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Getting Started

Silvan Heller edited this page May 5, 2020 · 17 revisions

This page provides a quick example to get started with two scenarios: Working with already extracted features, and working with a small multimedia collection.

Extracted Features

This scenario assumes the following:

  • You have a running cottontailDB instance with a cdottontaildb-data/ folder containing cineast data (segments, objects, metadata, feature data)

## Starting the API Starting the API is done via the org.vitrivr.cineast.api.Main class, which takes one argument: the config file (e.g. cineast.json). Depending on the configuration, this launches the WS / Rest / Proto Endpoints.

Make sure that the retriever modules are consistent with those in your cottontail instance.

First Extraction

Coming Soon

CLI / Util Commands

The Cineast CLI provides a bunch of utilities for developing. Please check out org.vitrivr.cineast.standalone.cli.CineastCli for a complete overview. We just provide an example here.

Run org.vitrivr.cineast.standalone.Main with the arguments cineast.json help to see a complete list.

Retrieve Information about a Segment

To retrieve all metadata and features of a segment, use the org.vitrivr.cineast.standalone.Main class with the arguments cineast.json retrieve-single --segmentid v_02497_13, where the first argument is the config, the second the command and the third one provides the segmentid you want to know more about.

## Retrieval with a User Interface To actually search your collection, check out for example vitrivr-ng as a frontend for cineast