0.1.1 (2022-04-20)
0.1.0 (2022-04-06)
- synchronously modify known bugs of varlet (84ad1ec)
0.0.3 (2022-03-25)
- cli/jest: reset transformIgnorePatterns (ab6a957)
- site: fix app-bar css (7b42c3b)
- ui/counter: fix the bug that the long-press event of the counter component does not take effect (cc35d33)
- ui/index-bar: change scrollable target to fix cant scroll in Android web (35e3686)
- ui/input: delete extra space & add lost param in handleInput (#37) (9a0239d), closes #35 #36
- ui/pagination: fix the bug that pagination component cannot change the size (b05f028)
- ui/chip: update snap (6f53d7f)
- ui/date-picker: suport touchable (f619e58)
- ui/form: add added documentation and unit test files (1399b14)
- ui/icon: update snap (b62f7f9)
- ui/image-preview: add extra slot (#19) (31fc76d)
- ui/ripple: determine whether to prevent ripple's fast touchmove by supporting touch events (719637c)
0.0.2 (2022-03-10)
- fix divider component lag problem (1f88df0)
- ui/date-picker: add date-picker tests (42dad59)
0.0.1 (2022-03-09)
- add workflow and add cssTarget for vite (95f70c9)
- cli/site: mobile site add touch-emulator (84e80ed)
- cli: fix title (05365b5)
- cli: remove lib dir before compile (b2017db)
- delete the incorrectly uploaded compressed file (0ad3b98)
- fix formatting errors and documentation errors for some components (0eb95c5)
- markdown-vite-plugin: replace require keyword (005cea5)
- modify mobile title (b23e610)
- modify some component documentation issues (da0d468)
- site: optimize code color (3b78294)
- slider: fix thumb-ripple not hidden (462fb80)
- snackbar: fix transition of close and modify docs (2df6e50)
- ui/divider: fix divider check text error (c02c852)
- ui/image-preview: fixed the error that target value is null when triggering isTapTouch (3a4e9de)
- ui/image: fix event (01a323c)
- ui/lazy: fix lazy updated error (609c3f8)
- ui/lazy: page title is not shown (c443669)
- ui/menu: fix menu component syntax errors (f8decf0)
- ui/row: add gutter/cols length watcher (96b0a7e)
- ui/row: watch the cols children directly (9710053)
- ui/select: watch the cols children select (3847063)
- ui/step: watch the cols children directly (198e7fd)
- ui/validation: fix method name (ac21c1d)
- add component cell (bc23cfd)
- add component cell (65fbd27)
- add component skeletom (ef27150)
- add component skeleton (2b89d31)
- cli/site: build documentation (3adcb25)
- site: add nprogress (66b5cf1)
- snackbar (5645410)
- ui/action-sheet: add component action-sheet (5fd0b4d)
- ui/app-bar: add component app-bar (835463b)
- ui/app-bar: added missing component functionality (ae8d877)
- ui/back-top: add component back-top (1d59853)
- ui/badge: add component badge (751bc3c)
- ui/button: complete button component (750e7e5)
- ui/card: add component card (2085879)
- ui/checkbox: add component checkbox (5873956)
- ui/collapse: add component collapse (e1be425)
- ui/countdown: add component countdown (3be3d4c)
- ui/countdown: add component countdown (a4f442a)
- ui/counter: add component counter (20a55df)
- ui/date-picker: add component date-picker (0c8661c)
- ui/dialog: add component dialog (7bb1e52)
- ui/form-details: add component form-details (e67b06b)
- ui/form: add component form and refactor tests (4d496a0)
- ui/icon: add component icon (3789f36)
- ui/image-preview: add component image-preview (6de1bda)
- ui/image: add component image (#3) (1144550)
- ui/index-bar: add component index-bar (b6e03b9)
- ui/input: add component input (8a617c5)
- ui/layout: add component layout (#8) (daa69aa)
- ui/lazy: add component lazy (#2) (707ad77)
- ui/list: add component list (#10) (c924549)
- ui/loading: add component loading (435a7be)
- ui/menu: add component menu (34bd1f7)
- ui/pagination: add component pagination (f57c42b)
- ui/picker: add component picker (c3179b6)
- ui/popup: add component popup (4b14584)
- ui/progress: add component progress (85ed28b)
- ui/pull-refresh: add component pull-refresh (99c6431)
- ui/rate: add component rate (#6) (d5b4199)
- ui/ripple: add component ripple (809f8e7)
- ui/select: add component select (9980a86)
- ui/slider: add component slider (d6cf9eb)
- ui/space: add component space (e9b4e0c)
- ui/steps: add component steps (88b440c)
- ui/sticky: add component sticky (#5) (8bdd3ae)
- ui/style-provider: add component style-provider (db1453b)
- ui/styles: add component styles (065af77)
- ui/swipe: add component swipe (5218f9c)
- ui/switch: add component switch (20a9c45)
- ui/tab: add component tab (5fb56ca)
- ui/table: add component table (7c1cd60)
- ui/teleport: add internal component teleport (659e24e)
- ui/time-picker: add component time-picker (#7) (e8f2676)
- ui/uploader: add component uploader (7de9c8f)
- ui: add component radio radio-group form (5695b9c)