Spread is a missing link in the unix toolchain to do simple distributed data mining. Spread partitions data according to key across a fleet. Spread shines when used in conjunction with fleet management/coordination/persistence tools like:
- Chef
- gnu parallel, xargs -P, or dsh
- s3cmd
You'll need CMake and Boost to build spread:
sudo apt-get install -y cmake libboost-all-dev
Then you can fetch and install spread:
git clone [email protected]:wavii/spread.git
cd spread
cmake . && make && sudo make install
Given a hostfile on each machine with the format host1\nhost2\nhost3\n...
, here is a distributed wordcount using spread:
tr ' ' '\n' < input | spread -f hosts | sort | uniq -c > output
Spread can also be used as a library for writing your own map programs in C++:
void map(tcp::endpoint& local_endpoint, vector<tcp::endpoint>& remote_endpoints)
asio::io_service io;
spreader<> s(io, local_endpoint, remote_endpoints, cout);
string line;
while (getline(cin, line))
s << line.substr(line.find("USER: ")); // map the user in a log line
Spread works well with cloud concepts. Here's an example of a bash script you could run on each host to operate on S3 data in parallel:
# grab fleet index and size, perhaps this was provided on each machine by Chef
fleetsize=$(wc -l .fleet-hosts | awk '{print $1}')
fleetsize=$(echo "obase=16; $fleetsize" | bc)
id=$(cat .fleet-id)
for uri in `s3cmd ls s3://data-warehouse/ | awk '{print $4}'`; do
md5id=$(echo $uri | md5sum | awk '{print toupper($1)}')
remainder=$(echo "ibase=16; $md5id % $fleetsize" | bc)
if [ $remainder -eq $id ]; then
s3cmd get --no-progress --force $uri /mnt/input/
# now spread the input we've collected on each machine
cat /mnt/input/* | tr ' ' '\n' | spread -f hosts | sort | uniq -c > output
Spread via the MIT License. Have fun!