- Intro
- Set up the Virtual Machine
- Set up a Linux host
- VDE Basic Networking
- VDE and Virtual Machines
- VDE namespaces and NFV
- VDE Local Area Cloud: vxvde
- VDE slirp
- VDE nesting plugins
- Internet of Threads
- Internet of Threads (IoTh): intro
- libioth: the definitive API for the IoTh
- IoTh: vdestack
- picoxnet: a stack for the IoTh
- VUOS/umvu basic concepts
- fuse: VUOS virtual /dev/fuse
- vufuse: VUOS FUSE
- vudev: VUOS virtual devices
- vunet: VUOS virtual networking
- vufs: VUOS virtual filesystems
- VUOS virtual user/group ids
- vumisc: VUOS virtual time, etc
- VUOS virtual chroot
- Other Projects
- libpam-net
Ideas, T&T
- Ideas, Tip&Techniques
- Ideas
- VUOS SCUSE: System Calls in USErspace
- Internet of Threads (IoTh)
- Self Virtualization (purelibc)
- Parallel Tracing of Concurrent Threads (guardian angels)
- SECCOMP optimization for tracing
- Ambient Capability DO (cado)
- Local Area Cloud
- Network of Namespaces
- Hash based IPv6 addresses
- One Time IP addresses
- Using several networking stack together: msocket
- network function virtualization squared
- vpoll: synthesize virtual event for poll/select/ppoll/pselect/ppoll
- per user networking definition (pam_net)
- network configuration: must be simple, inlined and via netlink
- execs is (was) missing
- Tips&Techniques
- short string switches in C: strcase
- Netlink client and server support
- user bind mount
- C streams as volatile buffers: volatilestreams
- man pages: write in Markdown, maintain by Git, release in *roff
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V² for EDU
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