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Boot Time

Time to start system last boot.

systemd-analyze | awk '{print $NF}'

Display the amount of time the system took to boot according to systemd.

Daemon Status

Check if a daemon is running.

[[ $(pidof "${BLOCK_INSTANCE:-ssh}" &> /dev/null) ]] && echo 'Running' || echo 'Down'

This blocklet will display if the specified process is running. This can test for any process, not just daemons. However, the most likely use of this is to test if desired servers are still working. Just set the instance variable to the basename of the program running to see if its up or down. Some examples are sshd and mpd. To display nothing when the service is down instead, remove || echo 'Down' from the end of the command. Of course your desired up and down text may replace Running and Down respectively.

Path Exists

Check if a path exists, can be used to replace path_exists commands if you are migrating from i3status

[ -e ${BLOCK_INSTANCE} ] && (echo yes; echo yes; echo #00FF00) || (echo no; echo no; echo #FF0000)

Feel free to change "yes", "no" and the colors to your liking.

Disk Capacity

Remaining partition capacity.

df -h -P -l "${BLOCK_INSTANCE:-$HOME}" | awk '/\// { print $4 }'

The instance variable is used to select the path used for calculating the remaining space. For example instance=/boot calculates the remaining space in the partition where /boot resides. If /boot was in the / partition, this blocklet would report the remaining space in the root partition. Without an instance variable, the blocklet uses your home folder.

External IP

Publicly Reachable IP Address.

curl '' is a website that returns just your public IP address in plain text when queried by curl.

Focused Window

Name of the currently focused window.

xdotool getactivewindow getwindowname 2>/dev/null || echo "None"

Use xdotool to report the current window title. This blocklet will display "None" when no window is currently focused. To display nothing when no window has focus, remove || echo "None" from the end of the script.

Load Averages

System load average(s).

awk '{print $1,$2,$3}' /proc/loadavg

Display the one, five, and/or fifteen minute load average of the system. Including $1 displays the 1 minute load average, $2 the five minute, and $3 the fifteen.

Reddit Karma

User's link and comment karma.

curl -s${BLOCK_INSTANCE:-$USER}/about.json | jq '.data.link_karma'
curl -s${BLOCK_INSTANCE:-$USER}/about.json | jq '.data.comment_karma'

Keep up to date with any account's current link and comment karma. This script uses the instance variable to select your username. If no instance variable is defined, it will try your system login username. For example instance=my_username will return the values for the user "my_username". This version depends on jq to parse out JSON information. You could just as easily use Perl, Python, Jshon, jsawk, underscore, awk, sed or even coreutils. It's personal preference.

TekSavvy Bandwidth

Canadian ISP TekSavvy bandwidth usage.

curl -sLH 'TekSavvy-APIKey: ###_YOUR_API_KEY_###' '' | jq '.value[-1:][].OnPeakDownload'
curl -sLH 'TekSavvy-APIKey: ###_YOUR_API_KEY_###' '$skip=56' | jq '.value[-1:][].OnPeakDownload'

If you did not know, TekSavvy has a customer API available with a portal account. Register for your portal account at Once you have one, create an API key My Account > API Key Management. The above code will display your current month's bandwidth used and how much you used yesterday. Replace ###_YOUR_API_KEY_### with your API key. You cannot use the instance variable because the length of text it will pass is not long enough. The first script shows monthly usage, the second shows yesterday's. You cannot get today's from the API.

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