In development, you can turn on tracing of the
decision graph for a resource by implementing the #trace?
so that it returns true:
class MyTracedResource < Webmachine::Resource
def trace?
# The rest of your callbacks...
Then enable the visual debugger resource by adding a route to your configuration:
Webmachine.application.routes do
# This can be any path as long as it ends with :*
add ['trace', :*], Webmachine::Trace::TraceResource
# The rest of your routes...
Now when you visit your traced resource, a trace of the request
process will be recorded in memory. Open your browser to /trace
list the recorded traces and inspect the result. The response from your
traced resource will also include the X-Webmachine-Trace-Id
that you
can use to lookup the trace. It might look something like this:
Refer to examples/debugger.rb for an example of how to enable the debugger.