A small and simple demo project for reading data from an AmbiMate sensor on a ESP8266 (d1 mini) board.
The project is written for PlatformIO so it's easy just to import it into VisualCode and run it.
Http client is greatly inspired from esphttpclient, some code is reused, but it's greatly reduced, supporting only post requests and basic error handling.
Since ESP8266 RTOS SDK doesn't support floating point formatting, the tinystdio library is used.
The measurements are sent to ThingsBoard, which is an online IoT platform.
Note: for successfull compilation you need to create a file called "wifi_config.h" with your wifi credentials:
#ifndef WIFI_CONFIG_H_
#define WIFI_SSID "your_wifi_name"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "your_wifi_password"