| tagId | authorUserId | fileUniqueId | valuePartition | value | setName | ... | animationMimeType |
| user-1#fuid-1 | user-1 | fuid-1 | val | value-1 | | ... | 1 |
| user-1#fuid-1 | user-1 | fuid-1 | val | value-2 | set-1 | ... | |
| user-1#fuid-1 | user-1 | fuid-1 | val | value-3 | | ... | 2 |
| user-2#fuid-2 | user-2 | fuid-2 | val | value-3 | set-2 | ... | |
HASH: tagId
RANGE: value
const { Items } = new QueryCommand({
KeyConditionExpression: 'tagId = :tagId'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':tagId': { S: `${authorUserId}#${fileUniqueId}` },
HASH: tagId
RANGE: valueHash
new BatchWriteItemCommand({
RequestItems: {
[tableName]: Items.map(item => ({
DeleteRequest: {
Key: {
tagId: item.tagId,
valueHash: item.valueHash,
HASH: setName
RANGE: authorUserId
const { Items } = new QueryCommand({
KeyConditionExpression: 'setName = :setName'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':setName': { S: setName },
Returns too many results just for an existence check
const { Items } = new QueryCommand({
KeyConditionExpression: 'setName = :setName AND authorUserId = :authorUserId'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':setName': { S: setName },
':authorUserId': { S: authorUserId },
Returns many results just for an existence check
HASH: valuePartition
RANGE: value
const { Items } = new QueryCommand({
KeyConditionExpression: 'valuePartition = :valuePartition AND begins_with(#value, :value)'
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#value': 'value',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':value': { S: query },
':valuePartition': { S: valuePartition },
HASH: authorUserId
RANGE: value
const { Items } = new QueryCommand({
KeyConditionExpression: 'authorUserId = :authorUserId AND begins_with(#value, :value)'
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#value': 'value',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':value': { S: query },
':authorUserId': { S: authorUserId },