Using List sorting functions sort the following list to be unique, reverse it and convert each element to string [8,5,3,5,2,6,2,5,8,3,6,7]
Then convert previous list to an array and then convert array to list by using [ArrayLabels]
(https://reasonml.github.io/api/ArrayLabels.html) fold_right function
let rec nth = (~index, l)) =>
switch l {
| [] => None
| [head, ..._] when index <= 0 => Some(head)
| [head, ...tail] => nth(~index=index-1, tail)
- write a function that determines if a word is an isogram
let is_isogram = inputString => {
let lowercaseString = inputString |> String.lowercase;
|> Js.String.split("")
|> Array.to_list
|> List.sort_uniq(compare)
|> List.length == String.length(lowercaseString);
- Write a recursive function to convert from normal numbers to Roman Numerals.
let ones =
| '0' => ""
| '1' => "I"
| '2' => "II"
| '3' => "III"
| '4' => "IV"
| '5' => "V"
| '6' => "VI"
| '7' => "VII"
| '8' => "VIII"
| '9' => "IX"
| _ => raise(OutOfRange("Expected char between '0' and '9'."));
let tens =
| '0' => ""
| '1' => "X"
| '2' => "XX"
| '3' => "XXX"
| '4' => "XL"
| '5' => "L"
| '6' => "LX"
| '7' => "LXX"
| '8' => "LXXX"
| '9' => "XC"
| _ => raise(OutOfRange("Epected char between '0' and '9'."));
let hundreds =
| '0' => ""
| '1' => "C"
| '2' => "CC"
| '3' => "CCC"
| '4' => "CD"
| '5' => "D"
| '6' => "DC"
| '7' => "DCC"
| '8' => "DCCC"
| '9' => "CM"
| _ => raise(OutOfRange("Expected char between '0' and '9'."));
let thousands =
| '1' => "M"
| '2' => "MM"
| '3' => "MMM"
| _ => raise(OutOfRange("Expected char between '1' and '3'."));
let toRoman = i => {
let str = string_of_int(i);
switch (String.length(str)) {
| 1 => ones(str.[0])
| 2 => tens(str.[0]) ++ ones(str.[1])
| 3 => hundreds(str.[0]) ++ tens(str.[1]) ++ ones(str.[2])
| 4 =>
++ hundreds(str.[1])
++ tens(str.[2])
++ ones(str.[3])
| _ => raise(OutOfRange("Expected int with 1 to 4 digits."))
- Write a merge sort algorythm in ReasonML (use your own infix operator for compare function)
- Experiment with Js module (won't run in rtop. will run only in environment with Bucklescript
- create Binary Search Tree Module for creating data structure as well as with insert and remove functions
type binarySearchTree('a) =
| Empty
| Node(node('a))
and node('a) = {
value: 'a,
left: binarySearchTree('a),
right: binarySearchTree('a),
let empty = Empty;
let bst = Node({value: 1, left: Empty, right: Empty});
let rec insert = (tree, compare, v) =>
switch (tree) {
| Empty => Node({value: v, left: Empty, right: Empty})
| Node({value, left, right}) =>
if (compare(v, value) == (-1)) {
Node({value, left: insert(left, compare, v), right});
} else if (compare(v, value) == 1) {
Node({value, left, right: insert(right, compare, v)});
} else {
let rec remove = (tree, compare, v) =>
switch (tree) {
| Empty => Empty
| Node({value, left: Empty, right: Empty}) =>
compare(v, value) == 0 ? Empty : tree
| Node({value, left: Node(_) as left, right: Empty as right}) =>
compare(v, value) == 0 ?
left : Node({value, left: remove(left, compare, v), right})
| Node({value, left: Empty as left, right: Node(_) as right}) =>
compare(v, value) == 0 ?
right : Node({value, left, right: remove(right, compare, v)})
| Node({value, left: Node(_) as left, right: Node(_) as right}) =>
if (compare(v, value) == (-1)) {
Node({value, left: remove(left, compare, v), right});
} else if (compare(v, value) == 1) {
Node({value, left, right: remove(right, compare, v)});
} else {
switch (min(right)) {
| Empty => tree
| Node(a) =>
Node({value: a.value, left, right: remove(right, compare, a.value)})
- Create PriorityQueue module