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QPhotTest.test_qphot_run() failing on 32-bit IRAF #57

TGroner opened this issue May 16, 2015 · 30 comments

QPhotTest.test_qphot_run() failing on 32-bit IRAF #57

TGroner opened this issue May 16, 2015 · 30 comments


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TGroner commented May 16, 2015

When trying to verify my recent installation of Lemon it will go nearly to the end but then it fails with a mismatch on the flux value. The output looks like this:

test_get_coords_file (test_qphot.QPhotTest) ... ok
test_qphot_run (test_qphot.QPhotTest) ... FAIL

FAIL: test_qphot_run (test_qphot.QPhotTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ted/lemon/test/", line 170, in test_qphot_run
    self.assertEqual(phot, expected_phot)
AssertionError: QPhotResult(x=878.62, y=171.496, mag=17.623, sum=6266626.0, flux=3750371.0, stdev=484.9941) != QPhotResult(x=878.62, y=171.496, mag=17.623, sum=6266626, flux=3749740, stdev=484.9941)

Ran 125 tests in 195.710s

FAILED (failures=1)

Any pointers or ideas on why the test fails in this fashion?


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It seems to be related to the fact that the test expects 6266626 which is an integer and qphot returns 6266626.0 which is a float. Should be checked but I don't think that impacts the usage at all.

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TGroner commented May 17, 2015

I did notice that, but the results on flux were much different, 3750371.0 != 3749740. Perhaps the two are related?

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Sorry... My bad. What version of pyraf do you have?

python -c 'import pyraf; print pyraf.version'

Did you tried the tests on the latest version from the github repository?

On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 2:12 AM TGroner [email protected] wrote:

I did notice that, but the results on flux were much different, 3750371.0
!= 3749740. Perhaps the two are related?

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#57 (comment).

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TGroner commented May 17, 2015

We have pyraf 2.1.8. I did fetch the latest version of that particular test from github, it produced the exact same output. Thanks for your replies!

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vterron commented May 19, 2015

This is a strange error indeed. I'm out of office this week, but we will fix this as soon as I'm back next Monday. Thanks for the helping hand, William!

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vterron commented May 19, 2015

First thing that comes to mind: what IRAF version do you have installed?

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TGroner commented May 19, 2015

We are using
IRAFNET PC-IRAF Revision 2.13-BETA2 Wed Apr 19 21:21:13 MST 2006


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vterron commented May 19, 2015

Any chance you could try upgrading to v2.16?

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TGroner commented May 20, 2015

I am referring that question to our Iraf maintainer, I will let you know.

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TGroner commented May 21, 2015

Most interesting, it still fails like so with iraf V2.16:

FAIL: test_qphot_run (test_qphot.QPhotTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ted/lemon/test/", line 170, in test_qphot_run
    self.assertEqual(phot, expected_phot)
AssertionError: QPhotResult(x=736.138, y=64.345, mag=17.777, sum=6035459.0, flux=3254873.0, stdev=572.4526) != QPhotResult(x=736.138, y=64.345, mag=17.777, sum=6035459, flux=3254578, stdev=572.4526)

Very interesting how different the flux values are in my two posts!

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Can you send the output of this command on your computer?
uname -a

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:13 PM TGroner [email protected] wrote:

Most interesting, it still fails like so with iraf V2.16:
FAIL: test_qphot_run (test_qphot.QPhotTest)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ted/lemon/test/", line 170, in test_qphot_run
self.assertEqual(phot, expected_phot)

AssertionError: QPhotResult(x=736.138, y=64.345, mag=17.777,
sum=6035459.0, flux=3254873.0, stdev=572.4526) != QPhotResult(x=736.138,
y=64.345, mag=17.777, sum=6035459, flux=3254578, stdev=572.4526)

Very interesting how different the flux values are in my two posts!

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#57 (comment).

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TGroner commented May 21, 2015

Sure, here you go:
bash-4.2# uname -a
Linux tero 3.10.17-smp #2 SMP Wed Oct 23 17:13:14 CDT 2013 i686 AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

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vterron commented May 23, 2015

Did you run python ./, as the installation instructions ask to near the end? In other words: does the file /home/ted/lemon/ exist in your machine?

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TGroner commented May 23, 2015

I did run that ./, however it returned this error:

ted@tero:~/lemon> python ./
Setting up IRAF's in /home/ted/lemon ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 119, in <module>
  File "./", line 80, in mkiraf
    raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, args)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['mkiraf']' returned non-zero exit status 1

At that point I commented out the call to mkiraf and manually did ln -s to my existing uparm and files. Iraf will start from my lemon directory, and it seems to see my uparm files.

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vterron commented May 23, 2015

That explains the difference: if the IRAF configuration file is not the exact same, I assume that even the slightest difference in a single parameter could result in qphot producing different values. I do not understand why mkiraf is failing: does the error message say something else?

If you replace the symbolic link with this file, does the test pass?

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TGroner commented May 23, 2015

With that iraf will not even start, with lots of errors. I did get mkiraf working however, and ran again. This gave a working, but the original qphot test failed in the same fashion.

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vterron commented May 23, 2015

We probably also need to remove the symbolic link to your uparm directory. Let's try this:

cd ~/lemon
rm uparm/ -rf
rm pyraf/ -rf
rm -f

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TGroner commented May 23, 2015

Did that, same results:

FAIL: test_qphot_run (test_qphot.QPhotTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ted/lemon/test/", line 170, in test_qphot_run
    self.assertEqual(phot, expected_phot)
AssertionError: QPhotResult(x=736.138, y=64.345, mag=17.777, sum=6035459.0, flux=3254873.0, stdev=572.4526) != QPhotResult(x=736.138, y=64.345, mag=17.777, sum=6035459, flux=3254578, stdev=572.4526)

Ran 125 tests in 170.586s

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Could it be due to the fact that the OS is 32bits?

On Sat, May 23, 2015 at 11:20 PM TGroner [email protected] wrote:

Did that, same results:
FAIL: test_qphot_run (test_qphot.QPhotTest)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ted/lemon/test/", line 170, in test_qphot_run
self.assertEqual(phot, expected_phot)

AssertionError: QPhotResult(x=736.138, y=64.345, mag=17.777,
sum=6035459.0, flux=3254873.0, stdev=572.4526) != QPhotResult(x=736.138,
y=64.345, mag=17.777, sum=6035459, flux=3254578, stdev=572.4526)

Ran 125 tests in 170.586s

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#57 (comment).

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vterron commented May 25, 2015

It could be, but in principle I would say that's unlikely to be the case: we have successfully run the unit tests on a couple of 32-bit machines in the past. I still suspect the reason most probably lies with PyRAF seeing a different IRAF version or maybe a .par file with saved parameters for the qphot task.

Ted, could you please tell me what the output of the following commands is?

cd ~/lemon
git status
python -c "print '-' * 50"
pyraf 2>/dev/null | grep -i "Revision"

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TGroner commented May 25, 2015

# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#       modified:
#       modified:   test/
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#       .last-github-commit-cache.json
#       =0.12.0
#       =0.5.1
#       =0.9.7
#       =0.9.9
#       =1.0.1
#       =1.2.1
#       =2.0.1
#       =2.1.1
#       =2.4.1
#       =3.2.6
#       ouparm
#       test/
#       test/test_data/fits/
#       testoid
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

NOAO/IRAF PC-IRAF Revision 2.16 EXPORT Thu May 24 15:41:17 MST 2012

I produced the last line manually, yours was invalid for tcsh.

It is not clear why this post blows up fonts either!

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vterron commented May 26, 2015

There is a more recent version available: IRAF 2.16.1 — would it be possible that you upgrade to it?

It is not clear why this post blows up fonts either!

The weird formatting was caused because Markdown interpreted the # characters as section headings. I have fixed it by indenting the text with four spaces, so that it gets rendered as a block of code. You may want to take a quick look at this guide if you encounter similar problems in the future.

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TGroner commented May 26, 2015

I installed Iraf 2.16.1 this morning. Current results-

FAIL: test_qphot_run (test_qphot.QPhotTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dilbert/lemon/test/", line 170, in test_qphot_run
    self.assertEqual(phot, expected_phot)
AssertionError: QPhotResult(x=878.62, y=171.496, mag=17.623, sum=6266626.0, flux=3750371.0, stdev=484.9941) != QPhotResult(x=878.62, y=171.496, mag=17.623, sum=6266626, flux=3749740, stdev=484.9941)

Ran 125 tests in 195.770s

Also this was from a fresh account, created today, that had zero files in the home directory.

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vterron commented May 27, 2015

At this point it really looks like a bug in IRAF — somehow, for an arcane reason, the value of the flux is different, but the magnitude, total number of counts and even the standard deviation are the same. It feels like if only that number were being affected by... who knows. What I wonder now is whether this is the value computed by your IRAF installation or, instead, it could be PyRAF's fault.

In order to find this out, could you please run this CL script and paste the output here?

git clone issue-57
cd issue-57/

Then, fire up IRAF and do:

vocl> cl <

This will allow us to see the exact output produced by IRAF, without any involvement of PyRAF.

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TGroner commented May 27, 2015

Did you try that script? It has multiple problems. In order:
1: You need to be in the directory with the data file.
2: The case of the filename matters.
3: You need to specify a fits extension.
4: When I cleared all of those up I get ERROR: No write permission on file (String_File), which I have not figured out yet....

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vterron commented May 28, 2015

Yes, I tried the script before uploading it!

vterron@feynman:~$ git clone issue-57
Cloning into 'issue-57'...
remote: Counting objects: 12, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 12 (delta 2), reused 10 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (12/12), done.
vterron@feynman:~$ cd issue-57/
vterron@feynman:~/issue-57$ cl
Warning: no found in login directory
      dataio      language    obsolete    softools    vo          
      dbms        lists       plot        system      
      images      noao        proto       utilities   

vocl> cl <
Temporary .mag file: /tmp/qphot_9262d
878.620  171.496  17.623  6266626.  3749740.  484.9941
vocl> logout

Just to make double sure I have tested it on three different Linux machines running IRAF 2.16.1. The code worked in every case and produced the same results. May I see your output when you follow these steps?

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TGroner commented May 28, 2015

Ok, somehow I must have messed that up. It does work and produces this:

vocl>  cl <
Temporary .mag file: /tmp/qphot_4236d
878.620  171.496  17.623  6266626.  3750371.  484.9941

@vterron vterron added the bug label Jun 1, 2015
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vterron commented Jun 1, 2015

William was right: this has everything to do with you running a 32-bit version of IRAF.

I have configured LEMON on a couple of 32-bit machines (including a virtual one) this weekend and I can reproduce your error. The reason why we had not yet noticed this is that, although we had used the pipeline on 32-bit machines in the past, it was before these unit tests —that examine the exact output of qphot— were written.

This is a very strange and confusing behavior of IRAF. A coworker has mentioned that the difference in the qphot results could be explained by the limitations of floating-point arithmetic, but I find the values to be too different to be explained only by that. Even worse: if that were the sole reason, I would also expect the other values to be different. I cannot understand how flux (total number of counts in the aperture excluding sky) can be different while the sum (total number of counts including sky) remains equal.

I have submitted this to the IRAF developers as a possible bug. In the meantime (because, even if this is indeed a bug and gets fixed, it may easily take years until a new version is released), the solution is to modify the unit tests so that they take into account that some values, mostly the flux, may be different in 32-bit architectures.

Fret not: the magnitude is apparently always the same, so this difference between 32 and 64-bit IRAF versions should only affect (almost negligibly) the signal-to-noise estimation of the differential photometry measurements. That being said — this is but another reason to abandon IRAF and switch to Astropy's photutils, as William suggested in #59. That's what we intend to do as soon as possible, and expect to have completed in a few months at most.

@vterron vterron changed the title odd failure on QPhotTest.test_qphot_run() failing on 32-bit IRAF Jun 1, 2015
vterron pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jun 1, 2015
As reported by Ted Groner in #57, qphot sometimes returns different
values for some parameters (mostly 'flux') depending on the IRAF
version (32 vs 64-bit). This may be explained by the limitations of
floating-point arithmetic, but if that were the sole reason we would
also expect other parameters (for example, 'sum') to be different.

I have submitted this to the IRAF developers as a possible bug. In the
meantime (because, even if this is indeed a bug and gets fixed, it may
easily take years until a new version is released), the solution is to
modify the unit tests so that they take into account that some values,
mostly the flux, may be different on 32-bit architectures.

Thanks to William Schoenell for the help figuring this out.

This merges branch 'issue-57'
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vterron commented Jun 1, 2015

Fixed in 8772356.

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TGroner commented Jun 2, 2015

Thanks for sticking with this to the end. Perhaps it is time to peek at the iraf source and see if the problem can be found. I'd have to guess it is some problem in the calculation of the sky value, which is odd indeed!

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