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Releases: voxeet/comms-sdk-unreal
Releases · voxeet/comms-sdk-unreal
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where calling the Get Texture function when handling the On Video Track Added event resulted in a null texture being returned.
Beta 2 Features
- Added the Set Audio Capture Mode function that allows users to select the noise reduction mode and voice font to apply to the local user's audio.
- Added the Get Token From URL function that allows users to obtain a client access token from a URL.
- Exposed error handling mechanisms to Blueprints.
Beta 2 Changes
- The On Disconnected event is now also triggered automatically after receiving an error that disconnected the client from the conference.
- Renamed the Get Token function to Get Token Using App Key And Secret.
1.2.0 Features
- Added the option to blur the background of the local camera feed.
- Added the Update User Metadata function that allows users to change their name and avatar URL after joining a conference.
1.2.0 Changes
- The Enable Video function now takes an additional parameter, which indicates whether or not to blur the background of the local camera feed.
- Removed data related to bot injection from the Participant Info structure.
- Added the option to blur the background of the local camera feed.
- Added the Update User Metadata function that allows users to change their name and avatar URL after joining a conference.
- The Enable Video function now takes an additional parameter, which indicates whether or not to blur the background of the local camera feed.
- Removed data related to bot injection from the Participant Info structure.
- Updated the plugin descriptor fields.
- Removed mention of valid MaxVideoStreams values because they vary depending on the backend settings.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that did not allow switching from the default camera device on Windows and Linux platforms.
- Improved video rendering mechanisms. In particular, reduced issues related to video resolution changes when running the game at low FPS.
- Added support for Unreal Engine 5.2. We recommend using the 5.2 build for versions 5.0 and 5.1 as well.
- Added native Apple Silicon support.
- Added support for Ubuntu 20.04 and later.
- The plugin now supports screen sharing.
- Added new Start Screenshare, Stop Screenshare, and Change Screenshare Parameters methods that allow the local participant to share their screen.
- Added On Screenshare Started and On Screenshare Stopped events which are triggered when a user starts/stops their screen share. You can use the track ID provided by these events to receive your own screen share. This works only in the conference.
- Added On Video Enabled and On Video Disabled events which are triggered when a user enables/disables their local video feed. You can use the track ID provided by these events to get a preview of the video. This works out of the conference as well.
- Simplified video rendering by introducing the Bind Material and Unbind Material functions.
- Added the Get Participants function.
- Added new Mute Participant and Unmute Participant functions that allow the local participant to mute selected remote participants.
- The plugin now supports device management:
- Added the following device management functions:
- Added the following device management events:
- The plugin now allows connecting to a conference as either a regular listener or a Real-time Streaming (RTS) listener. Regular listeners receive one mixed audio stream from a conference and one video stream from each participant who uses a camera. RTS listeners receive only one mixed audio stream and one mixed video stream from a conference. To connect a participant as a listener, call the Connect function and set the Connection Mode parameter to a desired value. Not setting the parameter results in connecting the participant as an active user.
- Improved the Spatial Audio feature by adding a new Spatial Audio Style parameter to the Connect function. The parameter defines how the spatial location is communicated between the SDK and the server. You can either use the individual, shared, or disabled style:
- In the individual style, positions are not shared between participants, so each participant sets the positions of all participants and hears a unique spatial audio scene.
- In the default shared style, one spatial audio scene is shared by all participants who hear audio from their locations. This approach is ideal for shared spaces, such as virtual trade shows or games. The additional benefit of this style is simplified communication between the client and the server and decreased network traffic.
- Added the Set Remote Player Location function for use when the spatial audio style is set to individual.
- Added support for choosing a video forwarding strategy when connecting to a conference and added related events: On Video Track Enabled and On Video Track Disabled.
- Added the Set Log Settings function that allows users to get detailed logs about the plugin’s operation.
- Subsystem’s functions are now available as standalone Blueprint library functions, which makes them available in Blueprints without any reference to the subsystem itself. These functions are asynchronous wherever applicable, which makes it possible to design Blueprints without breaking up the flow using event handlers.
- Added a sample actor that simplifies getting started with using the plugin.
- Added sample material and planes that simplify getting started with video and screen sharing.
- Added a sample menu showcasing a simple user interface implementation, primarily for screen share customization and device management.
- Added the following tutorials that explain how to use some of the plugin's features:
Breaking Changes
- The On Connected event now returns the conference ID. This change is not backward-compatible and will require users of version 1.0 to align their Blueprints.
- The On Video Track Added and On Video Track Removed events now return complete information about the video track instead of just the participant ID. This change is not backward-compatible and will require users of version 1.0 to align their Blueprints.
- The Connect function now takes addi...
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the plugin was registering itself with the wrong name in the data tracking system.
- The Rendering Remote Video tutorial has a new section on how to render multiple videos.
- The plugin now ensures that the On Video Track Added event is never triggered before the On Participant Added event for any given participant.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the plugin was rejected by the macOS because it could not verify the developer.
- Fixed logic in the Bind Material function to unbind the material from other video tracks before binding it to the selected one.
- Added native Apple Silicon support. Note that macOS will reject the plugin because it cannot verify the developer. This issue will be fixed before the official 1.1.0 release. You can work around this issue by launching a project containing the plugin, accepting the pop-ups that appear (editor will not open), then clicking System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> …DolbyIO.dylib was blocked… -> Open Anyway. You should then be able to relaunch the project.
- Added support for Ubuntu 20.04 and later.
- Added the device management tutorial.
- Added the Get Participants function.
- Added the Set Remote Player Location function for use when the spatial audio style is set to individual.
- Added support for choosing a video forwarding strategy when connecting to a conference and added related events: On Video Track Enabled and On Video Track Disabled.
- Added a sample menu showcasing a simple user interface implementation, primarily for screen share customization and device management.
Breaking Changes
- The Start Screenshare function now has different parameters. Previously, the function used Source and Content Type. Now, it uses Source, Encoder Hint, Max Resolution, and Downscale Quality.
- The Change Screenshare Content Type function has been replaced by Change Screenshare Parameters, which has different parameters. Instead of Content Type, it uses Encoder Hint, Max Resolution, and Downscale Quality.
- When video resolution changes, textures are no longer recreated, but only resized.
- The Connect function now takes additional parameters: Max Video Streams and Video Forwarding Strategy.
- The Set Log Settings function no longer uses the Log Directory parameter; logs are now always saved to the default project log directory. We added an additional Dvc Log Level parameter for Dolby Voice Codec (DVC) logs. Additionally, all log levels now default to Info.
- Updated tutorials to use the sample menu.
- Redesigned the Blueprint nodes documentation to make it more readable and complete.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the standalone Connect function ignored the Connection Mode and Spatial Audio Style arguments.
- Fixed an issue where closing the game while screen sharing an Unreal Editor window on Windows was causing a deadlock.
- Fixed an issue where the plugin could not be loaded if it was placed in a path that contained UTF-8 characters.
- Added the following device management functions:
- Added the following device management events:
The Enable Video function now takes a video device as a parameter. Not providing a device means enabling video streaming from the default video device.
- Added a sample actor that simplifies getting started with using the plugin.
- Added the Set Log Settings function that allows users to get detailed logs about the plugin’s operation.
- Added the Game Instance Usage tutorial to explain how to use the plugin when working from within a game instance.
Sample Blueprints are now usable in all supported Unreal Engine versions.