- Fix compatibility with Tornado >= 5.0
- Reorder gyield to optimize non-timeout case
- tornado.gen.moment doesn't work, use gmoment instead
- Retain current StackContext when using gcall or groutine
- Fix :exc:`.StackContextInconsistentError` when using gyield inside of a :class:`tornado.stack_context.StackContext` context block
- Breaking change: Changed behavior of gyield timeout to throw, instead of setting an exception on the yielded future
- Added gsleep
- Added sphinx documentation
- Added timeout parameter to :func:`.gyield` (thanks Paul Fultz)
- Added :func:`greenado.concurrent.generator` decorator to allow usage of the yield keyword instead of gyield
- Use :class:`tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture` to show correct stack traces when exceptions occur
- Add a :func:`.gen_test` implementation
- Fix bug with nested groutines + double yield
- Add :func:`.gcall` to the API
- Short-circuit futures that have already completed
- Initial working version