased: false, // default is true
An EditorCollectionComponentClass provides additionally API:
* @typedef {import("./collectionComponentClass.js").CollectionComponentClass<T> & {
* getEditorWindowId: function(item:T):string,
* getMultiEditorWindowId: function():string,
* closeEditorWindow: function(item:T):void,
* closeEditorWindows: function():void,
* closeMultiEditorWindow: function():void,
* openEditorWindow: function(item:T):void,
* openMultiEditorWindow: function():void,
* }} EditorCollectionComponentClass
* @template {Object} T
EditorCollectionComponentClass can be used for categories. Simply request a category and make a EditorCollectionComponentClass of the collectionComponent returned. See CategoryManager for more information.
A CollectionManager manages a list of collections as CollectionComponents. It sets the correct mapping/filter functions and actions on the managed collection components. It provides an API to add and remove CollectionsComponents, MappingFunctions, FilterFunctions and actions. For mappings, filters and actions the collection manager has a cache concept.
For usage examples also see collection-manager-example.
To add a collectionComponent, provide CollectionComponentClassOptions
, plus the owner.
collectionManager.add({ collection: new IndexedCollection() }, 'pluginName');
All added collectionComponents are stored in a key value store. To access a collectionComponent call:
const collectionComponent = collectionManager.get('collectionComponentId');
If you need to track state changes, you can listen to added
and removed
events emitted, whenever a collectionComponent is added or removed.
To remove a collectionComponent use the collectionComponent's id.
You can also remove all components of a specific owner. This will also remove all mappings, filters and actions added by this owner:
To clear all components, mappings, filters and actions from the manager call:
Mapping functions influence the transformation of a collection item to a VcsListItem
The collection manager applies mapping functions to all or specific collection components.
If no collectionComponentIds
are provided, the mapping function is applied on all managed collection components.
All added mapping functions are cached. Whenever a collectionComponent is added, corresponding mapping functions are applied.
* a sample mapping function adding a console log to all list items
* @param {T} i
* @param {CollectionComponent} c
* @param {VcsListItem} l
const mappingFunction = (i, c, l) => {
l.actions = [
name: 'console.log',
title: 'log item, collectionComponent and listItem',
icon: 'mdi-printer',
callback: () => console.log(i, c, l),
() => true,
To remove a mapping function:
collectionManager.removeMappingFunction(mappingFunction, 'pluginName');
For supportedMap handling of list items exists a helper function createSupportedMapMappingFunction(supportedMaps: string[]|function(T):string[], mapCollection: import("@vcmap/core").MapCollection)
The returned mapping function ensures, that all listItems according to the provided supportedMaps parameter and the active map are disabled.
You can define any supported maps handling for arbitrary items. Here an example, where items are disabled, if any other map than the CesiumMap is active:
() => true,
(item) => createSupportedMapMappingFunction([CesiumMap.className], app.maps)),
Filter functions influence which collection items are transformed and viewed as VcsListItem
The API is similar to mapping functions.
Filter functions are cached and applied, whenever a corresponding collection component is added.
* Filters all items having an 'a' within title or name
* @param {T} item
* @returns {boolean}
const filterFunction = (item) =>
item?.properties?.title?.includes('a') || item.name.includes('a');
collectionManager.addFilterFunction(filterFunction, 'pluginName', [
To remove a filter function call:
collectionManager.removeFilterFunction(filterFunction, 'pluginName');
Actions of a collection component are typically rendered in the lists panel header. The collection manager can add and remove actions to all or specific collection components. The API is again similar to mapping and filter functions. Actions are cached and applied, whenever a corresponding collection component is added.
const actions = [
name: 'addFilter',
title: 'show only items including an "a" in title or name',
icon: 'mdi-filter-plus',
callback: () => {
collectionManager.addFilterFunction(filterFunction, owner, [id]);
name: 'removeFilter',
title: 'remove filtering',
icon: 'mdi-filter-remove',
callback: () => {
collectionManager.removeFilterFunction(filterFunction, owner);
collectionManager.addActions(actions, 'pluginName', [
To remove actions call:
collectionManager.removeActions(actions, 'pluginName');
The CategoryManager is a specialisation of the CollectionManager to handle collections of categories.
It is part of the VcsUiApp and can be accessed via app.categoryManager
The category items are shown in the "My Workspace" window of the map.
It sets a filter function applied to all managed collection components, to only show items belonging to the default dynamic module.
To support and show items of further modules, an addModuleId(id: string)
API is provided by the CategoryManager.
Whenever the dynamic module is changed, the category manager updates its list view according to the internal list of moduleIds.
The support of an added module can be withdrawn using the removeModuleId(id: string)
It provides a convenience method to request a category and its corresponding collection component:
const { category, collectionComponent } =
await app.categoryManager.requestCategory(
{ name: categoryName.value }, // CategoryOptions
'pluginName', // owner
{ draggable: true }, // optional CollectionComponentClassOptions
With the returned collectionComponent you can create an EditorCollectionComponentClass to make category items editable via editor windows.