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Meet Daryl


Table of Contents


Daryl helps you focus on multiple things, one at a time.

TODO list apps suck

I hate TODO list apps for two simple reasons:

  • I have to open it, which is usually enough for me to forget what I was about to note.
  • Once openned it'll dump a river of TODOs at my face, which is enough for me to forget what I was about to note.

How it works


If you are already using daryl on another computer, you might want to follow the Sync to github section first.

Just download and place the daryl file in a directory like /usr/local/bin, and chmod +x it:

curl -o ~/Downloads/daryl
chmod +x ~/Downloads/daryl
sudo mv ~/Downloads/daryl /usr/local/bin/

Actually typing daryl everytime is already enough for me to forget what I was about to note, so let's just add an alias so we can only type d:

echo "alias d='daryl'" >> ~/.bashrc

For macosx users, replace .bashrc with .profile.


Daryl only responds to a restricted set of possible orders:

Create note

Just type d followed by your note, no need to add ", all params are concatenated.

$ d This is noted I can forget it and go on
Creating note 1547367966.txt, sure ? (Y/n):          <----- Just type enter here 'Y' is default
Saving as /home/user/.daryl/1547283650.txt: ok

The name 1547283650.txt is just the UNIX timestamp.

(r) Get a random note

So as said above I hate seeing all TODOS, it's depressing and at one point our brain is made to start not seeing them anymore.

What I want is arrive at my desk in the morning, check if I have a task going on since last day, and if not, just ask for a random one.

$ d r
Sat Jan 12 10:00:50 CET 2019 - 1547283650.txt:
This is noted I can forget it and go on

You can call this as many times as you want. And once you stop calling the random command, the last note you saw is the one chosen to work on.

(c) Retrieve current note

Now that we have a note we're going to work on, we can see this note as many times as we need by typing:

$ d c
Sat Jan 12 10:00:50 CET 2019 - 1547283650.txt:
This is noted I can forget it and go on

Force current note

The c command can also be used to change the current note to a specific one. Just add the name after the c, like in d c 1547244396.txt.

(--) Add log to a note

As you go on, you might want to add logs to a note, so next time you get on it, you can remember where you were at last time you left.

$ d --
Added log to 1547283650.txt: ok

The kind of things you'd want to use the logs for:

  • bookmark urls
  • write notes or gotchas you might get into again
  • useful commands
  • something like TAG: useful_tag, so you can find them with a d a TAG: useful_tag.
  • Or even just a "I was here" to know when was the last time you worked on it.

Back to our note, now when we call d c to get the current note, we can see our newly created log:

$ d c
Sat Jan 12 10:00:50 CET 2019 - 1547283650.txt:
This is noted I can forget it and go on

====== Sat Jan 12 10:18:11 CET 2019 ======

(d) Mark current note as done

And at last, we can mark the current note as done:

$ d d
The note $LAST will be ${RED}marked as done${NC}, sure ? (y/N): 
Marked note /home/user/.daryl/1547283650.txt as done: ok

This also adds a log to the note stating when it got done.

(a) Dump all & Search

Just do a d a and you'll have all your notes dumped. Useful to find a particular one.

If a second parameter is present, it is treated as a regexp, and only the matching notes are dumped.

(e) Edit current note

Sometime you'd like to edit your current note, just do a d e.

Keep in mind that it'll try to open it with the editor in the $EDITOR environment variable. So set it if you haven't.

Work on another note

If you want to use another note as the current, without actually changing the current note (like, for a phone call or something), just add FORCE_CURRENT=[note name] just before the d.

FORCE_CURRENT=[note name] d

If you have recurrent needs on a particular note, just create an alias like alias z='FORCE_CURRENT=[ THIS_NOTE_NAME ] d', now all we have to do is replace the d from our commands by a z and you're working on the other note.

To install the alias:

echo "alias z='FORCE_CURRENT=[ THIS_NOTE_NAME ] d'" >> ~/.bashrc

For macosx users, replace .bashrc with .profile.

(s) Sync to github

Ok that's cool but I have multiple computers, so I want synchronization between the machines.

Oh, and I also want history of want I do, who knows what could happen, it's so easy to rm * by negligence. This also doubles as some sort of Ctrl-z.

Good news that's not new need, so let's use git as a backend.

First thing is to initialize the ~/.daryl directory as a git repository.

cd ~/.daryl
git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:daryl.git
git add .
git commit -m 'first commit'
git push --set-upstream origin master

Now whenever you want to sync:

$ d s
[master 6664e6e] Sync command
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 1547286167.txt
Already up-to-date.
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 282 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
   4c06a1a..6664e6e  master -> master
Syncing to [email protected]:daryl.git: ok

This command does a pull and a push, so it's bi-directionnal.

When adding a new computer, just do a:

git clone [email protected]:daryl.git ~/.daryl

Before typing the first daryl command.

Android app

Yes you heard right that's actually available on android ! Ok, not really, but still, you can do all the above on your android phone.

First step is to install the app called Termux on the Play store.

Once launched you just get a terminal with a /usr and /home placed inside the app's disk space, Daryl being purely POSIX dependant, it's all we need to get it alive.

At that point, all you need is follow the Installation Guide, beware that you need to change /usr to $HOME/../usr.