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More on wrapper types
We discover that even lists can be wrapper types
Computation Expressions

In the previous post, we looked at the concept of "wrapper types" and their relation to computation expressions. In this post, we'll investigate what types are suitable for being wrapper types.

What kinds of types can be wrapper types?

If every computation expression must have an associated wrapper type, then what kinds of type can be used as wrapper types? Are there any special constraints or limitations that apply?

There is one general rule, which is:

  • Any type with a generic parameter can be used as a wrapper type

So for example, you can use Option<T>, DbResult<T>, etc., as wrapper types, as we have seen. And you can use wrapper types that restrict the type parameter, such as Vector<int>.

But what about other generic types like List<T> or IEnumerable<T>? Surely they can't be used? Actually, yes, they can be used! We'll see how shortly.

Can non-generic wrapper types work?

Is it possible to use a wrapper type that does not have a generic parameter?

For example, we saw in an earlier example an attempt to do addition on strings, like this: "1" + "2". Can't we be clever and treat string as a wrapper type for int in this case? That would be cool, yes?

Let's try. We can use the signatures of Bind and Return to guide our implementation.

  • Bind takes a tuple. The first part of the tuple is the wrapped type (string in this case), and the second part of the tuple is a function that takes an unwrapped type and converts it to a wrapped type. In this case, that would be int -> string.
  • Return takes an unwrapped type (int in this case) and converts it to a wrapped type. So in this case, the signature of Return would be int -> string.

How does this guide the implementation?

  • The implementation of the "rewrapping" function, int -> string, is easy. It is just "toString" on an int.
  • The bind function has to unwrap a string to an int, and then pass it to the function. We can use int.Parse for that.
  • But what happens if the bind function can't unwrap a string, because it is not a valid number? In this case, the bind function must still return a wrapped type (a string), so we can just return a string such as "error".

Here's the implementation of the builder class:

type StringIntBuilder() =

    member this.Bind(m, f) = 
        let b,i = System.Int32.TryParse(m)
        match b,i with
        | false,_ -> "error"
        | true,i -> f i

    member this.Return(x) = 
        sprintf "%i" x

let stringint = new StringIntBuilder()

Now we can try using it:

let good = 
    stringint {
        let! i = "42"
        let! j = "43"
        return i+j
printfn "good=%s" good

And what happens if one of the strings is invalid?

let bad = 
    stringint {
        let! i = "42"
        let! j = "xxx"
        return i+j
printfn "bad=%s" bad

That looks really good -- we can treat strings as ints inside our workflow!

But hold on, there is a problem.

Let's say we give the workflow an input, unwrap it (with let!) and then immediately rewrap it (with return) without doing anything else. What should happen?

let g1 = "99"
let g2 = stringint {
            let! i = g1
            return i
printfn "g1=%s g2=%s" g1 g2

No problem. The input g1 and the output g2 are the same value, as we would expect.

But what about the error case?

let b1 = "xxx"
let b2 = stringint {
            let! i = b1
            return i
printfn "b1=%s b2=%s" b1 b2

In this case we have got some unexpected behavior. The input b1 and the output b2 are not the same value. We have introduced an inconsistency.

Would this be a problem in practice? I don't know. But I would avoid it and use a different approach, like options, that are consistent in all cases.

Rules for workflows that use wrapper types

Here's a question? What is the difference between these two code fragments, and should they behave differently?

// fragment before refactoring
myworkflow {
    let wrapped = // some wrapped value
    let! unwrapped = wrapped
    return unwrapped 
// refactored fragment 
myworkflow {
    let wrapped = // some wrapped value
    return! wrapped

The answer is no, they should not behave differently. The only difference is that in the second example, the unwrapped value has been refactored away and the wrapped value is returned directly.

But as we just saw in the previous section, you can get inconsistencies if you are not careful. So, any implementation you create should be sure to follow some standard rules, which are:

Rule 1: If you start with an unwrapped value, and then you wrap it (using return), then unwrap it (using bind), you should always get back the original unwrapped value.

This rule and the next are about not losing information as you wrap and unwrap the values. Obviously, a sensible thing to ask, and required for refactoring to work as expected.

In code, this would be expressed as something like this:

myworkflow {
    let originalUnwrapped = something
    // wrap it
    let wrapped = myworkflow { return originalUnwrapped }

    // unwrap it
    let! newUnwrapped = wrapped

    // assert they are the same
    assertEqual newUnwrapped originalUnwrapped 

Rule 2: If you start with a wrapped value, and then you unwrap it (using bind), then wrap it (using return), you should always get back the original wrapped value.

This is the rule that the stringInt workflow broke above. As with rule 1, this should obviously be a requirement.

In code, this would be expressed as something like this:

myworkflow {
    let originalWrapped = something

    let newWrapped = myworkflow { 

        // unwrap it
        let! unwrapped = originalWrapped
        // wrap it
        return unwrapped
    // assert they are the same
    assertEqual newWrapped originalWrapped

Rule 3: If you create a child workflow, it must produce the same result as if you had "inlined" the logic in the main workflow.

This rule is required for composition to behave properly, and again, "extraction" refactoring will only work correctly if this is true.

In general, you will get this for free if you follow some guidelines (which will be explained in a later post).

In code, this would be expressed as something like this:

// inlined
let result1 = myworkflow { 
    let! x = originalWrapped
    let! y = f x  // some function on x
    return! g y   // some function on y

// using a child workflow ("extraction" refactoring)
let result2 = myworkflow { 
    let! y = myworkflow { 
        let! x = originalWrapped
        return! f x // some function on x
    return! g y     // some function on y

// rule
assertEqual result1 result2

Lists as wrapper types

I said earlier that types like List<T> or IEnumerable<T> can be used as wrapper types. But how can this be? There is no one-to-one correspondence between the wrapper type and the unwrapped type!

This is where the "wrapper type" analogy becomes a bit misleading. Instead, let's go back to thinking of bind as a way of connecting the output of one expression with the input of another.

As we have seen, the bind function "unwraps" the type, and applies the continuation function to the unwrapped value. But there is nothing in the definition that says that there has to be only one unwrapped value. There is no reason that we can't apply the continuation function to each item of the list in turn.

In other words, we should be able to write a bind that takes a list and a continuation function, where the continuation function processes one element at a time, like this:

bind( [1;2;3], fun elem -> // expression using a single element )

And with this concept, we should be able to chain some binds together like this:

let add = 
    bind( [1;2;3], fun elem1 -> 
    bind( [10;11;12], fun elem2 -> 
        elem1 + elem2

But we've missed something important. The continuation function passed into bind is required to have a certain signature. It takes an unwrapped type, but it produces a wrapped type.

In other words, the continuation function must always create a new list as its result.

bind( [1;2;3], fun elem -> // expression using a single element, returning a list )

And the chained example would have to be written like this, with the elem1 + elem2 result turned into a list:

let add = 
    bind( [1;2;3], fun elem1 -> 
    bind( [10;11;12], fun elem2 -> 
        [elem1 + elem2] // a list!

So the logic for our bind method now looks like this:

let bind(list,f) =
    // 1) for each element in list, apply f
    // 2) f will return a list (as required by its signature)
    // 3) the result is a list of lists

We have another issue now. Bind itself must produce a wrapped type, which means that the "list of lists" is no good. We need to turn them back into a simple "one-level" list.

But that is easy enough -- there is a list module function that does just that, called concat.

So putting it together, we have this:

let bind(list,f) =
    |> f 
    |> List.concat

let added = 
    bind( [1;2;3], fun elem1 -> 
    bind( [10;11;12], fun elem2 -> 
//       elem1 + elem2    // error. 
        [elem1 + elem2]   // correctly returns a list.

Now that we understand how the bind works on its own, we can create a "list workflow".

  • Bind applies the continuation function to each element of the passed in list, and then flattens the resulting list of lists into a one-level list. List.collect is a library function that does exactly that.
  • Return converts from unwrapped to wrapped. In this case, that just means wrapping a single element in a list.
type ListWorkflowBuilder() =

    member this.Bind(list, f) = 
        list |> List.collect f 
    member this.Return(x) = 

let listWorkflow = new ListWorkflowBuilder()

Here is the workflow in use:

let added = 
    listWorkflow {
        let! i = [1;2;3]
        let! j = [10;11;12]
        return i+j
printfn "added=%A" added

let multiplied = 
    listWorkflow {
        let! i = [1;2;3]
        let! j = [10;11;12]
        return i*j
printfn "multiplied=%A" multiplied 

And the results show that every element in the first collection has been combined with every element in the second collection:

val added : int list = [11; 12; 13; 12; 13; 14; 13; 14; 15]
val multiplied : int list = [10; 11; 12; 20; 22; 24; 30; 33; 36]

That's quite amazing really. We have completely hidden the list enumeration logic, leaving just the workflow itself.

Syntactic sugar for "for"

If we treat lists and sequences as a special case, we can add some nice syntactic sugar to replace let! with something a bit more natural.

What we can do is replace the let! with a expression:

// let version
let! i = [1;2;3] in [some expression]

// version
for i in [1;2;3] do [some expression]

Both variants mean exactly the same thing, they just look different.

To enable the F# compiler to do this, we need to add a For method to our builder class. It generally has exactly the same implementation as the normal Bind method, but is required to accept a sequence type.

type ListWorkflowBuilder() =

    member this.Bind(list, f) = 
        list |> List.collect f 
    member this.Return(x) = 

    member this.For(list, f) = 
        this.Bind(list, f)

let listWorkflow = new ListWorkflowBuilder()

And here is how it is used:

let multiplied = 
    listWorkflow {
        for i in [1;2;3] do
        for j in [10;11;12] do
        return i*j
printfn "multiplied=%A" multiplied 

LINQ and the "list workflow"

Does the for element in collection do look familiar? It is very close to the from element in collection ... syntax used by LINQ. And indeed LINQ uses basically the same technique to convert from a query expression syntax like from element in collection ... to actual method calls behine the scenes.

In F#, as we saw, the bind uses the List.collect function. The equivalent of List.collect in LINQ is the SelectMany extension method. And once you understand how SelectMany works, you can implement the same kinds of queries yourself. Jon Skeet has written a helpful blog post explaining this.

The identity "wrapper type"

So we've seen a number of wrapper types in this post, and have said that every computation expression must have an associated wrapper type.

But what about the logging example in the previous post? There was no wrapper type there. There was a let! that did things behind the scenes, but the input type was the same as the output type. The type was left unchanged.

The short answer to this is that you can treat any type as its own "wrapper". But there is another, deeper way to understand this.

Let's step back and consider what a wrapper type definition like List<T> really means.

If you have a type such as List<T>, it is in fact not a "real" type at all. List<int> is a real type, and List<string> is a real type. But List<T> on its own is incomplete. It is missing the parameter it needs to become a real type.

One way to think about List<T> is that it is a function, not a type. It is a function in the abstract world of types, rather than the concrete world of normal values, but just like any function it maps values to other values, except in this case, the input values are types (say int or string) and the output values are other types (List<int> and List<string>). And like any function it takes a parameter, in this case a "type parameter". Which is why the concept that .NET developers call "generics" is known as "parametric polymorphism" in computer science terminology.

Once we grasp the concept of functions that generate one type from another type (called "type constructors"), we can see that what we really mean by a "wrapper type" is just a type constructor.

But if a "wrapper type" is just a function that maps one type to another type, surely a function that maps a type to the same type fits into this category? And indeed it does. The "identity" function for types fits our definition and can be used as a wrapper type for computation expressions.

Going back to some real code then, we can define the "identity workflow" as the simplest possible implementation of a workflow builder.

type IdentityBuilder() =
    member this.Bind(m, f) = f m
    member this.Return(x) = x
    member this.ReturnFrom(x) = x

let identity = new IdentityBuilder()

let result = identity {
    let! x = 1
    let! y = 2
    return x + y

With this in place, you can see that the logging example discussed earlier is just the identity workflow with some logging added in.


Another long post, and we covered a lot of topics, but I hope that the role of wrapper types is now clearer. We will see how the wrapper types can be used in practice when we come to look at common workflows such as the "writer workflow" and the "state workflow" later in this series.

Here's a summary of the points covered in this post:

  • A major use of computation expressions is to unwrap and rewrap values that are stored in some sort of wrapper type.
  • You can easily compose computation expressions, because the output of a Return can be fed to the input of a Bind.
  • Every computation expression must have an associated wrapper type.
  • Any type with a generic parameter can be used as a wrapper type, even lists.
  • When creating workflows, you should ensure that your implementation conforms to the three sensible rules about wrapping and unwrapping and composition.