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The difference between Data-oriented, Data-driven, The Pure Function Pipeline Data Flow with Principle-based Warehouse/Workshop Model

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Data-driven programming

  • Eric Steven Raymond, The Art of Unix Programming

    Chapter9.Generation: Data-Driven Programming

    Data-driven programming one clearly distinguishes code from the data structures on which it acts, and designs both so that one can make changes to the logic of the program by editing not the code but the data structure.

  • Wikipedia: Data-driven programming

    In computer programming, data-driven programming is a programming paradigm in which the program statements describe the data to be matched and the processing required rather than defining a sequence of steps to be taken.

  • Core features

    • make changes to the logic of the program by editing not the code but the data structure

    • Separation of code and data structure

Data-Oriented design (programming)

  • Wikipedia: Data-oriented design(programming)

    In computing, data-oriented design is a program optimization approach motivated by efficient usage of the CPU cache, used in video game development. The approach is to focus on the data layout, separating and sorting fields according to when they are needed, and to think about transformations of data.

  • Noel, Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP)

    Data-oriented design shifts the perspective of programming from objects to the data itself: The type of the data, how it is laid out in memory, and how it will be read and processed in the game.

    Programming, by definition, is about transforming data: It’s the act of creating a sequence of machine instructions describing how to process the input data and create some specific output data.

  • Richard Fabian, Data-Oriented Design

    1.1 It's all about the data

    In essence, data-oriented design is the practice of designing software by developing transformations for well-formed data where the criteria for well-formed is guided by the target hardware and the patterns and types of transforms that need to operate on it.

  • Clojure's data-oriented programming

    • Use Clojure's core API functions to manipulate data. Most of Clojure's core API functions are used to manipulate data, and other API functions are auxiliary and platform-specific.
    • The development work revolves around Clojure's 4 immutable persistent data structures.
  • dBase's (Foxpro's) data-oriented programming

    • it is the first practical "database-first" programming language. Applications are developed around databases.
    • It has a large number of data set commands. Programming with these commands not only makes the code easy to read and concise, but also has the high performance of C implementation.


  • Data-driven programming

    • make changes to the logic of the program by editing not the code but the data structure
    • clearly distinguishes code from the data structures on which it acts
  • Data-Oriented design (programming)

    • It is a program optimization approach
    • motivation: efficient usage of the CPU cache
    • approach: focus on the data layout, separating and sorting fields according to when they are needed, and to think about transformations of data.
  • The Pure Function Pipeline Data Flow with Principle-based Warehouse/Workshop Model

    • It is a system theory, including a series of complete, simple and unified theories including architecture, programming, principles, quality control, and aesthetics. It is highly unified with the theory of manufacturing, integrated circuits, and computer hardware architecture. The other two methods lack this complete, simple and unified system theory.

    • optimization approach

      • The scheduling function dynamically plans the order of completion of tasks according to the Gantt chart algorithm, and calls the workshop to complete the assigned tasks. This approach is the most efficient, and there is no resource competition and transaction conflict.

      • System continuity: Software is a factory that produces data. By designing an excellent product (data) standard specification, the software is designed into a simple, efficient, reliable, and smooth data manufacturing production line. It pays attention to the continuity of the data flow of the entire system, The entire runtime system is a continual flow of the river system, or a running integrated circuit system, in the system, the data flow (water flow, current) continues to flow smoothly. It is essentially a continuous running tree Gantt chart.

      • Warehouse/workshop model is conducive to global optimization

      • Data-Oriented design (programming): focus on the data layout, separating and sorting fields according to when they are needed, and to think about transformations of data.

      • Data-driven programming: There is no such content.

    • It can be compatible with and absorb Data-Oriented design (programming) and Data-driven programming as a technical means.

    • Relation with functional programming

      • I advocate simplicity. The current FP theory is too complicated, so I only used the simplest, most basic, and core part: pure functions, first-class function.
      • Replace "type theory" with "manufacturing standard specification system", using the manufacturing method of manufacturing standardized products. I think this should be the development direction of Clojure's spec, but I think the spec is too ugly now, and the readability is very poor.
    • Relationship with relational databases

      • Use hash-map to implement relational data model
      • Use Clojure core API functions to implement relational data manipulation.
      • Parallel (transaction) method: replace "MVCC (STM) or lock mechanism" with a dynamic plan based on Gantt chart algorithm, avoid resource competition and transaction (version) conflict, and combine manufacturing best practices and management science to create This method.
      • My "Pure function pipeline data flow and principle-based warehouse/workshop model" originated from dBase 3 (Foxpro).
      • See also
    • Relationship with Clojure

      • In terms of task scheduling, its goal is similar to Clojure's early concept STM, but unfortunately, STM does not seem to be popular in the clojure community now.
      • It is the same as lisp, pursuing simplicity and unity, but unfortunately, it seems that in the lisp community this is just a publicity slogan for macros and S expressions.
      • It is derived from Clojure's data-oriented programming ideas and pipeline functions (->>, ->), but unfortunately, some people in the Clojure community really don't like to use the two together in a systematic way. When it published related topics in the Clojure community, It is often complained of off-topic, so that it was hidden and deleted.
      • After Foxpro stopped developing, I kept looking for alternatives until I found a database in high-level languages ---- Clojure, a FP (Lisp) language based on the relational database model. Clojure is particularly convenient to manipulate data sets. It is simply a super Foxpro, which can be regarded as a DB with S expressions as a query language.
      • See also