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Angelo Paparazzi edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Upgrading to [email protected]

Note: If migrating from a version less than 4.0, also see the v4 migration guide wiki.

Breaking changes

Authentication mechanism redesigned - READ THIS

The SDK service constructors now accept Authenticator objects that are used to authenticate requests. The constructors no longer accept individual credentials like username and password. Rather, an Authenticator must be instantiated and passed to the constructor.

An Authenticator can either be initialized programmatically or read from the environment using the method getAuthenticatorFromEnvironment.

More details to come.

All parameter names changed to lower camel case - READ THIS

To maintain a consistent style for the SDK, parameter names will now be formatted with the case convention "lowerCamelCase". For example, the parameter workspace_id is now workspaceId. This applies to all top-level parameters passed in to any method or constructor. This does not apply to sub-properties of models, which will still use "lower_snake_case".

Detailed response is always returned

The "detailed response" (the full response, including headers and status code) is now always returned. Before we would preferentially return the body. The body is available under the key result. The key data is no longer used. This applies to both Promises and Callbacks.


The detailed response is always returned. The return_response parameter is removed.

const response = await listWorkspaces();
console.log(response.result); // prints the body
console.log(response.headers); // prints the headers


The detailed response is sent in the second argument position, after the error. There is no third argument position.

listWorkspaces((err, res) => {
  console.log(res.result); // prints the body
  console.log(res.headers); // prints the headers

Support for Node v6 and v8 dropped

The SDK no longer supports Node versions 6 and 8, as reflected in the engines property in the package.json file. Version 6 reached end of life in April 2019 and Version 8 reaches end of life on 31 December 2019.

WebSocket methods

  • All parameters are now lower camel case
  • Support for the token parameter has been removed
  • Support for the customization_id parameter has been removed
  • Method setAuthorizationHeaderToken has been removed from the WebSocket Stream classes. It now exists as a shared function called setAuthorizationHeader in lib/websocket-utils.ts.


  • RecognizeStream.readableObjectMode will always be a Boolean value - before, it could have been undefined. This is to align with the new convention in Node 12.

URL parameter name changed

The variable name for the stored, URL parameter has been changed from url to serviceUrl. Note that url can still be compatibility passed into the constructor as an alias for serviceUrl. However, if you try to access the url property directly in your code, this is a breaking change.

Reading Credentials File

The order of priority has changed to give a file in the current working directory higher priority than one in the home directory. This will only impact your code if you have different files in each location.

Breaking changes by service

Assistant v1

  • Parameter include_count removed from method listEntities
  • Parameter include_count removed from method listValues
  • Parameter include_count removed from method listSynonyms
  • Parameter include_count removed from method listDialogNodes
  • Parameter include_count removed from method listWorkspaces
  • Parameter include_count removed from method listIntents
  • Parameter include_count removed from method listExamples
  • Parameter include_count removed from method listCounterexamples
  • Parameter value_type renamed to type in method createValue
  • Parameter new_value_type renamed to newType in method updateValue
  • Parameter node_type renamed to type in method createDialogNode
  • Parameter new_node_type renamed to newTypein method updateDialogNode
  • Interface DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric renamed to RuntimeResponseGeneric
  • Interface DialogSuggestions removed
  • Additional properties no longer supported for interface LogMessage
  • Additional properties no longer supported for interface RuntimeEntity
  • Additional properties no longer supported for interface RuntimeIntent
  • Property value_type renamed to type in interface Value
  • Property value_type renamed to type in interface CreateValue
  • Property node_type renamed to type in interface DialogNode
  • Property action_type renamed to type in interface DialogNodeAction
  • Property output changed type from JsonObject to DialogSuggestionOutput in interface DialogSuggestion

Assistant v2

  • Property action_type renamed to type in interface DialogNodeAction
  • Interface DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric renamed to RuntimeResponseGeneric

Compare Comply

  • Parameter filename removed from method convertToHtml


  • Parameter collectionIds removed from method query
  • Parameter return_fields renamed to _return in method query
  • Parameter logging_opt_out renamed to xWatsonLoggingOptOut in method query
  • Parameter return_fields renamed to _return in method federatedQuery
  • Parameter logging_opt_out renamed to xWatsonLoggingOptOut in method federatedQuery
  • Parameter return_fields renamed to _return in method queryNotices
  • Parameter return_fields renamed to _return in method federatedQueryNotices
  • Property field_name renamed to field in interface Field
  • Property field_type renamed to type in interface Field
  • Property enrichment_name renamed to enrichment in interface Enrichment
  • Method queryEntities() removed
  • Method queryRelations() removed
  • Method testConfigurationInEnvironment() removed

Language Translator

  • Parameter default_models renamed to _default in method listModels
  • Property translation_output renamed to translation in interface Translation

Natural Language Classifier

  • Parameter metadata renamed to trainingMetadata in method createClassifier
Speech to Text
  • Property final_results renamed to final in interface SpeakerLabelsResult
  • Property final_results renamed to final in interface SpeechRecognitionResult

Text to Speech

  • The following voices are removed:

Visual Recognition

  • Property class_name renamed to _class in interface ClassResult
  • Method detectFaces() removed
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