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how to implement a forwoading function using XDP_TX based on xdp7.p4 #108

kwjjyn opened this issue May 29, 2019 · 1 comment


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kwjjyn commented May 29, 2019

I want to implement a simple forwarding function based on xdp7.p4 by using XDP_TX.
What I thought is B send packets to A , then I load xdp program on A's driver, and then A modify the packet's mac address, ip address , tcp port .After all these , the modified packet is sent to C by using XDP_TX.
What the program does is set the packets' four tuple and mac address from B. And I write like this:

    This program is based on xdp7.p4. The goal is to implement a simple forward behavior 
    by set the static ip dstAddr, tcp srcPort and dstPort.

#include "xdp_model.p4"

header Ethernet {
    bit<48> destination;
    bit<48> source;
    bit<16> protocol;

header IPv4 {
    bit<4>  version;
    bit<4>  ihl;
    bit<8>  diffserv;
    bit<16> totalLen;
    bit<16> identification;
    bit<3>  flags;
    bit<13> fragOffset;
    bit<8>  ttl;
    bit<8>  protocol;
    bit<16> checksum;
    bit<32> srcAddr;
    bit<32> dstAddr;

header icmp_t {
    bit<16> typeCode;
    bit<16> checksum;

header tcp_t {
    bit<16> srcPort;
    bit<16> dstPort;
    bit<32> seqNo;
    bit<32> ackNo;
    bit<4>  dataOffset;
    bit<4>  res;
    bit<8>  flags;
    bit<16> window;
    bit<16> checksum;
    bit<16> urgentPtr;

header udp_t {
    bit<16> srcPort;
    bit<16> dstPort;
    bit<16> length_;
    bit<16> checksum;

struct Headers {
    Ethernet ethernet;
    IPv4     ipv4;
    tcp_t   tcp;
    udp_t   udp;
    icmp_t icmp;

parser Parser(packet_in packet, out Headers hd) {
    state start {
        transition select(hd.ethernet.protocol) {
            16w0x800: parse_ipv4;
            default: accept;
    state parse_ipv4 {
        transition select(hd.ipv4.protocol) {
            8w6: parse_tcp;
            8w17: parse_udp;
            8w1: parse_icmp;
            default: accept;
    state parse_icmp {
        transition accept;
    state parse_tcp {
        transition accept;
    state parse_udp {
        transition accept;

control Ingress(inout Headers hd, in xdp_input xin, out xdp_output xout) {

    bool xoutdrop = false;
    // from, to are host byte order
    bit<16> from;
    bit<16> to;
    bit<32> from_addr;
    bit<32> to_addr;
    bit<48> tmp;

    action Fallback_action()

	// exchange ethernet's destination and source 
        tmp = hd.ethernet.source;
	hd.ethernet.source = hd.ethernet.destination;
        hd.ethernet.destination = tmp; 

        // TCP: set the packet's srcPort = 6666 , dstPort = 8888

        from = hd.tcp.srcPort;
        // srcPort: 6666
        to = 16w0x1a0a;    
        hd.tcp.srcPort = to;
        hd.tcp.checksum = csum_replace2(hd.tcp.checksum, from, to);
        from = hd.tcp.dstPort;
        // dstPort: 8888
	to = 16w0x22b8;    
	hd.tcp.dstPort = to;
	hd.tcp.checksum = csum_replace2(hd.tcp.checksum, from, to);

        // IP: set the packet's srcAddr = dstAddr ,dstAddr =

        from_addr = hd.ipv4.srcAddr;
        // srcAddr = dstAddr
        to_addr = hd.ipv4.dstAddr;
        hd.ipv4.srcAddr = to_addr;
        hd.ipv4.checksum = csum_replace4(hd.ipv4.checksum, from_addr, to_addr);
        hd.tcp.checksum = csum_replace4(hd.tcp.checksum, from_addr, to_addr);
        from_addr = hd.ipv4.dstAddr;
	// dstAddr =
        to_addr = 32w0xac106401;
	hd.ipv4.checksum = csum_replace4(hd.ipv4.checksum, from_addr, to_addr);
	hd.tcp.checksum = csum_replace4(hd.tcp.checksum, from_addr, to_addr);

        xoutdrop = false;

    action Drop_action()
        xoutdrop = true;

    table dstmactable {
        key = { hd.ethernet.protocol : exact; }
        actions = {
        default_action = Fallback_action;
        implementation = hash_table(64);

    apply {
        xout.output_port = 0;
        // action set to XDP_TX
        xout.output_action = xoutdrop ? xdp_action.XDP_DROP : xdp_action.XDP_TX;

control Deparser(in Headers hdrs, packet_out packet) {
    apply {

    // hit Verifier MAX_BPF_STACK issue
    //    packet.emit(hdrs.tcp);
    //    packet.emit(hdrs.udp);


xdp(Parser(), Ingress(), Deparser()) main;

And I update the checksum . However this program could be compiled and loaded but seems not work as what I want.
Do I need to add ebpf_ipv4_checksum() to recalc the ipv4 checksum or anything else I forget to update ?
Could you give me some advices?
Thanks a lot!

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In which way does it not work as you want?

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