program → declaration
* EOF ;
declaration → variableDecl
| statement
variableDecl → "var"
IDENTIFIER ("=" expression)? "**;**"
statement → exprStmt
| printStmt
| block
| ifStmt
exprStmt → expression
";" ;
printStmt → print expression
";" ;
block → "{" (declaration)* "}"
ifStmt → "if" "(" expression ")" statement ("else" statement)?
whileStmt → "while" "(" expression ")" statement
forStmt → "for"
"(" (varDecl | exprStmt)
";" expression
? ";" expression
? ";" ")" ;
A comma expression evaluates to the final expression
comma expr → expression , (expression)* | "(" expression ")"
expression → comma_expression | ternary | literal | unary | binary | grouping
expression → ternary
ternary → assignment
| assignment
? assignment
: assignment
assignment → logic_or
| IDENTIFIER "=" ternary
logic_or → logic_and
( "or" logic_and
)* ;
logic_and → equality
("and" equality
)* ;
equality → comparsion ("==" | "!=" comparison)*
comparison → term ("<="|"<"|">"|">=" term)*
term → factor ("+"|"-" factor)*
factor → unary (( "%" | "/" | "*" ) unary )*
unary → ("-" | "!") unary | primary
primary → literal | IDENTIFIER | "(" expression ")"
literal → NUMBER | STRING | "true" | "false" | "nil"
grouping → "(" expression ")"
unary → ( "-" | "!" ) expression
binary → expression operator expression
operator → "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%"**;**